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Meet Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!

All About Otie!
Meet Otie Lebowitz, a sweet and petite tuxedo kitty with a serious penchant for furry mice. This feline charmer prides herself on maintaining her modesty, despite the burden of her "fatal beauty"!

Otie's Favourite Quote!
"To thine own self be true, and it shall follow as the night the day. Thou canst not then be false to any man." - William Shakespeare



About Me

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Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!
Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a cat of wealth and taste. I've been around for a long, long time...

No I am not the devil, nor do I require your sympathy. I just wanted to grab your attention, and eventually capture your heart and mind. If you are still reading, then my ruse has had the desired effect.

My name is Otie Lebowitz, and I am a sweet and petite tuxedo kitty with a serious penchant for furry mice. If
truth be told, my state is a penurious one, although my taste is impeccable, or so I've been told.
I truly have been around for a long, long time.
While it is purported that cats have nine lives, that is actually an understatement. I can recall at least 15 past lives, although the last five are a bit murky, as if seen through a glass darkly,

Currently I live with an amiable young woman named Ruth. I reside at Chez Lebowitz, her humble abode, along with my brother Milo, and my feline friends, Ditzy and Alison. While my current state is a modest one, it was not always thus.
Do you want to hear my story? Yes? Then I shall happily oblige, and thus satisfy your curiosity. You know cats are not the only creatures who are curious. Humans have been known to be quite curious, as well. Just consider the tale of the ill-fated, Pandora. But I digress..

My earliest recollection was my avatar as the cat goddess, Bastet, in ancient Egypt. I was venerated and revered as befitted my lofty status. My brother Milo, was one of King Tutankhamen's favourite feline advisers, although he has only a vague recollection of his earlier lives.

While my incarnation as Bastet was one of my favorite memories, my subsequent lifetimes were also quite remarkable. In fact, I inspired some of the greatest poets and authors in the pantheon of literary history. Although there is a common misconception that Shakespeare's " Dark Lady" was a woman or even a male lover, I can shed light on that mystery. I was the Dark Lady who inspired such wonderful sonnets. I was Shakespeare's cat, when Will was just a callow youth.
While he was asleep, I would creep in to his bedchamber on little cat feet, and whisper in his ear, "Love is not true love that alters when it alternation finds. No it is an ever-fixed mark." Then upon awakening, he would take quill in hand, and thus inspired, proceeded to write some of the loveliest poems in the history of Western Civilization.
Yes, those were happy and creative times for both of us, and I am so glad that I played a part in one of the riches literary legacies of all time.

Now everyone knows that T.S. Elliot wrote, "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats". But how many people know that originally Elliot planned on writing a collection of whimsical poems called "Doggy Do's and Doggy Don'ts"? Fortunately this misguided man was set straight my yours truly, Otie Lebowitz.
I said to him, "Thomas Stearns Elliot - that is one of the stupidest title I have ever heard! You should always write what you know, which in your case is cats. Thus the course of literary history was changed thanks to me. Fortunately he recognized the folly of his original project, and went on to write the most charming collection of cat poems ever written by human or feline.

I have many more stories to tell about my lives as a "feline muse". This is just the tip of the iceberg. When you have lived as many lives as I have, you have a wealth of memories and stories to share with kindred spirits who can appreciate a feline such as myself.
So I shall quit my story for now. I hope I have left you intrigued and hungry for more stories of Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!
To be continued....


Otie's Favourite Things!
I love all creatures great and small, especially mice, which are quite tasty!
I love catnip, especially Booda Extra-Strength Catnip, my recreational drug of choice.
I am quite fond of Sheba Succulent Crab in Aspic, and other fine comestibles.
I love to sleep on soft down comforters, preferably filled with Hungarian goose-down with the highest fill-power. Nothing but the best for this kitty!
I love intelligence in both felines and humans.
I also appreciate wit and creativity.
I believe in romance and poetry, and the restorative power of love.
I love my brother Milo, as well as my feline roommmates, Ditzy and Alison.
I dote on my human Ruth. She is not a bad sort at all for a human, and she pampers me in the style to which I have been accustomed.
Yes, my life is rich and full.
It doesn't get much better than this, if you ask me....


Otie's Favourite People and Felines in Past and Present Lives!
William Shakespeare - The Bard of Avon
Thomas Stearns Elliot - Author of "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats!
Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Poetess and Mistress to Flush!
Albert Einstein - Not good at basic math, but a very nice person!
Ruth Lebowitz - Otie's favourite human, because she is the bestower of Sheba Succulent Crab and other fine comestibles. Plus, she refreshes the litterboxes at Chez Lebowitz around the clock!
Milo Lebowitz - Otie's brother and co-conspirator
Alison Lebowitz, a sweet tiger-striped tabbie, with strong maternal instincts
Ditzy Lebowitz - A rather rotund calico kitty, who is not only a first-rate sumo wrestler, but a good friend as well!!
Otie's feline friends - MacGregor, Big Blue, Chocolate, and Katie Rohling, Cybil and Calloway Castillo, Monday Canivan and her human, CatAnna, Smokey Pinion, Jess's Cats - Josie, Freya and Orion, Gordi and Nelli from Helsinki, and Alek and Anna from Tokyo!
Abdul The Great - Otie's ursine cohort, who has starred in such blockbuster movies as "Attack of the Lizard Men From Mars"!
Ann Pinion - Abdul's slave and webmistress and friend to Otie's human, Ruth
David Geffen - Otie has him on speed-dial!
Otie's agent from the William Morris Agency!
Paul Gallico - author of Otie's favourite books, The Silent Miaow, and Thomasina!
And many, many more wonderful felines and humans!



Otie's Least Favourite Things!
Narrow-mindedness in both felines and humans.
Anyone who refuses to suspend his or her disbelief in the name of art.
Generic cat food - a blot upon the universe!
Hairballs - loathsome!
An empty food-bowl - Fortunately a rare sight at Chez Lebowitz!
Anyone who does not respect cats for the magnificient, and enigmatic creatures which they are!


Favorite URLs
My friends' home pages, favorite URLs, other pages on my web site.

Favorite Chats
Talk City chat rooms where you'll find me.

Ditzy Lebowitz - My Fantabulous Awards! - Meet Ditzy Lebowitz, a spunky calico kitty who has taken the world wide web by storm. Lots of cool awards!

Meet Ruth Lebowitz - Calicocatgirl! - Meet Ruth Lebowitz, publicist, stage-mother and abjext slave to four cyber-celebrity kitties, Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie!

Milo Lebowitz - Orange Tabby! - Meet Milo Lebowitz, a handsome orange tabby cat whose considerable charm and charisma are exceeded only by his tawny good looks!

Ditzy Lebowitz - Sumokitty! - Meet Ditzy Lebowitz, a rather rotund calico kitty, whose greatest loves are Meow Mix, her pal Milo, and sumo wrestling!

Ditzy Lebowitz - Her Secret Love! - Meet Ditzy Lebowitz, a gorgeous calico kitty whose considerable charm is exceeded only by her passion for Abdul the Great!

Meet Milo Lebowitz - Handsome Tabby! - Meet Milo Lebowitz, a handsome orangetabby cat of considerable charm and charisma!

View Ruth's Special Guestbook! - View the guestbook shared by Ruth, Otie, Ditzy, Milo and Alison Lebowitz!

Sign Ruth's Special Guestbook! - All friends of Ruth and the Lebowitz Kitties are welcome to sign their Special Guestbook!

Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse! - Otie's personal homepage at!

Meet Milo Lebowitz! - Meet Milo Lebowitz, a handsome and debonair orange tabby, who considers himself

Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty! - Meet Ditzy Lebowitz, a voluptuous calico kitty, who considers herself

Ruth Lebowitz - More Purrs from Catgirl! - Meet Ruth Lebowitz, abject slave to four feline celebrities, Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie!

Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at Howdy's Topsites Contest! - Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at Howdy's Topsites Contest!

Vote for Milo, Otie, Alison and Ditzy Lebowitz at Soprano Connections! - Please vote for the websites of those amazing Lebowitz kitties at Soprano Connection's Best of the Best - Top 100!

Vote for Otie and Friends at Soprano Connections! - Vote for Otie and Friends at Soprano Connections Top 100!

Ruth Lebowitz - Calicocatgirl90! - Meet Ruth Lebowitz and her four celebrity kitties, Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie!

Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at R & C's Topsites Contest! - Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at R & C's Topsites Contest!

Ruth Lebowitz - Purrs From Calicocatgirl! - Meet Ruth Lebowitz, a hapless reporter who adopts four homeless kitties, and finds her tidy world turned upside down!

Meet Ruth Lebowitz - Calicocatgirl! - Meet Ruth Lebowitz, publicist, stage-mother, and abject slave to four celebrity-crazed kitties, Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie!

Meet Ditzy Lebowitz - Calicokitty! - Meet Ditzy Lebowitz, a voluptuous calico kitty, whose charm and charisma are exceeded only by her fondness for Meow Mix!

Milo Lebowitz - Bachelor Tabbt! - Meet Milo Lebowitz, a handsome orange tabby, who expounds on his charmed life as a gentlecat at Chez Lebowitz!

Ditzy Lebowitz - My Menagerie! - In which we are introduced to Ditzy Lebowitz and the members of her menagerie!

Alison Lebowitz - One Sweet Tabby! - Meet Alison Lebowitz, a sweet tiger-striped tabby with strong maternal instincts!

Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty's Fan Page! - Meet Ditzy Lebowitz, a spunky calico kitty, who has big dreams of superstardom on the silver screeen!

Meet Ditzy Lebowitz - Feline Cyberstar! - Meet Ditzy Lebowitz, a gorgeous calico kitty, who gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the gritty world of feline celebrity!

Ditzy Lebowitz - Calicokitty! - Meet Ditzy Lebowitz, a voluptuous calico kitty, who has scratched and clawed her way to superstardom on the world wide web!

Ruth Lebowitz - Calicocatgirl Purrs! - Meet Ruth Lebowitz, publicist, stage-mother and abject slave to four celebrity-crazed kitties, Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie!

Ditzy Lebowitz's Incredible Links Page! - Ditzy has compiled a list of her favorite websites featuring those amazing Lebowitz kitties!

Vote for "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!" at The Site Fights! - Vote for "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!" at The Site Fights!

Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at Ferretmom's Top Pet Sites Contest! - Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at Ferretmom's Top Pet Sites Contest!

View Otie's Very Special Guestbook at Google! - View Otie's Very Special Guestbook at Google - Has Awards and Banners!

Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at The Brat Cats Top 50 Feline Sites! - Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at The Brat Cats Top 50 Feline Sites!

Vote for "Ruth Lebowitz - Purrs from Catgirl!" at Webbie World ! - Vote for "Ruth Lebowitz - Purrs from Catgirl!" at Webbie World!

Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at Skye's Top Pet Sites Gala! - Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" a Skye's Top Pet Sites Gala!

Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at Skye's Topsites Extravaganza! - Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at Skye's Topsites Extravaganza!

Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at Catwhiskas Top 50 Cat Sites Contest! - Vote for "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at Catwhiskas Place Top 50 Cat Sites!

Meet Ditzy Lebowitz - Cyberkitty! - Meet Ditzy Lebowitz, a spunky calico kitty, who discusses with refreshing candor, her life as a feline cyber-celebrity - NEW!!!

Vote for "Milo Lebowitz - Bachelor Tabby!" at Ferretmom's Top Pet Sites Contest! - Vote for "Milo Lebowitz - Bachelor Tabby!" at Ferretmom's Top Pet Sites Contest!

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