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  • Milo at Burner Kitty
  • Otie at Burner Kitty
  • Alison's Page!
  • Ditzy's Page!
  • Feline Muse!
  • Otie's Homepage!

    Meet Otie Lebowitz and Friends!

    Meet Otie Lebowitz, a sweet and petite tuxedo kitty with a serious penchant for furry mice, Whisker Lickins and Meow Mix, although not necessariy in that order. This bewitching kitty prides herself on remaining modest, despite the considerable burden of her self-professed "fatal beauty". In her previous lives, Otie has served as a feline muse to some of the greatest minds of Western Civilization, including such luminaries as William Shakespeare, T.S. Elliot, and Albert Einstein. There is more to this kitty than meets the eye!

    All About Otie!

    Otie resides at Chez Lebowitz with her feline companions, Milo, Alison and Ditzy. All of the Lebowtiz kitties have their own respective websites and have attracted quite a loyal following on the world wide web. Has success spoiled this sweet kitty? Not really. Otie remains endearingly modest, despite her status as a feline cyber-celebrity. She is not content to rest on her laurels. When Otie is not busy editing her websites, she is working on her memoirs, a project which promises to be of Proustian proportions. She also enjoys documenting the exploits of her feline friends and is hard at work creating photo albums for each and every one of them. Until she has finished these projects, which border on herculean tasks, Otie is delighted to give you a "sneak preview" of some of her favorite snapshots right here and now!

    Otie strikes an artful pose!

    Otie loves her handsome brother, Milo!

    Otie loves Alison, a sweet tiger-striped tabby!

    Here is Otie's friend, Ditzy who lives up to her name!

    Otie's just joined the girls' baseball team, "Bitsy's Whackers"!

    Otie hopes that you have enjoyed viewing her photo gallery and hopes to add many more pics in the near future. This Renaissance kitty has many projects on her plate, which she will tackle in between writing her memoirs and baseball practice.

    There is always something new at "Chez Lebowitz", so please do check back soon. In the meantime, Otie invites you to visit some of her favorite links. We hope you have enjoyed your visit to Otie's special place in cyberspace. Now, play ball!

    Otie's Guestbook!Sign her guestbook!

    Thanks Henry, Freya and Lois for the cool caps!

    Milo is getting ready for baseball season too!

    Ditzy joined "Bitsy's Whackers" too!

    Alison can't wait for spring training!

    Please leave your pawprints in Otie's guestbook!

    Otie's Guestbook!Sign the guestbook!

    Here are Milo, Ditzy, Alison and Otie with their friends, Cybil and Calloway Castillo! Beloved Cupcake peeks in the window!

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