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Send in the sexiest pic of Lij you can find!

Send it in!get this gear!

Elijaholic Online is totally devoted to keeping you up-to-date on the man himself, Elijah Wood! As webmistress, I am fully dedicated to giving you all that you want and keeping you happy. Please, check out the many features we have on the site...a message board, the live chat, image galleries and so much more!

Elijaholic Online is for all of yall...and that means your voice will be heard! So email me all the stuff you want me to put on the site!

Elijaholic Online will not partake in Elijah's private life. So I ask you, while you are here, please do not disrespect Elijah. He's a human being like the rest of us and deserves to be treated like one! Thanx again for coming! ~*~Dana~*~

days 'til the premiere of The Two Towers!!


July 1, 2002>> I have decided to keep the site open, but I will no longer update it...since I spent so much time on it I didn't want to delete it. So, you can still hang out on it...altho that may get boring...sorry!

June 28, 2002>> I have sad news for yall. I am officially closing down the site. I am really sorry for the people that actually come here and like the site :( However, I will leave you on a good note, with Elijah news! My last update...*sigh* <>You can watch the TTT Teaser Trailer here. <>I unfortunately lost the article, but Franka has admitted to dating Elijah Wood several times now. She was just not used to the publicity which she received just for dating someone. So no more if, ands, or buts, Elijah Wood and Franka Potente, ARE dating. I wish them all the good luck I can give. <>Have you watched the MTV Movie Awards? Well if you have I'm sure you saw that LOTR Parody they did. Well, you can re-live that wonderful moment at the media section of <>Well that's all the news I have for yous. The time has come for me to leave. If you want to email me, my addy is I will keep the site up for a couple more days so people know what's going on and I don't shut down the site surprisingly. At least I will leave on a good note. Over and out...*Beep*

June 25, 2002>> OK, there hasn't been lots of news in the world about Lij lately, but I managed to find some! <>Apparently that whole rumor about Mandy Moore being heartbroken over Elijah isn't true...June 6, 2002 - Mandy Moore posted on her official site message board a denial of New York Post gossip columnist Liz Smith's claim that she was in heartbreak after 'Try Seventeen' co-star Elijah Wood moved on from dating her to dating Franka Potente. Mandy said, "Where do they get this stuff? Wow... unreal. Can't a guy and girl be friends anymore? Geez." That was taken from SKY Customer Magazine. <>Most people in Hollywood thought film-makers would stay away from Peter Pan after Steven Spielberg's Hook flopped. But now there's talk of another live action version that will be more faithful to JM Barrie's original story. And I hear that Elijah Wood (right)could end up in the starring role. No word on likely candidates for Tinkerbell yet though. I can't remember what magazine that was taken from. <>Someone on a forum I go to had all these interesting never-before-heard facts about Elijah...and I would like to share them with you.

-Elijah had a magazine about was issued 4 times a year...and it costed 6 american dollars for each issue....i think they stoped publishing the mag sometime in 1996...

-Elijah wanted a part in a movie called 'The Secret Garden"(remake) but he did not get it...

-He also got a part in this film called 'The Zoo' (his character had magical powers) but the fliming of the movie was cancelled...

-People started thinking that elijah was really gay even back in 1996(when he was only 15 years old) The official lij website was first shut down in 1996...

-Lij's parents moved to small city in california so lij could have more freedom...and so the ppl would stop stalking him...but they were actually camped outside lij's house just to take a pic with him or to get his autograph...the worst thing for lij was that parents wanted to pay him just to come to their kid's b'day parties...

Very interesting I might say! <>I have found a LOTR obsession test...How obsessed are you? And that's about it! I must say, that was a big update! <>I do have sad news tho...altho Elijaholic Online is new it may be closing down. I'm sorry to all of you that come here and really like the site, but I may have to close it. But I am thinking about it. <>Anywho, at the moment I deleted the forum becuz no 1 uses it and I am in the process of making a tag board! YEAH! Well I must be off.

June 24, 2002>> Hey every1!! I had a singing recital yesterday so I couldn't update! It went very good! <>Anywho, the Sounds Page was deleted, but, I fixed it! Please let me know if you find any sounds that don't work! <>I have finally got the Rate Me button to work! So before you leave, please oh please rate me! <>I would also like you to please sign the guestbook before you go too..if you don't's very lonely! <>Amanda has sent in some more piccies!

<>Cool Hobbits <>Frodo on Weathertop <>Sam tending to Frodo after being wounded <>Elijah at the Scream Premiere

Well that's all for today. me stuff!

June 22, 2002>> While I was saving my Sounds page, somthing went wrong...and the whole page was deleted! But no worries, I will get it back up on Monday, becuz tomorrow is too busy! <>However, Amanda has sent in a sound clip that you can listen to here. It's a very long interview with Elijah about LOTR. You need Real Player to here it. Infact I am still listening to it now! But it is good!

June 22, 2002>> I changed the poll...and re-ordered the stuff on the left...not much I know, but not much on Lij in the world at the moment. Which brings me to my next point. Can yall please email me any and every chance you get with Lij piccies, gossip, anything! Cuz this site is made for you and it won't be able to stay open without your help! <>The message board is verrrrrry lonely! And I know no 1 has been goin to it since no 1 has even posted on it, which is why I am tryin to bring that to attention. I won't keep it if no 1 uses it. But I figured it would bring Lij fans together and you would all make friends by hangin out on the forum! I know I've made plenty of friends on a specific forum and love it! So I was willing to do the same thing for you. So please start using it! Or I'll delete it.

June 21, 2002>> Okie dokie yous guys I promised a big update! I have 17 new piccies for yall! And all the credit goes to Amanda...thank you so incredibly much! *mwah* we go...

<>Hobbits looking worried <>Frodo looking frightened <>Frodo looking at the Ring <>Magazine Piccie <>Frodo scared <>A happy hobbit <>Frodo in a tree <>LOTR poster <>Frodo very concerned at Bilbo's party <>Elijah at the interview in Japan <>Frodo looking up at Galadriel <>Frodo and Sam looking worried <>The best of friends <>Frodo and Sting <>Scared hobbits <>Hobbits preparing to fight Nazgul

June 21, 2002>> Hey yall! I've got a big update for you later. <>Anywho, someone has pointed out to me that all my sounds were not working, so I fixed them all...tell me if any of them still aren't working. <>There were two links that were not working as well...Lord of the Sock and Whose Your Fellowship Fella? Those two sites are down at the moment, but the Lord of the Sock will be back soon! So don't worry. <>That's it for now becuz I am very busy! However, big update later!

June 20, 2002>> OK, 4 exams done, 1 more to go! But, I have 3 days off until that day! YEAH! However, I have a verrry busy weekend ahead of me, so I may not be able to update the site too often. <>Anywho, I have some news that I read about Elijah on a forum. There is rumor spreading that he will be seen behind the camera instead of acting in front of it! He may be filming a small film soon when he gets back home. However, I don't have much info on this, so if you find anything out about this rumor, please email me! I will try to to keep you updated too. <>Go vote for Elijah for the teen choice awards here...(and vote for Derek Jeter!) That's all the news I have for today. <>Please if you like this site and want it to stay alive and fun, send me stuff!

June 18, 2002>> I have a ton of stuff for you today! NO JOKE! But b4 I forget...please don't try to rate my site on the link on the left...apparently there is a broken link on the celebrity-exchange website and it won't link to my site...i'll try again later to fix that! And I have created the Disclaimer for Elijaholic Online...please read before you send me anything!

<> I gots a piccie thanx to Kelen! Thanx again gurl! Yummy! <> Here is a site with never before seen pics of the cast in New Zealand filming LOTR! Pretty cool. <> This is the Musings of Viggo Fun Stuff section. It has a lot of funny sh--uh stuff there so check it out! <> Here are some interviews from some of the cast members from LOTR...yes there is a Lij interview. <> MTV Flipbook...there are 22 piccies from from the Becoming A Hobbit which was shown before the MTV Movie Awards. And here is an article from about the Becoming a Hobbit! Lij was so cute during that! <> Mandy's Heartbreak over Elijah Wood Hard to Watch Did Elijah and Mandy Moore really have a thing goin on? <> Here is a one page LOTR Parody! VERY FUNNY <> Visit the One Spoof website. It's a site, that sort of makes fun of LOTR...and being a huge LOTR fan, I love that site anyway! It really is funny!

Well I am all tired out now! PHEW!! That should keep you occupied for a while! Oh and be sure to fill out the Feedback Form in the Contact Me part of the Site section to let me know what you want to see on the site, being that it's new!

June 17, 2002>> Wood you marry me? Just a little article about Lij wanting to marry Franka! Hope its not true! I have added a contest on the left side of the screen. If you can find the sexiest pic of Lij, send it in to me and I will choose which one is the sexiest and post it on the main page along with credits to the winner and any message she wants to give to all of yall! I also have added a Calendar so that you can always be aware of when I can't update the site and you can see what's up with Lij. You also may add Lij events on the Calendar as well!

June 17, 2002>> THE NEW SITE IS FINALLY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! I am sooo happy I finally got it done! And in 4 days! WOW, I am so cool! tee hee..anywho, look around and enjoy Elijaholic Online! If any of you have fan art, sounds, movie clips, piccies, animations, gossip...ANYTHING whatsoever please email me! And if you have any ideas for the site, fill out the feedback form in the You Interact section! I hope you enjoy the new site as much as I do!

June 16, 2002>> WOW, I have done sooo much in 2 days! I've got a lot of the LOTR section done which is taking a while. I also completed the Downloads section...and a lot of other stuff. Got a lot of little things yet to be done and I still have to work on the LOTR section. Then I will be done!

June 14, 2002>> I have done much today! YEAH! 2 exams done, 3 to go! But I don't have another one til next Tuesday. So, 3 days to work on the site! Anywho, I have decided to save a lot of space by just linking the Image Gallery to the one on my old site. So, that's why the format is the way it is. And I have created the Cool Stuff page and added almost everything to it. And Elijah's Bio is done! I only have a few minutes left over, so I am going to fix a couple links and that'll be it for a couple hours!

June 13, 2002>> OK...since I still have exams, it's gunna take a while to finish the site. But today was my first day actually working on the site, and I gotta say, I got a lot done! Besides most of the page, I have created the You Interact Page and Site Page. They both include a lot of info and cool know. Anywho, the grand opening of the site will be June 24, 2002, the last day of final exams for me! So I hope you are looking forward to that day as much as I am!