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A knock at the door woke up the guys up. It was very early in the morning and the sun had just started to rise. The chirping of the birds only started a few minutes later.

Mary-Kate woke up at around the same time. She rubbed her eyes and stretched. She went to the window to look outside. The sight was amazing. She only wished Brett could be with her to enjoy it.

“I guess we should answer the door.” Marc-Andre said.

“All right. I’m coming.” Brett said impatiently. He walked over to the door and opened it. He found himself face to face with a man’s chest. He slowly looked up to the man’s face. He was almost as tall as the doorway. “You’re a big lad aren’t you.” Brett said.

The tall man gave out a low growl.

Brett turned to Marc-Andre. “It’s for you.”

The tall man’s voice boomed like thunder. “The king wishes to see you both and the princesses. Report to the castle immediately.” He turned and left.

“Cheerful fellow.” Brett said.

Marc-Andre laughed and went to get dressed. Brett went to wake the girls up.

He knocked at the door and waited. He heard footsteps and the door opened. A very tired, groggy Ashley was there to greet him.

“Hello. Please, come in.” She mumbled.

“Good morning.” He said as he stepped into the door.

Mary-Kate heard his voice and turned around. “Brett!” she said as she ran into his arms. She gave him a kiss and hugged him tightly. Brett smiled as he held her tightly.

“Both of you get dressed. We have been summoned by the king.” He said.

“Alright” Mary-Kate said.

“Did you hear me Ashley?” Brett called to her.

Ashley just groaned again. She was in the bathroom wiping her face with cold water to help her wake up. She took a towel to dry her face off and nodded to Brett.

Brett turned back to face Mary-Kate. “I’ll see you soon.” He kissed her and went to get ready.

Chapter 17
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