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An Unofficial Elizabeth Mitchell Fan Site

This site is dedicated to the beautiful, amazing, and wonderful actress Elizabeth Mitchell.

I FINALLY FIXED MY ANGELFIRE!!! So, now I can resume updating my site! Thanks for being patient. :)

Important News

It looks as though Ms. Mitchell WILL be returning
to E.R. for season 8!!!
Check the news board for details.

Today is: 8/11/01 (Saturday)
Is Elizabeth Mitchell on TV tonight???
Not to my knowledge. Sorry.

***Please remember that the Guestbook and Message Boards are separate. If you'd like to sign my guestbook, please scroll down and click 'guestbook'. If you'd like to post on the message boards, scroll down to 'Message Boards' and follow instructions from there. Remember, the message boards are for discussions and such; not to comment on this site. Thank you and enjoy!***


***I would like to ask that ALL issues relating to the rumors surrounding Elizabeth Mitchell and Danielle Egnew, remain OFF of this site. Please do not bring rumors and angry posts onto this site. If you'd like to discuss it, go to one of the many messages boards... just leave it off of here.***

Please come back soon! This site is updated daily.

***Feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, or suggestions.***

**Pictures and filmography information were all gathered throughout various sites on the internet. The owner of this page holds no responsibility for them, and takes no credit for anything on this site unless otherwise noted.**