Emma Watson Rocks

Welcome to Emma Watson Rocks Website. I am webmistress Sheena, I will be updating this site every other day or from time to time so bare with me. This site is dedicated to Emma Watson the young talented actress who plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies. No Emma Watson Haters allowed! So if you are a Emma Hater do not come to this site, this is strictly for Emma Watson Fans!

Emma Sites
Emma Watson Bio
Fun Facts
Emma Quotes
Contact Emma
Fan Art
Hermione Rocks
Emma Watson Rulez
The HP Trio Fansite
Tom Emma
Sweet Emma Watson
About the Webmistress
My Fan Fics
Sheena's Blog
Sheena's Diary
Pavarti Patil's Diary
Sheena's Journal
Hermione's Journal

Ghetto Music Codes

You are a kick-ass Slytherin
You hate Harry Potter and you're
Snape's favorite student.. No problem
with potion I see...

Which Harry Potter Character Are You?
by Toffie @ CookieWhore.Net

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Email: Pavarti_Patil_16@hotmail.com
© Sheena(Pavarti)