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~Dream Street Lovers~ the DSL headquarters~


More Dream STreeT...~

what would U do for DS?~
extra cool DS junk~
DS poll of the month!!~~!!~~
our favorite DS links~
feedback ~GIVE US SOME!!
If U r DS or anyone realated to them plesae go here~~~
diary of the DSL

this is our (kaycie and annas) Dream street page, we are just learing hiw to make it so hope it gos good it'll get better as we go!! we love dream street, we are the Dream Street Lovers (DSL),haha lol please email me (kaycie) for any kind of anything about ds or our page ya know??!~) thank you to the ds sheep site you guys realyy rock kust so everyone knows they have the best lyric page, it tells who sings what part our lyric link should take oyu there! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~*PLEASE COME BACK IN A BIT WE ARE JUST HAVING TROUBLE WITH GETTING ALL OUR LINKS TO SHOW UP, we actually have every page listed up there made~lol AND ADD PICS< WE WILL HAVE A WHOLE bIG PICS SECTION AS SOON AS WE LEARN HOW TO GET EM IN OUR PAGE~LOL PLEASE PLEASE DONT GIVE UP ON US!! WERE REALLY GONNA GET HIS RIGHT ASAP! WE ARE WORKING OUR BOOTYS OFF FOR DS, SO DONT LET US DOWN!*~~~~ were getting a guest b00k soon so please sigh it when we do~~YEAH TONIGHT UI GOT ALL WORKING BUT IFURDS~~~YEAH GO ME~~
