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General Questions
(Editor's Note: Duplicate questions were combined to avoid repetition.)


Do you like to write?

Yes, I do.

Do you write by hand or computer?

By computer. I literally just type whatever pops into my head.

Do you watch old tapes for inspiration?

No. I’ve only recently acquired 2 old tapes, and I’ve only watched each one once.

Do you write chapters as they come to you or sketch it all out in outline form and then fill in the blanks?

I write as it comes to me. I rarely have a plan, and I never have an outline. I don’t think I’d enjoy writing, if I had to stick to a plan. I never know what’s going to happen, until the words appear on my screen.

Is any of your stories harder to write than any other?

The only story I had difficulties writing was the last half of “The Project.” I ran into trouble when I tried to extend the story, beyond my original idea. I actually did have an ending in mind when I began that story, which is unusual for me, and then I deviated from my idea, which made me feel like I had lost the story. It’s the only series I’ve done where an entire month passed between updates. I try never to let that happen, because I know that, as a fan fiction reader, I appreciate regular updates to stories I’m reading, so I try not to let too much time pass without posting a new chapter. I felt bad that I had let that much time pass, so I eventually decided just to end the series, rather than risk the updates getting further and further apart.

When you write, does your finished product tend to vary much from your original theme? Or do you stick to the vision you had for your story from the beginning?

As I said above, The Project is the only story for which I had a clear ending in mind when I began writing it, and I didn’t stick to it, which caused problems. Otherwise, I just write it however it comes out on my screen.

By the way, in case anyone is curious, the original ending for The Project was to have Todd jump out of the boat onto the dock and declare something along the lines of “Congratulations, I’m back in your life.” The End.

Do you write any stories besides TnT ones?

Nope. I don’t read any other fan fiction, either.

How do you write difficult dialogue? For example how do you write dialogue that you've never heard TNT say to each other, since some of the situations you put them in are situations they've never been in before?

Dialogue is never difficult for me. Todd and Tea’s words just flow so easily. I don’t have any trouble writing dialogue for new situations, because I think I have a fairly good understanding of who the characters are, how they speak, their speech patterns, the types of words they use, that sort of thing. It’s especially easy for me to write dialogue for Todd, since he gets away with so much on the show. There are very few boundaries for his words. He’ll say anything. ;)

How hard has it been to come up with fictional places and circumstances for them?

Plot is my weakness! LOL! Dialogue is easy, but I try to keep everything else simple. Usually, my stories focus on just Todd and Tea, with places and circumstances being quite secondary. I’ve never gone into great detail in my descriptions of locations or situations, because, frankly, I’m not interested. I’m interested in Todd and Tea…everything else is just background stuff.

How hard is it for you to pull Todd and Tea out of "OL" circumstances and put them into RL circumstances?

It’s easy. Breaking free from the confines and constraints of the show is fun. Network TV is so sanitized, IMO, and I enjoy a more adult version of TnT. Anyone who reads my work knows the kind of language I use. I believe a man like Todd would have quite a potty mouth and would swear all the time, so in my stories, I let him. I let Tea talk nasty, too. J

Of all your fanfics, which is the one you're most proud of? 

Hmm…I guess I’ll pick Resistance is Futile, simply because it was my first foray into writing fan fiction, and I still can’t believe I ever posted it on At the Bayberry. I was very nervous about sharing what I had written, but everyone was so incredibly supportive and kind, I figured it was as safe a place as I would ever find. I originally called it Piece of Crap, which was my way of warning readers to have very low expectations. Thank goodness Tex came up with a better title! J

Do you have a chapter or passage out of any of the chapters that's your personal favorite?

When I read this question, a certain scene immediately popped into my head, so I guess the answer is yes. I’m especially fond of the chapter in On the Same Path, where Tea cooked homemade soup for Todd, and the two of them (and the dog) shared a quiet dinner together. I have this thing about someone nurturing Todd, and that’s what Tea did in that chapter. I know there are people who criticized Tea’s nurturing ways with Todd on the show, but I loved that about her. If ever there was someone who needed some TLC, it’s Todd Manning, and Tea Delgado did that for him. She’s the only one who ever bothered, and I came to respect that about her character and tried to show that in OTSP.

Or do you have a favorite story of the ones you've written?

On the Same Path is my favorite that I’ve written, because I think I got it right. By that, I mean I tried to have the story honor Todd and Tea. I wanted to acknowledge their past and their problems, then I wanted to have them take responsibility, grow up and move on to a good life together. That’s what I wanted from the show, and since the show’s writers refused to give me that, I did it myself. I normally write with readers in mind, thinking of what people might enjoy reading, but with OTSP, I wrote more selfishly. I wrote what I wanted for Todd and Tea. It’s probably way too “sweet” a story for many TnTers, but I’m not a fan of endless angst and pain. For me, there has to be some happiness along the way, and I want Todd and Tea to end up in a good place together. I don’t agree with the argument that Todd is doomed to be unhappy forever, nor do I feel that Tea is as messed up as many believe, but I tried to address those ideas and get TnT to a place where they solved some of their problems and found a little happiness.

Are you a severe critic of your own work?

Extremely so. I re-read a couple short stories a while ago, and I just cringed. I can’t believe some of the stuff I’ve written. I wonder…what was I thinking? Oy.

Are you still watching OLTL?

Heck no. I gave up in October 2000, after 24 years of viewing. I returned for Hell No week, but I deprogrammed my VCR right after that. Wake me up when Todd gets his brain…and other organs…back. ;)

With TnT not currently onscreen how does that affect your writing?

Well, if TnT were on my screen, I wouldn’t be writing. I don’t think I’ve ever written while TnT were onscreen. When I can see Todd and Tea together, I don’t get the urge to write for them.

Do you write any other stories besides TnT ones?


Is there any part of any story that you're not particularly pleased with?

I have yet to write a decent sex scene. LOL! That stuff is so difficult to write. I truly do turn my family photos around that sit on my computer desk, so they face the wall when I write sex stuff. I live in fear that my sister will one day find my stories on the Internet, now that she is learning to use it. I will be embarrassed beyond belief, if that day ever happens!

Are you a perfectionist who does a lot of rewrites or do you work solely from inspiration?

Perfectionist? Moi? No. I’ve never done a rewrite. I usually type whatever pops into my head, proof it once and post it. If I start reviewing what I’ve just written, I’ll never post it. I don’t ever want to get to the point where I’m obsessing over what I’ve written. If that happens, it’s time to quit.

Resistance Is Futile Questions

There is the most amazing eye opening moment in this story right at the end of the first chapter when Tea looks at her companion and says, "I love you too, Michael." I remember on the old ATB about 20 posts asking "Who the hell is Michael?" I started smiling right then and I always do through all of your stories because they are full of surprises and written with such a wonderful sense of humor. Do lines, like "Tea, You're engaged to Dr. Seuss," come naturally to you? Or do you have to work at them?

Okay, this is probably going to frighten some people, but the humorous stuff comes naturally to me. How do I say this?…I find it easy to write humorous dialogue for Todd, because our senses of humor are similar. That seems weird to say, since Todd is a fictional character (and one with a violent past to boot,) but it’s easy for me to let the smartass part of my personality come out via Todd’s dialogue. I think if I had to work at funny lines, they wouldn’t be funny. My writing is very spontaneous, and if something funny comes to mind, it goes into the story. I love it when somebody comments about something she thought was funny, especially if I had been hoping someone would get the joke or see the humor in the words or situation. I tend to see humor in everything, and it’s fun to put some of it in TnT stories.

I love the TnT - 'fated to be' feel of this story. Is that the way you think of Todd and Tea? As if their connection is beyond their control?

Absolutely! TnT are fated to be. Whether or not they ever reunite on the show, I will always believe that they are meant to be together.

On The Same Path Questions

This Maine setting is my favorite for any TnT story. Did you write this setting because it's an area that you know and love yourself?

I’ve never been to Maine, and I know next to nothing about it. I wanted Tea to find a peaceful place far away from everyone and everything, so she could have a fresh start. I thought the ocean would be a peaceful setting, and Maine just popped into my head.

Were you leery about introducing the 'stalking' part of Todd's nature at the beginning of this story?

No, because that’s a big part of who Todd is. He has an obsessive personality that has many dangerous elements to it. I think stalking is typical behavior in someone like Todd, and I have no problem believing he’d carry out a situation such as secretly living nearby Tea, just to be close to her. I hope I made it clear in the story that, while he was technically stalking her, he truly meant no harm. If anything, it was his way of protecting her.

The Project Questions

Have I told you that I love Del? Why did you choose Tea's brother as a confidant for Todd?

Del just appealed to me during his brief appearance on the show. I liked the character and the actor, Paul Calderon. I enjoyed the dynamic between Del and Todd, and I wish the show had gone much further with that relationship. I think they would have become friends.

Voyeurs Questions

Were you at all cautious about having Todd and Tea be voyeurs in this story?

I’m not cautious about anything. ;) I enjoy putting Todd and Tea in different situations together, and for some unknown reason, this is the idea that came to me this time. I thought it would provide an interesting way for them to get beyond their sexual hang-ups.

It appears that Tea will be more difficult to win over in this story. It appears that her detachment is emotional this time and will be more difficult to overcome. Is that a deliberate tactic by you as an author?

Yes. As of the day I’m responding to these questions, May 3, 2001, I don’t feel that the massively podded version of Todd onscreen right now is worthy of Tea, and I guess this is my way of dealing with this situation. Since we still don’t know what happened between Todd and Tea last summer that caused her to leave him, for purposes of this story, I’m going under the assumption that she was exhausted from trying so hard with him and she gave up and left. Unless and until the show tells us what happened, this is where I’m coming from in Voyeurs. Even though I don’t understand this current onscreen incarnation of Todd, I’m quite hopeful that the damage that has been done to the character in the past few months will be undone by competent writers.

Just For Fun

Who is your favorite author (not fanfic)?

Jane Austen. She wrote strong women in a time when that wasn’t exactly encouraged.

What is your favorite fanfic by another author?

I don’t want to risk hurting anyone’s feelings, so I won’t name specific authors. I read all kinds of TnT fan fiction, but I do prefer the work of authors who share a view of TnT that is similar to mine…one of hope and love and humor. I have very strong opinions about how TnT stories should end. I’ll follow along through whatever situations an author chooses for Todd and Tea, but in the end, they must be alive and together. Otherwise, I gotta ask…what was the point? I know some are okay with unhappy endings, but I figure that’s what the show did, and I don’t want to see that in fan fiction, too. Luckily, there is something for every TnT fan fiction reader out there on the Internet.

About that manhood size comparison that you alluded to in RIF, do you have any explicit details? LOL

I’m so glad someone brought up this subject! LOL! I want a chance to explain the whole thing to those who weren’t on the boards at the time. Way back when many of us were chatting on Newy’s site, people would occasionally make up impromptu stories, some of which were steamy. One night, we somehow got on the subject of size, and the consensus was that Todd is a big boy. We had a good laugh over it, and shortly thereafter, I wrote Resistance Is Futile. Just as an in-joke to my chat buddies, I made the reference to size, never thinking that the story would be seen by anybody who didn’t originally see it on At the Bayberry, since I never intended for it to be archived anywhere. It was just going to be on the ATB board for a few days and then scroll off into oblivion. Prior to posting the chapter in question, I warned readers about the reference. By the time this chapter was posted, I had agreed to have the story archived, so I asked my fellow posters if that part should be deleted for the archived version. The answer was a unanimous no, so it stayed in…and has haunted me ever since. ;)



Thank you to everyone who took the time to write out questions and send them to Louise, and thank you for giving my stories a chance. It still amazes me that anyone deems my stories worthy of their time, because I’m certainly no writer. I’m just a TnT fan with a goofy sense of humor who wanted better for Todd and Tea than the show gave to them and to us. I try to do right by those two very special characters, and I hope you think I reach that goal every once in a while.

~Melissa (Beesa) 


Romance or angst? This is the question the TnT fan fiction author must answer every time she sits down to write a story about our favorite couple. Everyone who loves them on screen and in the pages of fiction knows that there has to be a little bit of both these aspects of their relationship along with a liberal dose of humor to make a perfect TnT story.

Our featured author Beesa is a master of this delicate balance. Her stories are filled with light-hearted banter, but underneath these amusing conversations is an intriguing current of love and loss, heartache and longing, desire and fear. In short-everything that makes TnT unique and unforgettable to their fans.

Beesa’s stories capture our imaginations from the very first installment. On the Same Path starts with Todd getting caught stalking Tea in her isolated beach house. In The Project, Todd is convicted of murdering Tea. He’s about to get the ultimate sentence when……ta da….Tea shows up alive! In Voyeurs, Todd approaches a hooker that reminds him of his lost love. What a surprise when she turns out to be the real thing! Having hooked us with remarkable premises like these, Beesa reels us in with fascinating dialog, unforeseen plot twists, and er… Who cares if we never saw TnT have sex on the show when we have Beesa’s great love scenes to keep us warm at night?

One of the things I like the most about Beesa’s stories is Tea’s relationship with her brother Del. They bicker just like real siblings, but their love is very apparent under all the posturing. And of course, Todd and Del usually end up as friends and co-conspirators in spite of their initial animosity. It’s very nice to have a story where Tea’s family and heritage aren’t forgotten or trivialized like they were on the show.

I was very pleased to be asked to write this little blurb in praise of Beesa and her stories, because I admire her work very much. It is always a special treat to visit the ATB board and find a fresh addition to one of her stories. Here’s hoping that she writes many more!

Mary Catherine


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