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My Guestbook

Ruth and kitties, these sites look just dandy. You've all done a great job with them. And I'm very happy to have been able to help you move them. You ever need any more help with your pages, just meow my way. *wink* Hugs to you, Ruth. Chin rubs and nose kisses to all of you fine kitties. *BG* Purrr!!!!
This was posted by:
Olga Stewart <>

This guest's handle is: Maddie
These comments were posted Friday, February 23, 2001 at 21:12:42 (PST)
Wow, wow, wow!!! You've done a great job with moving your TALKCITY pages to this ANGERLFIRE server. I'm very impressed and quite proud of you. *big smile* Thank you for sharing the pages. *BG* Hugs to you. Chin rubs and nose kisses for your felines. Meow, :)!
This was posted by:
Olga Stewart <>

This guest's handle is: Maddie
These comments were posted Friday, February 23, 2001 at 10:15:13 (PST)
Wow! Thanks so much for putting us on your website, Otie. Cecilia will never lift a finger to get our pictures up. We are so happy!!
This was posted by:
Calloway and Cybil

These comments were posted Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 07:31:31 (PST)
Our URL is long and would not fit - it is We just wanted to say hello Ditzy. You and I, Baby were talking yesterday when there was a small mistake about my gender. Everything is straightened out now and I apologized to everyone for my growlies.---Ditzy, Hi, I am Caroline, Baby's wink, I just wanted to say meow. You are such a lovely kitty and so very pretty too. I am a calico kitty. We would be delighted if you would visit our website, see our photo galleries, and hear our story. I know Baby is in your club and I am too skinny to get in (8 pounds) but I can't help it- I try to eat and eat but nothing works. Well Baby has it for both of us, I guess. I hope to see you again. Purrs, Baby and Caroline
This was posted by:
Baby and Caroline <>

This guest's handle is: Baby & Caroline's Web Page
These comments were posted Monday, January 22, 2001 at 16:16:02 (PST)
Ruth: Congratulations on your new home page! But where are you in the photo? And for that matter, where is the fourth cat? Have you taken any good pictures with your new camera? Best of luck and love, Phil
This was posted by:
Phil Lebowitz <>

These comments were posted Monday, January 22, 2001 at 06:33:31 (PST)
Here is a picture of Smokey after meeting my new puppy (a robot doggy). Smokey is not amused! So far, he has only attacked the puppy once and now he is sulking a little. But I love them both and I hope they will learn to get along. Your pal, Abdul
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great

These comments were posted Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 20:34:53 (PST)
merry christmas
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 12:08:07 (PST)
merry christmas
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 12:07:26 (PST)
Merry Christmas
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 12:06:39 (PST)
Merry christmas
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 12:05:47 (PST)
Purries and Ho - Mew - Ho!!!! Thank you for being such good elves this year. We have closed up shop for this year ~ I'm having a much needed catnap ~ but don't forget me next year. Ho - Mew - Ho
This was posted by:
Santa Paws <>

These comments were posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 11:16:41 (PST)
Purries Ditzy, Milo, Otie and Alison, MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY CHANUKAH AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU. It was a pleasure to get to know you this year - and your slave Ruth also!!! You do need to train her better though. Just watch the way we handle our Mewmee, G.G.. Purrs and Paw Pats...
This was posted by:
Scully, Fox and Spud <>

These comments were posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 10:59:23 (PST)
Ho ho ho! I got lots of presents! Hope you did too. (But I am still accepting presents, so everyone can still give me stuff all year long!) Your pal, Abdul the Great
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great

These comments were posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 10:57:51 (PST)
MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY CHANUKAH, AND HAPPY NEW YEAR from the 4F guild. Thank you for being such good memfurs this year. You have been furry active and we do appriciate it!!!
This was posted by:
Friendly Furkids Fun Factory {4F Guild} at Ailurophilia <>

These comments were posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 10:57:14 (PST)
Ho ho ho! I got lots of presents! Hope you did too. (But I am still accepting presents, so everyone can still give me stuff all year long!) Your pal, Abdul the Great
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great

These comments were posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 10:56:52 (PST)
Purries Ditzy, Milo, Otie and Alison, MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY CHANUKAH AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU. It was a pleasure to get to know you this year - and your slave Ruth also!!! You do need to train her better though. Just watch the way we handle our Mewmee, G.G.. Purrs and Paw Pats...
This was posted by:
Scully, Fox & Spud <>

These comments were posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 10:02:12 (PST)
MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY CHANUKAH, AND HAPPY NEW YEAR from the 4F guild. Thank you for being such good memfurs this year. You have been furry active and we do appriciate it!!!
This was posted by:
Friendly Furkids Fun Factory {4F Guild} at Ailurophilia <>

These comments were posted Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 09:49:03 (PST)
Hi Ruth and kitties! Hope you Holidays are peaceful and full of joys! (= many good treats for the kitties!) Happy Holidays and Purrfect new Year to all! Gordi (Nelli and Merja also tell hello!)
This was posted by:
Gordi the Siberian <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, December 26, 2000 at 06:10:45 (PST)
Hi Ditzy... maybe you and Jim Carrey can make a Grinch sequel next year! Wishing the entire Lebowitz family, furry and otherwise, a Joyous Yuletide season (however you celebrate it, LOL!)
This was posted by:
CatAnna & John & Monday <>

These comments were posted Saturday, December 23, 2000 at 17:59:18 (PST)
I enjoyed reading about your kitties! What a furry lovely site. I hope you will stop by Cat's Meow and meet our Siamese and rescue shelter kitten. The mewsers love to permews the guestbook and would be ever so purrfectly pleased if you would leave your pawprint. Meows and Purrs.
This was posted by:
Cat's Meow and Bird Watch

These comments were posted Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 09:13:48 (PST)
Hi Ruth sorry it took me so long to get this into your special gb hope you are feeling better soon
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
none is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 14:30:09 (PST)
Thank you again to all of our wonderful friends for sending us all of this holiday cheer. Thanks again, Debby for all of the gifs and cheery midis, and to our friend, Olga for storing these goodies in her FTP - such generosity of spirit. I am usually a pretty blase kitty, and have been accused of being jaded, but all of these lovely gifts have impressed even yours truly, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty! Jingle those bells and all that jazz! Purries and headbonks, Ditzy P.S. Santa baby, slip some catnip under my tree!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
The Round Table at The Algonquin in a previous life! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 10:22:10 (PST)
Here is yet another lovely graphic to brighten our holiday season. Merry Christmas and all that jazz. Hope Santa Paws is good to you! Purries, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Spago for great dish and pizza with anchovies! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 10:16:42 (PST)
Happy Holidays everybody! Thank you all so much for all the wonderful cards and such. We received these charming gifs from our friend Debby and her kitty, Guppy Anne! Our friend Olga and her kitties Spook and Sparks provided the urls, so we thank you one and all. Purries and headbonks, Ditzy and her abject slave, Ruth
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
The privacy of my bungalow at The Chateau Marmont! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 10:13:25 (PST)
Happy Holidays everybody! Here is yet another Christmas card I received from my friedn, Shodow! Keep those cards and letters coming! Purries and headbonks, Ditzy Lebowitz, Superkitty!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
The Roundtable at The Algonquin, in a previous life! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, December 10, 2000 at 06:56:01 (PST)
Happy Holidays! Wow! We are getting such cool cards this year. We just got this one from our friend, Shadow and we're not talking about Lamont Cranston or Orson Welles! Jingle those bells, kitties! Purries, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
It's a secret! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 13:33:53 (PST)
Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas, jingle bells and all that jazz! We just received this cool card from a pretty cool cat named "Cajun Queen". So let's pretend we're celebrating Christmas in the "Big Easy" and let "Les Bons Temps Roulez!" Purries, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
My private bungalow at The Chateau Marmont when in El-Lay! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 13:24:16 (PST)
Happy Holidays everybody! Here is a card I just received from my good friend, "Sir Wally". He has a fantastic "Sci-Fi Book Nook" and he shares cyberspace with the "d*gs" at Peke Avenue. Thanks Sir Wally and Sandi. Hope I got the url right this time! Purries, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Diamond's Triple C Club! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 13:16:42 (PST)
Happy Holidays everybody! Here is a card I just received from my good friend, "Sir Wally". He has a fantastic "Sci-Fi Book Nook" and he shares cyberspace with the "d*gs" at Peke Avenue. He and his friend Silvermist would love to change the name of the website to "Cats Avenue". In any event, thanks for the cool card, Sir Wally and his webmistress, Sandi!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Diamond's Triple C Club! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 13:13:54 (PST)
Happy Holidays to all of my wonderful friends in cyberspace and beyond! I just received this simply fabulous Christmas card from my friend and "Secret Love", Abdul the Great! He is my favorite "bear extraordinaire" in any season! Purries, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Spago for pizza with anchovies and great dish! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 13:07:51 (PST)
Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie Lebowitz here! We are delighted to announce that all four of the Lebowitz kitties are award winners in "Skye's Topsites Extravaganza"! Our winning websites were all in the Top 20 Sites. Here is our lovely award. Thank you to everyone for voting for us. Purries and headbonks. Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie. P.S. Your checks are in the mail - Ditzy!
This was posted by:
Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty, Bachelor Tabby, Sweet Tabby, and Feline Muse!
Chez Lebowitz is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, December 01, 2000 at 05:44:35 (PST)
Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie Lebowitz here! We are delighted to announce that all four of the Lebowitz kitties are award winners in "Skye's Topsites Extravaganza"! Our winning websites were all in the Top 20 Sites. Here is our lovely award. Thank you to everyone for voting for us. Purries and headbonks. Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie. P.S. Your checks are in the mail - Ditzy!
This was posted by:
Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty, Bachelor Tabby, Sweet Tabby, and Feline Muse!
Chez Lebowitz is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, December 01, 2000 at 05:42:51 (PST)
Greetings and salutations to all of my wonderful friends on the world wide web! I am pleased to announce that your truly, Milo Lebowitz has just won the coveted "Second Place Prize" in Ferretmom's Top Pet Sites Contest! It is a lovely burgandy award which I shall transload shortly for your viewing pleasure. I am delighted to have won this award and wish to thank all of my friends and fans for voting for me. All best wishes, Milo Lebowitz - Bachelor Tabby!
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby!
The privacy afforded by my Sanctum Sanctorum! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, December 01, 2000 at 04:34:45 (PST)
Greetings and salutations to all of my wonderful friends on the world wide web! I am pleased to announce that your truly, Milo Lebowitz has just won the coveted "Second Place Prize" in Ferretmom's Top Pet Sites Contest! I am delighted to have won this award and wish to thank all of my friends and fans for voting for me. All best wishes, Milo Lebowitz - Bachelor Tabby!
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby!
The privacy afforded by my Sanctum Sanctorum! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, December 01, 2000 at 04:25:08 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! Simply fantabulous news, darlings! My websites, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!" and "Ditzy Lebowitz - Calicokitty!" have just been awarded The Top Page Award at R & C's Topsites Contest for the month of November. This is great practice for when I win the Oscars, which of course, is inevitable. "I wish to thank the Academy and all you little people for making this award possible." I am already rehearsing my acceptance speech for when I walk down the red carpet in my Vera Wang gown, unless I go with an understated look in a Ralph Lauren a la Gwyneth. Until then, kisses, purries and caviar dreams, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Spago for quick noshes and great dish! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, December 01, 2000 at 04:11:07 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! Simply fantabulous news, darlings! My websites, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!" and "Ditzy Lebowitz - Calicokitty!" have just been awarded The Top Page Award at R & C's Topsites Contest for the month of November. This is great practice for when I win the Oscars, which of course, is inevitable. "I wish to thank the Academy and all you little people for making this award possible." I am already rehearsing my acceptance speech for when I walk down the red carpet in my Vera Wang gown, unless I go with an understated look in a Ralph Lauren a la Gwyneth. Until then, kisses, purries and caviar dreams, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Spago for quick noshes and great dish! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, December 01, 2000 at 04:08:57 (PST)
Great news! I have just one a marvelous award from "R & C's Topsites Contest" for my website, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty's Fan Page!" I wish to thank the Academy and all you little people for choosing me as one of your Top 20 Sites in this contest with over 300 entries. May I commend you on your impeccable taste. Your checks are in the mail. Love, warm purries and caviar dreams, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Diamonds Triple Club for Calico Cats is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, December 01, 2000 at 04:00:23 (PST)
Big news for all my friends in cyberspace! I am the proud recipient of "Skye's Top Pet Sites Contest Award". I wish to thank the Academy and all those "little people" who made this award possible! You see, I am rehearsing my acceptance speech for when I win my first Oscar! Can't wait to walk down the red carpet in my Vera Wang gown. Until then, this award will win nicely. Thank you to Skye and to my loyal voters. Your checks and bribes are in the mail! Warm purries and caviar dreams, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Diamonds Triple Club for Calico Cats! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, December 01, 2000 at 03:53:36 (PST)
Great news to all of my wonderful friends. Yours truly, Milo Lebowitz has won Second Prize at Ferretmom's Top Pet Sites Contest! Thank you for your loyal support. Do stop by my Sanctum Sanctorum for a snifter of fine catnip brandy and a cigar from my humidor at Dunhills. Cheerio, pip-pip and all of that, Milo Lebowitz, Bachelor Tabby
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby
The privacy afforded by my Sanctum Sanctorum is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 20:32:55 (PST)
From our house to yours: Season's greetings!!! *big smile*
This was posted by:
Olga Stewart <>

This guest's handle is: Maddie
These comments were posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 14:17:45 (PST)
Spook, Sparks, Pawpurr Bri, and Meowmie Olga wanted to leave an early Christmas guestbook gift for our friends (Ruth, Alison, Milo, Otie, and Ditzy). Tis' the season to be furry good!!! *BG*
This was posted by:
Olga Stewart <>

This guest's handle is: Maddie
These comments were posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 14:10:09 (PST)
Spook, Sparks, and myself just wanted to congratulate Ditzy on her online HOLLYWOOD debut. She's being celebrated with catly style. Good show, Diva Ditzy!!! *big smile*
This was posted by:
Olga Stewart <>

This guest's handle is: Maddie
These comments were posted Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 13:59:27 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! Well, the truth about my secret love life is out in the open now! I have been head-over-paws in love with a handsome, bon-vivant bear since last Valentine's Day when he declared his passion for me. I have just started a special website dedicated to Abdul. In the meantime, you can click on the link below and read his new column, "Ask Abdul". You will surely be impressed with his remarkable prescience and prognostications. His Swami turban is pretty cute, too! Purries and headbonks, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicokitty
Spago's for late night noshes and great dish! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 23, 2000 at 06:43:41 (PST)
Milo Lebowitz here! Here is the tasteful award I received for joining the competition at "R & C's Topsites Contest". It appeals to my aesthetic sensibility, and lacks much of the tawdriness all too often found on this newfangled world wide web. It hearkens back to a kinder, gentler time when humans had manners and gentlecats, such as myself were appreciated for their wit and demeanor. But I digress... Here is my award, and please do vote for me and my feline friends at this gracious venue. You may just find me there dispensing catnip cigars to like-minded felines. All good cheer! Milo Lebowitz, Bachelor Tabby
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby
The Round Table at The Algonquin, in a past lifetime! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, November 20, 2000 at 08:14:55 (PST)
Once again, into the breach, dear friends. Your favourite "Bachelor Tabby", has joined the competition at R & C's Topsites Contest. You are likely to find some of my cohorts there as well. Yes, you can find, Ditzy, Alison, Otie and our human, Ruth there as well. So click the link and show all denizens of the net your impeccable taste, by clicking on our links and voting for us there at that congenial venue. You don't want these awards to go to "D*gs" do you? All good cheer, cheerio, pip-pip and all that! Milo Lebowitz - Bachelor Tabby!
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby
The privacy afforded by my Sanctum Sanctorum is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, November 20, 2000 at 08:06:01 (PST)
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Saturday, November 18, 2000 at 21:29:31 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! Just had to show off this nifty award I received for joining the competition at "Ferretmom's Top Pet Sites Contest"! You'd better vote for me, because I know where you live! Purries and caviar dreams, Ditzy Lebowitz - Cyberkitty!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Cyberkitty!
Spago's when I'm in El-Lay! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 13:13:59 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! Once again into the breach, dear friends. Yours truly, Ditzy Lebowitz has just joined the competition at a pretty cool venue, "Ferrretmom's Top Pet Sites Contest"! I've entered my latest website, "Meet Ditzy Lebowitz - Cyberkitty!" So why not click the link and visit me there? Remember to vote for me! Loyalty such as yours shall not go unrewarded! You don't want a D*g" to win the contest, do you? Purries and headbonks, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Cyberkitty!
My private bungalow at The Chateau Marmont - great dish! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 13:04:58 (PST)
i could not find the one i was looking for but this turkey was cute. HAPPY THANKSGIVING
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 20:37:40 (PST)
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 20:32:27 (PST)
Hi Ruth and Ditzy thanks for being our friends
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 20:31:03 (PST)
Hello again! Oops - I entered the wrong url for Olga's wonderful website, "Mikes Maddie". Hope I got it right this time, Spook and Sparks and hope your birthday was just purr-fect! Purries and headbonks, Ditzy, Milo, Alison, Otie and Ruth
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <calicocatgirl>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindess Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, November 13, 2000 at 21:24:30 (PST)
Today is a very special day. It's the birthday of two lovely kitties, Spook and Sparks, who reside with my friend, Olga. We went to the party and there were wonderful refreshments and treats for the kitties, and a special guesbook too! The festivities are still going on, so click the link and visit the special "Birthday Pages" created especially for this occasion by the talented webmistress!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, November 13, 2000 at 21:15:05 (PST)
Nice site you have here.I enjoyed my visit..please come visit us sometime..Im just passing out Love and kindness today. Have a great day I hope this gift puts a smile on your face today.. Love Vicki RAOK
This was posted by:
Mike Vicki Gillette <>

These comments were posted Monday, November 13, 2000 at 16:59:08 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! I am pleased to announce that I am now a proud memfur of The Four F Guild at Ailurophilia. Here is a lovely banner that was created by our friends, Scully, Fox and Spuds. Now Milo, Otie, Alison and yours truly are active memfurs of this charming guild! Purries, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Diamond's Triple C Club for Calico Kitties! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 10:28:51 (PST)
Alison Lebowitz here! I am pleased to announce that I have just joined the 4F Guild at Ailurophilia, that special place "Where a cat can be a cat!" This lovely banner was designed by my good friends Ned and Alex, who were kind enough to bestow on me their lovely "Catnippers Award" for my website, "Alison Lebowitz - One Sweet Tabby!" We are proud to join our new friends, Ned, Alex, Scully, Fox and Spuds in the Four F Guild, and thank them for the warm welcome. Purries, Alison
This was posted by:
Alison Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Sweet Tabby
The 4F Guild at Ailurophilia is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 08:36:58 (PST)
Dear Ditzy, My cat, Nikki and I want to thank you for sharing your wonderful furry feline home with us. Please visit when you can. Hugs, Betty
This was posted by:
Betty <>

This guest's handle is: Lady Lunar Light
These comments were posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 07:45:57 (PST)
Alison Lebowitz here again! I am making yet another rare public appearance, because I wanted to show my friends the lovely banner for the new contest I have joined. So please do click the link and visit me at "Ferretmom's Top Pet Sites Contest. You might just find some of my friends there as well. Purries, Alison
This was posted by:
Alison Lebowitz <calicocatgirl>

This guest's handle is: Sweet Tabby
The Friendly Furkids Fun Factory at Ailurophilia is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 07:23:17 (PST)
Alison Lebowitz here! I am the quiet one at Chez Lebowitz, and it is rare that I make public apperances or promote my sites on the net. However, I am happy to announce that I have joined the contest at "Ferretmom's Top Pet Sites", and have been presented with this beautiful award. So please do visit me there and I would not mind it in the least if you voted for me. Purrs, Alison
This was posted by:
Alison Lebowitz <calicocatgirl>

This guest's handle is: Sweet Tabby!
Ailurophilia - Where a cat can be a cat! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 07:15:05 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! I am pleased to annouce that I have won the Grooming Area yet again! Thanks to all my friends, both human and feline for your loyal support and for voting faithfully. Your checks are in the mail. Purrs, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty
Diamond's Triple C Club is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 06:25:24 (PST)
Once again into the breach, dear friends. Yes, I have entered my site "Ruth Lebowitz - Calicocatgirl"! into a great contest called "Skye's Top Pet Site Gala". Now listen to this... Ditzy has been accusing me of shameless self-promotion. That is the pot calling the kettle "noir"! I have been tirelessly campaigning for her at a web competition called "The Site Fights", just because she wants to go to strut her stuff at a pet show. But if I promote my website, does she ever have a hissy fit! Right now, while I am slaving over a hot iMac, Ditzy is at The Short Hills Mall making the most of every photo opportunity and kissing babies! She has been sending spurious e-mails promising luxury autos to the loyalest voters, and those are just a few of the empty promises she has made on the campaign trail! Why that cat would go to the opening of an envelope! Come to think of it, Ditzy has all of the markings of a natural born politician! You can get there would be no need for a recount if Ditzy had been running for office! She is positively shameless in her blind ambition. Go have kids - feh!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 15:06:07 (PST)
Here is my award from Stephanie for my website "Ruth Lebowitz - Purrs from Calicocatgirl!" I hope I got the url right this time!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 12:55:48 (PST)
Hello to all of my wonderful friends on the web. I just received a lovely award for my website, "Ruth Lebowitz - Purrs from Calicocatgirl"! Thanks so very much, Stephanie. I am glad that you enjoyed visiting my website! If you wish to visit Stephanie's site, then click the link!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 12:51:07 (PST)
Greetings and salutations to my many friends in cyberspace! Now you can find my site "Milo Lebowitz - Bachelor Tabby!" ant the sites of my friends and roommates, Ditzy, Alison and Otie at a wonderful new venue. It's called "Skye's Top Pet Site Gala" and there is neat music - The Theme from the Pink Panther and marvelous graphics! So why not click the link and visit me there? If you would cast some votes for us, we really wouldn't mind it a bit! Purrs and best wishes, Milo Lebowitz - Bachelor Tabby!
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby!
The privacy afforded by my Sanctum Sanctorum! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, November 10, 2000 at 06:20:29 (PST)
Greetings everyone! Now you can Milo, Alison and even Ruth at Skye's Top Site Extravaganza. There are great graphics, cool jazz, and of course links to our favorite personal pages! So please click the link and visit us soon at this cool venue. While you're there, we would love for you to vote for all of us! Loyalty such as yours shall not go unrewarded! Purrs and caviar dreams, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Random Acts of Kindness Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, November 10, 2000 at 06:14:40 (PST)
Hello to all of my friends in both the real and the virtual worlds. Happily these worlds seem to overlap these days, which I find quite congenial. I just got this gift from my friend Jamie whose website, "Keesha's Place" is doing great at the Web Competition. Thanks so much for the lovely gift, Jamie! Your friend, Ruth
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 09, 2000 at 17:17:16 (PST)
Hi everyone! Ditzy Lebowitz here! I am pleased to announce that I have just joined "The Four F Guild" at Ailurophilia, where a cat can be a cat! I even got this nifty membership badge! Life on the net is sure lots of fun these days. There are worse things than being a drop-dead gorgeous calico kitty with all the right connections in Hollywood and on the world wide web, if you ask me....
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Diamond's Triple C Club for Calico Kitties! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 09, 2000 at 17:11:15 (PST)
Hello everyone! Otie Lebowitz here! I'm the quiet one, unlike a certain self-promoting calico kitty I know. Anyway, now you can vote for my website "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!" at a really cool venue - Skye's Top Pet Sites Gala! You can find a link to the contest from my website. Alison, Milo and Ditzy are there too! We hope to see you there and would love your votes. Purrs and peace, Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!
This was posted by:
Otie Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Feline Muse!
Random Acts of Kindness is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 09, 2000 at 15:43:02 (PST)
Hello to all of my wonderful friend on the web! Great news! Now you can vote for my website, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty"!, as well as the sites of my pals, Milo and Otie at Skye's Topsite Extravaganza! It's a really cool venue with lovely graphics and mellow jazz - so pay us a visit, and we would all love your votes! Ciao and meow for now, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicokitty!
Diamond's Triple C Club for Calico Kitties! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 09, 2000 at 15:37:20 (PST)
Hello once again to all of my wonderful friends in cyberspace and beyond! This has been an eventful week at Chez Lebowitz, where the kitties definitely rule! I just started a new column on cats personal homepages at Matilda, the Aussie search engine! I have been having a terrific time at The Brat Cats Top 50 Feline Sites and I thank Maxine for generously letting me share cyberspace with her own terrific trio! In honor of the launching of the new page at Matilda, I am displaying a banner made for me by my friend Donna of "Mystic Cats", and I thank my friend Olga of "Mikes Maddie" for assisting me with the posting of my banners. I am so fortunate to have so many truly wonderful friends on the net, and though my state is penurious, I am one of the richest women I know! Love, Ruth and purrs from Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, November 08, 2000 at 13:03:25 (PST)
Hello once again to all of my wonderful friends in cyberspace and beyond! This has been an eventful week at Chez Lebowitz, where the kitties definitely rule! I just started a new column on cats personal homepages at Matilda, the Aussie search engine! I have been having a terrific time at The Brat Cats Top 50 Feline Sites and I thank Maxine for generously letting me share cyberspace with her own terrific trio! In honor of the launching of the new page at Matilda, I am displaying a banner made for me by my friend Donna of "Mystic Cats", and I thank my friend Olga of "Mikes Maddie" for assisting me with the posting of my banners. I am so fortunate to have so many truly wonderful friends on the net, and though my state is penurious, I am one of the richest women I know! Love, Ruth and purrs from Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, November 08, 2000 at 13:03:02 (PST)
Hello everyone! Just wanted to tell you that you can find Ditzy's website, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Calicokitty"! at Catwhiskas Top 50 Sites! Here is her nifty new voting button!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, November 08, 2000 at 12:53:58 (PST)
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! Hope you can see my "Golden Feather Award"! Thanks again, Bird! Love, Ruth
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 14:50:18 (PST)
Greetings and salutations to all of my wonderful friends on the web! I am pleased to display "The Golden Feather Award" which I received for my site, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!" Thanks so much, Bird for befriending me on the net! I also must thank my friend Olga from RAOK for helping me get this award on the page. There are so many nice people I have met on this information super-highway! The latest project I have embarked on is a column on Cat Personal Pages, under the auspices of the Australian search engine, Matilda. So why not waltz the web "Aussie-style" and check it out? Just click the link and I'll meet you in the land down under. I must admit that the Olympics are a hard act to follow. Thanks again to all of my wonderful friends - now please click the link!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 14:43:03 (PST)
Heres an award for your wonderful site... : )
This was posted by:
Birdboy <>

These comments were posted Monday, November 06, 2000 at 10:36:09 (PST)
Here's an award for you wonderful site
This was posted by:
Birdboy <>

These comments were posted Monday, November 06, 2000 at 10:33:41 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here with the latest breaking news from The Site Fights! Fresh from my triumphant stay at the Training Area, I have packed my Louis Vuitton luggage and high-tailed it out of there. I have moved back to my old digs at Grooming Area No. 1. This is good news, since I can take advantage of the facilities there and take a bubble bath and get a decent pedicure, for which I am long overdue. Okay, it's not an Elizabeth Arden day of beauty, but the price sure is right! Warm purrs and caviar dreams, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty! P.S. Just click the link and vote for me at Grooming Area No. 1. Loyalty such as yours shall not go unrewarded!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
My private bungalow at The Chateau Marmont - very funky! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, November 06, 2000 at 10:10:51 (PST)
Milo Lebowitz here! I am pleased to announce that I am the proud recipient of Phlippe's coveted "Golden Tuna Award". Thank you, Phillipe and Lauren for your lovely award. I really adore tuna, especially in a Salade Nicoise! A bientot, Philippe! Purrs, Milo
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby!
The privacy afforded by my Sanctum Sanctorum! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, November 06, 2000 at 08:54:42 (PST)
Greetings and salutations to all of my friends on the world wide web. My name is Milo Lebowitz, and I am a handsome orange tabby cat, whose considerable charm and charisma are exceeded only by my tawny good looks! I am such a debonair tabby, that I consider myself "the George Saunders of the cat world", and that modest assessment is understated to say the least. I have been told that nothing endears more than the true humility of a cat! Want to be invited into my Sanctum Sanctorum for some catnip cigars and some literate conversation. Just click the link and you will find me waiting for you. My hospitality is impeccable, or so I've been told! Purrs and headbonks, Milo
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Handsome Tabby!
The privacy afforded by my "sanctum sanctorum"! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 17:38:16 (PST)
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ditzy Lebowitz, and I am a voluptuous calico kitty, whose considerable charm and charisma are exceeded only by my fondness for Meow Mix. Want to hear all about my life as a feline cyber-celebrity, who has taken the world wide web by storm? Just click the link and I'll meet you there. It's not nice to keep a lady waiting... Hot purrs and caviar dreams, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Feline Superstar!
My private bungalow at The Chateau Marmont, when in LA! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 17:31:09 (PST)
Hello! My name is Alison Lebowitz, and I am a sweet tiger-striped tabby with strong maternal instincts. As surrogate mother to three adopted kitties, Ditzy, Milo, and Otie, I have proved myself to be quite the sweet tabby, indeed or so I've been told! Want to hear about my life and times at Chez Lebowitz? Please click the link, and I shall be waiting for you! Purries and headbonks, Alison
This was posted by:
Alison Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Sweet Tabby!
My bedroom, where Otie and I gossip about Milo and Ditzy! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 17:21:49 (PST)
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Otie Lebowitz, and I am a sweet and petite tuxedo kitty with a serious penchant for furry mice! While it is true that I am not ill-favoured, I try to maintain my modesty, despite the burden of my fatal beauty! Want to hear more? Then click the link... Purrs, Otie
This was posted by:
Otie Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Feline Muse
I don't chat, since discretion is the better part of valour! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 17:12:49 (PST)
Ditzy, Alison, Milo, Otie and I are all proud to be members of CLAW!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

These comments were posted Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 16:51:36 (PST)
Hi Ruth and Ditzy thanks so much for supporting us and being our frinds we made yo a special gift with your name on it. tvamp
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 14:51:38 (PST)
Hello to all of my wonderful friends on the world wide web! My latest happy news is that my website, "Ruth Lebowitz - Calicocatgirl" has had the honor of being bestowed the lovely "Keeper of the Stars Award". This award means so much to me, because it is reserved for sites that promote adoption and rescue of homeless kitties, a cause very dear to my heart. All of my kitties, Milo, Alison, Ditzy and Otie are adopted, and so they join me in thanking Maxine, webmistress of The Brat Cats for this lovely and meaningful award. Peace and purrs, Ruth and kitties!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindess Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 13:06:08 (PST)
Hello to all of my wonderful friends on the world wide web! My latest happy news is that my website, "Ruth Lebowitz - Calicocatgirl" has had the honor of being bestowed the lovely "Keeper of the Stars Award". This award means so much to me, because it is reserved for sites that promote adoption and rescue of homeless kitties, a cause very dear to my heart. All of my kitties, Milo, Alison, Ditzy and Otie are adopted, and so they join me in thanking Maxine, webmistress of The Brat Cats for this lovely and meaningful award. Peace and purrs, Ruth and kitties!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindess Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 13:04:51 (PST)
Great news! Now you can vote for my website, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Calicokitty"! at The Brat Cats Top 50 Feline Sites"! Just click the link and you will find me there! Remember - Loyalty such as yours shall not go unrewarded!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz - Calicokitty! <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Diamond's Triple Cc Club for Calico Kitties! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 09:43:12 (PST)

This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicokitty!
Diamond's Triple C Club and The Four F Guild at Ailurophilia is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 09:18:26 (PST)
Please Vote for Ditzy Lebowitz at The Brat Cats Top 50!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicokitty!
Diamond's Triple C Club and The Four F Guild at Ailurophilia is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 09:14:48 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! Just wanted to thank Sandi and Sir Wally for their unwavering support. Sir Wally, you are a gentlecat and a scholar! We recommend you visit their websites, "Peke Avenue and "Sir Wally" soon. Just click the link and you will be there! Purrs and headbonks, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Diamond's Triple Cc Club for Calico Kitties! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 06:54:19 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! Here is yet another banner created for me by Sandi and Sir Wally for their Supporters' Wall! Yes, we are big fans of their wonderful websites, "Peke Avenue" and "Sir Wally". Many thanks to our friend Olga for helping us get these banners on the net! What great friends I have! Purrs and headbonks, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty! P.S. Check out my website, the eponymous, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty" by clicking the link!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Diamond's Triple C Calico Club! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 04:31:11 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! I should know better than to post my graphics in the guestbook before I have had my morning espresso! Take it from the top - Here is one of the banners made for me by Sandi of Peke Avenue and Sir Wally of "Sir Wally's White Knight", both wonderful websites! You know that I have impeccable taste in friends! Warm purrs and caviar dreams, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Spago's for a quick nosh and lots of great dish! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 04:24:32 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! I should know better than to post my graphics in the guestbook before I have had my morning espresso! Take it from the top - Here is one of the banners made for me by Sandi of Peke Avenue and Sir Wally of "Sir Wally's White Knight", both wonderful websites! You know that I have impeccable taste in friends! Warm purrs and caviar dreams, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Spago's for a quick nosh and lots of great dish! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 04:24:13 (PST)
Hello to all of my wonderful friends in cyberspace and beyond! These have been heady times for yours truly, Ditzy Lebowitz! I am thrilled with all of the fantastic awards I have received, and I thank you fantastic and generous people, for bestowing them on me. You know, I am a pretty jaded kitty, since I am a feline cyber-star on the cusp of super-stardom on the silver screen, so saying I am thrilled is quite a big deal! I am happy to display this lovely banner that my good friends, Sandi and Sir Wally made for me! Thank you Sandi and Sir Wally for your creative collaboration on my behalf. Purrs and caviar dreams, Ditzy Lebowitz - Feline Cyberstar!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
My private bunglalow at The Chateau Marmont when in LA! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 04:15:13 (PST)
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 00:12:15 (PST)
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
icq, aol instant messanger is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, November 03, 2000 at 23:46:56 (PST)
Hi Ruth this is one of the wands i am going to send the rest of the supporters. thanks so much for your support, even though we lost by 12 i got 139 votes tonight was disappointed but i will get them the next time. you are a wonderful person and friend will get another wand too. good luck to you hope you win. tvamp
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Friday, November 03, 2000 at 23:45:49 (PST)
Hello to all of our friends on the world wide web. I am very pleased to announce that my website, "Ruth Lebowitz - Purrs from Calicocatgirl!" has just been awarded the very special "Keeper of the Stars" Award by The Brat Cats, Brandee, Dondee and Gatsby, and their human, Maxine. This award is reserved for sites that promote the adoption and rescue of kitties, a cause very close to our hearts. Thank you very much, Maxine and kitties! Peace and purrs, Ruth, Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, November 03, 2000 at 21:08:08 (PST)
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Friday, November 03, 2000 at 20:41:06 (PST)
Hi Ruth Here is your award will keep it in my server as long as needed just because you are my friend tvamp
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

This guest's handle is: tvamp
These comments were posted Friday, November 03, 2000 at 20:40:18 (PST)
Hello once again to all my fantastic friends on the net! My friends, Tvamp and Torak have created a lovely gif buttom for me. It's so adorable, I just had to show it to you. Am I lucky to have such fantabulous friends or what? Purrs, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty! P.S. Click the link to check out my website!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Poolside at The Four Season in NY and Spago's in LA! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, November 03, 2000 at 04:59:24 (PST)
Thanks so much to all of my wonderful friends on the web! My good friends, Tvamp and Tvorak have designed a lovely banner for Ditzy's site, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty"! Thanks, Tvamp for all of your wonderful awards and graphics which have enlivened this guestbook. I really love your website, and for those of you out there in cyberspace who have not yet visited "Tvamp's Basket Full of Cats", why not click the link and check it out now. Peace and purrs, Ruth and kitties
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Random Acts of Kindness Circle of Friends is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 20:10:03 (PST)
Hi everybody! Thought I would post this animated gif for all of those Garfield-loving friends in cyberspace and beyond. It's from my good friend, Merja who hails from Helsinki. Thank you Merja and purrs to Ditzy's feline friends, Gordi and Nelli! Purrs and peace, Ruth and kitties
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
The Siberian Cat Club and RAOK at eGroups! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 15:15:20 (PST)
Greetings and salutations to all of my wonderful friends on the world wide web. Congratulations, Ditzy on your recent coup! However, may I remind you that I competed at The Site Fights and then passed the torch to you? Here is a memento of the happy days I spent at that venerable venue before I retired to the privacy afforded by my "Sanctum Sanctorum". All best wishes, Milo Lebowitz Bachelor Tabby!
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby!
The privacy afforded by my Sanctum Sanctorum is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 10:30:33 (PST)
Hi Ruth, I am sorry about the two messed up entries. I feel so little i should have remembered GBs do not like jpg entries. Good luck in the fights and i hope you win. Tvamp
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

These comments were posted Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 10:22:08 (PST)
I hope this works.
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

These comments were posted Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 10:19:45 (PST)
Hello once again to all of my friends, both in cyberspace and Hollywood. While competing at The Site Fights, I won this award and have finally gotten around to posting it for your viewing pleasure. Warm purrs and caviar dreams, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
The privacy of my bungalow at The Chateau Marmont! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 10:15:35 (PST)
Hello to all of my wonderful friends. Just wanted to tell you all that I am competing at The Site Fights and would so appreciate it if you visited the voting booth and cast a vote for "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty"! Thank you and your checks are in the mail! Purrs, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
Spago's for a nosh and great dish! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 09:48:48 (PST)
Hello to Ruth and the Kitties!!!!! Hope you are all well, and that Ruth is starting to get over the flu. Been thinking about you all. Hope you had a safe halloween. Happy November to you all.
This was posted by:
Fairy Tickle Cat (aka Tassie) <>

These comments were posted Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 22:23:03 (PST)
Ruth Lebowitz here! Well, I see that Milo and Ditzy have been very busy shamelessly promoting their websites. They have all but fired me as their campaign manager, but have allowed me to continue as their abject slave. Someone has to change their litterboxes! Anyway, we have made some nice friends on the world wide web, and while we do not have a "Supporters Wall" yet, we highly recommend such fantastic websites as "Peke Avenue", "Sir Wally's Book Nook, Ailurophilia, Birdboy's Place, and the website of two of our best friends on the web, Torak and Tvamp of "Tvamp's Basket Full of Cats"! We are proud to support and up-and-comer, "Doggy Pages" by our friend Dori. Yes, it is about "D*gs", so don't tell Ditzy! More supporter buttons and banners to come! Good luck to everyone! Love, Ruth and kitties!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
Who has time to chat? I'm busy changing litterboxes! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 10:23:56 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! Wonderful news to all of my loyal supporters on the net, and your number is legion. May I take this opportunity to comment you one and all for your impeccable taste in voting for my website, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty's Fan Page"! Yes, you have helped we win this fabulous award bestowed upon me by the R & C Topsites Contest. In the immortal words of my role model, Camryn Manheim, "Let's hear it for all the fat girls"! Thanks for voting for me and I won't forget all you little people when I become a feline superstar in Hollywood! Love and purrs, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
My bungalow at the Chateau Marmont for its funky ambience! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 06:01:53 (PST)
Hello again to all of my fantastic fans, and your number is legion. May I commend you on your impeccable taste in voting for my website, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty! at R & C's Topsites Contest! Here is the special award I have received from the webmistress at that lovely venue. Another one from that venerable site is on the way, and you, my loyal fans and supporters will be the first to see it. Fabulous purrs and catnip dreams!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty! <>

This guest's handle is: Feline Cyberstar!
Chez Lebowitz where Milo and I gossip about Otie and Alison! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 05:29:50 (PST)
Greetings to all of my wonderful fans in cyberspace! Milo is not the only contestant at Chez Lebowitz! I am please to announce that I am competing at R & C's Topsites Contest and my website "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty"! just won a special award for being in the Top 20 Sites! I will display it as soon as it is in my greedy little paws! In the meantime, do check out this enjoyable website and please be sure to vote for me. Your checks are in the mail! Love and purrs, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
My favorite haunt when in LA is Spago's for great dish! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 05:22:14 (PST)
Milo Lebowitz here! I am so delighted with my award from Ferretom's Pet Topsites Contest, that I wish to proudly display their banner. Quite lovely isn't it? I must say I am having a jolly good time on the internet these days. Thank you to all of my friends and supporters. Do stop by and visit me in my Sanctum Sanctorum and I may just offer you a snifter of the finest catnip brandy as well as a distinguished catnip cigar from my private humidor at Dunhills. All good cheer! Cheerio, pip-pip, and all that! Milo Lebowitz - Bachelor Tabby!
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby!
The privacy of my "Sanctum Sanctorum"! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 05:06:45 (PST)
Milo Lebowitz here! Ahem, here is the correct award for Ferretmom's Contest. It is a bit early in the day for me, and I have not had my espresso yet. The other award also belongs to me. I won it competing at R & C's Ultimate Topsites Contest! Ah, life is good these days for this bachelor tabby! All good cheer! Milo Lebowitz
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby!
The privacy of my Sanctum Sanctorum! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 04:20:04 (PST)
Milo Lebowitz here! Hello once again to my wonderful friends on the world wide web! You are such a loyal crew and I thank you one and all. Great news! I have received a lovely award for competing at Ferretmom's Top Pet Sites Contest. I am having a jolly good time there, and have met many congenial sorts there - all furry, of course! So please do click on the link and vote for me at this excellent venue! Purrs, Milo
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby!
I enjoy hours of congenial chat with friends in my den! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 04:08:49 (PST)
Here is another lovely award that I just received from my wonderful friends Tvamp and Torak! You must visit their fantastic website, "Tvamp's Basket Full of Cats" - just click the link! Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie join me in thanking our friends for this beautiful award!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl
I am so busy changing litterboxes! Who has time to chat? is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 20:48:58 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! I have just received this absolutely wondeful award from my good friends Tvamp and Torak! Thank you both so very much! Hope it shows up this time...
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
I like to dish over a nosh and drinks at Spago's! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 20:05:54 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! I have just received this absolutely wondeful award from my good friends Tvamp and Torak! Thank you both so very much. You shouldn't have, but I'm sure glad you did! Love and purrs, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
I like to dish over a nosh and drinks at Spago's! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 20:03:11 (PST)
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 19:42:06 (PST)
Hi Ruth and Ditzy here is that award for your wonderfully done web page. we love your web page.
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 19:40:39 (PST)
because you are our friend
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 16:41:53 (PST)
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 16:40:50 (PST)
Milo Lebowitz here! Hello once again to my wonderful friends on the world wide web! I am pleased to announce that I am the proud recipient of a lovely award for competing at the aforementioned "Ferretmom's Pet Topsites Contest"! I think it is quite tasteful, and suitable for framing at my "Sanctum Sanctorum". Do visit me in my inner sanctum and partake of catnip cigars , fine brandy, and stimulating conversation with kindred spirits. Please do vote for me at this charming venue! Click the link and you will find me at the contest!
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby!
My "Sanctum Sanctorum" for conversation and catnip cigars! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 08:35:21 (PST)
Milo Lebowitz here! Hello to all of my wonderful friends on the world wide web! I have emerged from the comfort of my "Sanctum Sanctorum" to announce that I have entered a jolly good competition called "Ferretmom's Ultimate Topsites Contest"! I am usually a very private tabby, but I decided it would be fun to give my fair sister, Otie a run for her money! So please do click the link and visit this charming venue and cast a vote for "Milo Lebowitz - Bachelor Tabby"! May I offer you a snifter of fine catnip brandy or a catnip cigar? Well, maybe after you please!
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Bachelor Tabby!
I chat with kindred spirits in my "Sanctum Sanctorum"! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 07:31:03 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! The latest breaking news at Chez Lebowitz! Yours truly, Ditzy Lebowitz, has received a lovely award for competing at "Ferretmom's Ultimate Topsites Contest". It is a charming venue, and I have met some very interesting competitors there, all furry and fabulous! So I want to thank the Academy - ahem, I mean Ferretmom, for this lovely award. See you on the red carpet soon - yes, I do mean the Oscars - now click the link and vote for me! The loyalest voters will be the lucky recipients of luxury cars - your choice of Lexus or Mercedes, subject of course, to availability! Purrs, Ditzy Lebowitz - Feline Superstar!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty
I do most of my chatting over drinks and a nosh at Spago's! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, October 30, 2000 at 17:06:09 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! The latest breaking news at Chez Lebowitz is that yours truly is in a nifty competition called "R & C's Topsites". I am enjoying my stay at that venue, and the boniface seems quite hospitable thus far. However, I am still waiting for those croissants I ordered to be sent to me by Federal Express. I suppose I will have to be satisfied with this attractive award in the meantime! Purrs, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
These comments were posted Monday, October 30, 2000 at 16:38:38 (PST)
Hi Alison, we would not furget mew! We're glad to see Ruth got her guestbook back!
This was posted by:
Ned & Alex <>

These comments were posted Monday, October 30, 2000 at 15:47:16 (PST)
Hi Ditzy, well we finally made it. Just loved mewr page! Hope mew like mewr award!
This was posted by:
Ned & Alex <>

These comments were posted Monday, October 30, 2000 at 15:43:08 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! I am taking a little break from signing 8 X 10 glossies of my gorgeous self. You know that an autographed photo of yours truly can get you big bucks if you auction it at e-Bay! Here is yet another present from my feline friend, Torak. Oh, Torak - you shouldn't have. But I am so glad you did! Lots of purrs, Ditzy Lebowitz - Feline Cyberstar!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Feline Cyberstar!
Too busy autographing 8 X 10 glossies to chat! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, October 30, 2000 at 15:06:54 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here again! Well, I must say that I am enjoying posting these gifts from my friend, Torak. I have been missing out on so much by delegating my scut-work to Milo and Otie! By the way, I highly recommend that you visit Torak's site, "Tvamp's Basketful of Cats"! Now here is the special Halloween surprise I just received from Torak. Pretty spooky, isn't it? Be afraid! Be very afraid! Scary purrs, Ditzy Lebowitz - Feline Superstar!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Feline Superstar!
No time for idle chit-chat! I am a feline superstar! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, October 30, 2000 at 14:00:06 (PST)
Ditzy Lebowitz here! Aha! I succeeded in posting the picture sent to me by my wonderful friend, Torak. He is a delightful kitty and has sent me a special Halloween gift! I am so emboldened by my recent success, that I shall post it right now. Perhaps I have been delegating too many editorial tasks to my human slave, Ruth. As we all know, to err is human, but to be perfect is to be feline!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
I am a celebrity kitty and have no time for idle chit-chat! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, October 30, 2000 at 13:32:41 (PST)
Thank you to all of my wonderful friends on the web for enlivening my guestbooks and voting for me at my favorite venues. I am not very experienced with html and such. After all, I am a cyber-celebrity and a film star and don't have time for such matters. That is why I have slaves like Milo, Alison and Otie to do all the scut work. However, I am trying to post a picture of my good friend, Torak from "Tvamps Basket of Cats". If this doesn't work, I will delegate the task to one of my slaves, perhaps my human, although she is known to be fallible, unlike we felines who are perfect!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
I am a celebrity kitty and have no time to chat! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, October 30, 2000 at 13:05:50 (PST)
Purries Milo and Otie, We are so happy that you have joined the 4F Guild at Ailurophilia. We are very pleezed that mew have decided to be very active guild memfurs too!!! Thank you for mewr hard work.... mew both have become Level 1 memfurs and the way mew are going, it shouldn't take too long for mew to get to Level 2!!!Purrs and Paw Pats...4F Guild Leaders, Scully, Fox, Spud, Alex & Ned
This was posted by:
4F Guild At Ailurophilia <>

This guest's handle is: Where a cat can be a Cat
These comments were posted Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 13:31:56 (PST)
Purries Milo and Otie, We are so happy that you have joined the 4F Guild at Ailurophilia. We are very pleezed that mew have decided to be very active guild memfurs too!!! Thank you for mewr hard work.... mew both have become Level 1 memfurs and the way mew are going, it shouldn't take too long for mew to get to Level 2!!!Purrs and Paw Pats...4F Guild Leaders, Scully, Fox, Spud, Alex & Ned
This was posted by:
4F Guild At Ailurophilia <>

This guest's handle is: Where a cat can be a Cat
These comments were posted Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 13:30:07 (PST)
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 21:34:18 (PDT)
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 21:33:25 (PDT)
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 21:32:32 (PDT)
HAPPY HALLOWEEN Thanks for being my friend and supporting me, I could not have made it this far without you. Tvamp
This was posted by:
tvamp <>

These comments were posted Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 21:31:00 (PDT)
I just like to say how impressed I was with these pages. You had me reaching for my dictionary on more than one occasion. But that's okay. I like learning the meanings to new words. *big smile* The writing contained in these pages is top notch. You four sure are a highly educated bunch of furry delights. But please remember to let your Meowmie share in some of the glory. She does a wonderful job in nuturing you and giving your your space. Therefore, I think we should raise our collective paws to your Meowmie. Job well done to all of you. And thank you for the invite. I had a ball here. Chin rubs and nose kisses from myself, my fiance (Bri), and our kitlets (Spook and Sparks). Meow, :)!
This was posted by:
Olga Stewart <>

This guest's handle is: Maddie
These comments were posted Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 17:36:54 (PDT)
Otie, What a sweet girl you are, Concatulations!
This was posted by:
Ned & Alex <>

These comments were posted Monday, October 23, 2000 at 17:21:27 (PDT)
Milo, we think your page is purr-fect! And we sure wish our meowmie could write like yours.:-) Concatulations!
This was posted by:
Ned & Alex <>

These comments were posted Monday, October 23, 2000 at 17:17:21 (PDT)
Hi Ditzy! Great page you have here, and I love the graphics. The cat on the bottom of the page is really cute. :-) Take care!
This was posted by:
Jess <>

These comments were posted Sunday, October 22, 2000 at 17:16:13 (PDT)
Happy Burfday Otie, from all mewr Ailurophilia friends!
This was posted by:
Ned & Alex

These comments were posted Sunday, October 22, 2000 at 16:03:55 (PDT)
Happy Burfday from all mewr friends at Ailurophilia.
This was posted by:
Ned & Alex

These comments were posted Sunday, October 22, 2000 at 15:53:11 (PDT)
Happy Burfday from mewr friends at Ailurophilia!
This was posted by:
Ned & Alex

These comments were posted Sunday, October 22, 2000 at 15:43:30 (PDT)
Oh no! The horrible Bungee Spider has followed me here! Calling all cats...ATTACK! I'll be hiding while you guys get rid of the spider! Thanks, Abdul
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great

These comments were posted Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 12:14:59 (PDT)
This is me when the horrible Bungee Spider is attacking me. Aaaccck! Don't cats like to play with spiders? ....Abdul
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great

These comments were posted Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 12:12:18 (PDT)
This is a purrrrfect website with so much interesting stuff about wonderful kitties! I loved visiting here.
This was posted by:
Sir Wally <>

This guest's handle is: The White Knight
These comments were posted Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 10:52:14 (PDT)
Hello to all of my truly wonderful friends on the world wide web! You certainly have proved yourselves to be a loyal crew. Thank you very much for taking the time and effort to vote for me at The Site Fights and for leaving such lovely entries in my various guestbooks, which are greatly appreciated. Loyalty such as yours shall not go unrewarded! I am offering a free luxury car to the first 100 people who sign my new guestbook at my latest site. It is called "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty's Fan Page"! So let me know if you would rather have a Mercedes or a Lexus! Also specify color preference - black or red. So click the link and visit my newest site. By the way, I can give you a really great deal on some real estate in Brooklyn - they've got a really good bridge! Love and purrs, Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!....
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty! <>

This guest's handle is: Feline Cyberstar!
These comments were posted Monday, October 16, 2000 at 10:05:21 (PDT)
Hi, Ruth! Still using those tired old pre-packaged web sites? I understand. You can't afford a full time web master like I can, to maintain a professionally-produced, innovative and interactive multimedia experience. My web master is a master of a lot of stuff besides computers, by the way! Luv Ya!
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Saturday, October 14, 2000 at 14:16:07 (PDT)
This was posted by:
MC-PAT-Quoddy, Rocky & Acadia <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at 10:16:17 (PDT)
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Ditzy Lebowitz - Cyberstar!
These comments were posted Monday, October 09, 2000 at 05:41:41 (PDT)
Hello to all of my wonderful friends in cyberspace and beyond! I am pleased to announce the launching of a brand-new website, "Meet Ditzy Lebowitz - Feline Cyberstar"! So click the link and visit me at my newest home on the web! Love and purrs, Ditzy Lebowitz Feline Cyberstar!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Feline Cyberstar!
These comments were posted Sunday, October 08, 2000 at 17:07:06 (PDT)
Darn! The url was too long. Oh, well. Here's that bird attacking me! Abdul
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great <>

This guest's handle is: Abdul the Great
These comments were posted Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 21:56:10 (PDT)
Here's that bad magic bird casting a spell on me. I need some kitty pals to take care of that bird! Your friend, Abdul
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great <>

This guest's handle is: Abdul the Great
These comments were posted Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 21:54:20 (PDT)
Hi Ditzy! I love your compilation of links, you have very good taste indeed! I like the background a lot too, and the black cat graphic is cute. :-) Keep up the great work!
This was posted by:
Jess <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 17:01:47 (PDT)
What wonderful pages! My daughter also has an orange tabby named Milo and he seems to share some of the same qualities of spirit as your handsome fellow. Many good wishes. Ella
This was posted by:
Ella <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 16:47:14 (PDT)
My head is spinning from so many websites and guestbooks! Or maybe because of Ditsy's great beauty. Or maybe because I am thinking of how I deserve an award much more than my friend Tom Cruise... So many things to think about. I think I'll take a nap! Your pal, Abdul
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 13:02:50 (PDT)
Hi. I went to the top 50 and voted for your site. I sure hope it wins. Good luck.
This was posted by: <>

These comments were posted Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 20:04:04 (PDT)
Hi Ruth. Congratulations from all of us at the Support Site Gym. We think this is wonderful and fun to read.
This was posted by:
BigE <>

These comments were posted Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 15:16:14 (PDT)
Hey Ruth. Wonderful cat site. We enjoyed looking at the pics and reading the stories. You should be a writer if you aren't. Cheers, CC
This was posted by:
CC <>

These comments were posted Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 15:11:16 (PDT)
This was posted by: <>

These comments were posted Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 15:05:50 (PDT)
This was posted by:
Kat <>

These comments were posted Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 14:54:00 (PDT)
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 14:33:46 (PDT)
Great web pages!
This was posted by:
Daisy <>

These comments were posted Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 14:07:02 (PDT)
Hello Ruth: A friend of mine sent a link to your site, because she thought it should be shared. I like your pages, and the stories are very funny. You have a lot of personality. I want you to know that you are welcome in our little corner of the web world also. I hope someday I can learn how to do sites, right now I just belong to a support group of very nice people. I am glad to sign your guestbook. Truly yours, Darla (friends just call me Dee)
This was posted by:
Darla <>

These comments were posted Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 11:30:00 (PDT)
Dear Ruth, I am please to see your webpages full of fun. I am from Italy and I have your link by a friend. She say you have spent time building sites tho you very ill and that keep you going. I am proud of you. I be sick too and I don know how you do it. Best luck to you, and good wishes. Ciao, Cassie Bruni
This was posted by:
Cassie <>

These comments were posted Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 11:16:56 (PDT)
Hi Ruth. A friend of mine named Mary gave me your link because I have Lupus and Fibromyalgia. She wanted me to see what all you accomplish in spite of the fact that you are faced with so much illness. I am very impressed. Please be sure to sign our group guestbook too. Regards, Kragen
This was posted by:
Kragen <>

This guest's handle is: Kragen is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 11:02:17 (PDT)
Hi Ditzy, can't wait until your human finally gets a camera, you must be a real beauty, a calico girl! Wov!! I loved your story. And I tell you what, we have something in common. I also like to dominate other kitties, unfortunately I have only one here. My human is almost too easy to dominate, she can never say no, if I ask something. Such a bore! I'm sure we two would have a good time together! Purrs and hugs from Gordi
This was posted by:
gordi <>

These comments were posted Friday, September 29, 2000 at 11:20:14 (PDT)
Hi Ruth and Ditzy, I think that it is a good thing that Ditzy has a sense of humor, after all she has to put up with from all of you. I loved your site. Love and prayers, Vicki
This was posted by:
Vicki McCarroll <>

These comments were posted Friday, September 29, 2000 at 05:43:48 (PDT)
Meows again Ditzy... Is this the right guestbook to sign for My Menagerie? Anyroad, we both love your latest creation and are proud to present you with yet another Heavenly Cat Site Award. Concats!
This was posted by:
CatAnna & Monday <>

These comments were posted Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 13:57:56 (PDT)
Hello once again to all of my wonderful friends on the web! Now you can visit my new website, "Ditzy Lebowitz - My Menagerie" at "Dear Pets", which is a really great site belonging to our friends, Starz, Tommy and Amy! So please click the link and check it out now! Love and purrs, Ditzy Lebowitz Feline Author!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Cyberkitty!
These comments were posted Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 06:01:07 (PDT)
Great news for all my friends in cyberspace and beyond! Now yours truly, Ditzy Lebowitz, has her very own homepage at "Gurlpages". Well, I am a "gurl", even if of the feline rather than the human persuasion. So why not click the link and check out my brand-new website. I get to do all the talking. My abject slave, Ruth, doesn't even get a word in edge-wise, which is just the way I like it! Purrs, Ditzy Lebowitz - Feline Author Par Excellence!
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Sumokitty!
These comments were posted Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 13:05:52 (PDT)
A very happy birthday from me and my friend, Abdul! Smokey the Cat
This was posted by:
Smokey Cat

This guest's handle is: Smokey
These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 19:29:57 (PDT)
My friend Ann claims that today is her birthday too! So therefore I too should get some presents. Nobody gets presents in this house unless I get some too! Here is a picture of me with some toys that I got as presents. I love presents! I should get more of them! Oh...and Happy Birthday! Your pal, Abdul
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great <>

This guest's handle is: Abdul
These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 19:13:13 (PDT)
Hi, Ruth! Just wanted to let you know that when I sang "Puppy Love," I was thinking of you. Come out to Utah sometime, and we'll go to a barbershop quartet concert together.
This was posted by:
Donny Osmond is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 18:35:10 (PDT)
Hi, Ruth! Just wanted to let you know that when I sang "Puppy Love," I was thinking of you. Come out to Utah sometime, and we'll go to a barbershop quartet concert together.
This was posted by:
Donny Osmond is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 18:34:28 (PDT)
Hi, Ruth! You've been in Bayonne tooooo long, honey. Now you're actively delusional, imagining your cat talks to Mick Jagger. Now, I of course happen to REALLY know Mick. When he sang those lustful tunes like "I'm So Hot For Her," guess who was REALLY his muse? That's right, sugar. Why, you couldn't even inspire Donny Osmond. Oh, yeah. Happy Birthday, Ruth. Don't eat too much cake, now girl.
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 18:32:02 (PDT)
Hi, Ruth! You've been in Bayonne tooooo long, honey. Now you're actively delusional, imagining your cat talks to Mick Jagger. Now, I of course happen to REALLY know Mick. When he sang those lustful tunes like "I'm So Hot For Her," guess who was REALLY his muse? That's right, sugar. Why, you couldn't even inspire Donny Osmond. Oh, yeah. Happy Birthday, Ruth. Don't eat too much cake, now girl.
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 18:31:24 (PDT)
Bonjour mes amis! Pardonnez-moi. I have written the wrong url for Veronique's site, "Les Chats". Merci beaucoup, Veronique! Votre amie, Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!
This was posted by:
Otie Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Feline Muse!
These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 17:36:12 (PDT)
Bonjour mes amis! Wonderful news! My website, "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse", has just received a wonderful "Chazot Likes It!" Award from our friend Veronique. Milo has already received this coveted award, and soon I will be added to the list on the "Cats Award" site. Merci Millefois, Veronique! Vous etes tres gentille! Purrs, Otie
This was posted by:
Otie Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Feline Muse
These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 17:24:26 (PDT)
Happy Birthday Ruth!! I hope you're having a good day and that your kitties are giving you lots of headbonks and purrs.
This was posted by:
Jennifer Mawdsley <>

These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 15:33:20 (PDT)
Hi Otie, Could you please say Happy Birthday to Ruth for me? I hope you (being such a wonderful, resourceful and clever cat) will do something extra especially nice for her today on her birthday! Meow Meow from Cybil and Calloway, too!
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 15:21:01 (PDT)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ruth! On this picture Gordi plays your favorite tune, what ever it is. He can play anything, as you know!! Hope you have a wonderful day with your gang. I am sure they have baked a delicious cake for you. Merja
This was posted by:
Merja <>

These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 13:56:46 (PDT)
Happy Birthday Ruth! I am looking forward to read your birthday story. How are your all cats?
This was posted by:

This guest's handle is: Mimi
These comments were posted Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 05:42:12 (PDT)
Nice little site you have here. I hope you'll find the time to visit mine some time! Take care and Good Luck to you!
This was posted by:
John Peralta

This guest's handle is: Guardian
These comments were posted Friday, September 22, 2000 at 21:07:55 (PDT)
We would like to wish Ruth a very Happy Birthday!! We love you and wish you a great day and hope you like our little gift. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALICO GIRL!! Love and Meows Kathy, Samson, Kiko, Majik, Pepper, Cynamon and Rosie
This was posted by:
Kathy and Kats <>

These comments were posted Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 17:28:07 (PDT)
Heard you were getting a little jealouse Otie..wanted your own award. Don't like to share huh??? That's o.k. Cynamon is just like you. You deserve your own award anyway, so here it is. Hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy reading about you. Love The Kats and Kathy
This was posted by:
Kathy's Kats <>

This guest's handle is: with care
the litter box is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 16:45:03 (PDT)
Come on Guys...Felix the Cat here asking you to sign Ruth's book. She works hard writing her stories about her lovely cats and deserves some support here. I have come from Toon Land to give her my support and tell her how much I enjoy her stories. I know you do too!! Keep up the good work Ruth. Meow Felix
This was posted by:

This guest's handle is: The Cat
Toon Land Chit Chat is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 16:38:58 (PDT)
Great news! Now our latest sites: Ruth Lebowitz - More Purrs from Catgirl! Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty! and Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse! are all New Submissions at Webbie World! Please click the link and visit them there. I don't think the Lebowitz kitties would be at all adverse if you threw a few votes their way. So please show your support now and click that link and vote! If you get carpal tunnel syndrome, we will buy you all wrist braces. Now click and vote for Ditzy, Ruth and Otie. You will find us all under the "Hobby Category"! Love and purrs, Ruth and Kitties!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Vote for Ruth, Ditzy, and Otie at Webbie World!
These comments were posted Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 06:11:13 (PDT)
Great news! Now our latest sites: Ruth Lebowitz - More Purrs from Catgirl! Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty! and Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse! are all New Submissions at Webbie World! Please click the link and visit them there. I don't think the Lebowitz kitties would be at all adverse if you threw a few votes their way. So please show your support now and click that link and vote! If you get carpal tunnel syndrome, we will buy you all wrist braces. Now click and vote for Ditzy, Ruth and Otie. You will find us all under the "Hobby Category"! Love and purrs, Ruth and Kitties!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Vote for Ruth, Ditzy, and Otie at Webbie World!
These comments were posted Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 06:09:54 (PDT)
Hello to all of my wonderful friends in both the real and the virtual worlds. These days, those worlds overlap, which is absoltely delightful! Now you can vote for my newest site, "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty"! at Webbie World! Just click on the link below to vote! Love and purrs, Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Vote for "Ditzy Lebowitz - Superkitty!" at Webbie World!
These comments were posted Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 06:05:18 (PDT)
Hello to all of my wonderful friends on the web! Once again into the breach, dear friends. Now you can vote for "Ruth Lebowitz - More Purrs from Catgirl!" at Webbie World! Click Link to Vote! Thanks and Purrs, Ruth
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Vote for Ruth Lebowitz at Webbie World - Click Link to Vote!
These comments were posted Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 00:10:54 (PDT)
Hello to all of my fantastic friends on the net! If you liked my story "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!", then please click the link to vote for me at Webbie World! Purrs, Otie Now click please!
This was posted by:
Otie Lebowitz - Vote for me at Webbie World! <>

This guest's handle is: Feline Muse!
These comments were posted Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 00:06:44 (PDT)
Hello once again to all of our fantastic friends on the net! Great news! Now you can access all of your favorite Lebowitz kitty websites from one convenient page. It's called "Featuring Those Amazing Lebowitz Kitties!" Just click the link below to get there in a jiffy. By the way, how long is a "jiffy" anyway? What the heck - just click that link!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl!
These comments were posted Wednesday, September 20, 2000 at 13:24:09 (PDT)
Thanks to all of our truly wonderful friends for signing the guestbook! Consider yourselves all kissed! Here's the latest scoop. I have a new website, and figured this is as good a place as any, to shamelessly promote it. Just click the link and visit me soon at my new home on the web. Purrs, Ditzy....
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Superkitty!
These comments were posted Tuesday, September 19, 2000 at 10:59:28 (PDT)
Quelle animal magnifique!
This was posted by:
ken <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, September 19, 2000 at 09:04:06 (PDT)
After reading about how Albert Einstein came about his famous theory of relativity, I think Time Magazine should make Otie the Cat Of The Century instead of the Man Of The Century going to Albert. Who knew! I guess she is the one responsible for his famous quote "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler" (that's one of my favorite quotes)Otie should receive the Nobel Peace Prize don't you think?
This was posted by:
Mystic Cat <>

These comments were posted Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 06:04:32 (PDT)
Ditzy, you sure are something else! You must have a great time writing your funny stories, and I sure enjoy them, too! Ruth, thank you for visiting 3 Good Cats, and for your kind words in their guestbook -- wishing you and all the Lebowitz kitties many more happy years together!
This was posted by:
Kelly Cat <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 18:56:20 (PDT)
Meows Otie... Ah, so you're the one we have to thank for Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats! I always suspected that was just TSE's translation from the original feline ;-)Thank you for yet another wonderful cat tale. Concatulations... you've won our Heavenly Cat Site Award yet again!
This was posted by:
CatAnna & Monday <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 08:16:39 (PDT)
Hello, Ruth! You wrote very interesting story, again. This time, I feel different feeling. I thought that there is deeper meanings in the story. BTW, do you know the Japanese famous story which nam is "I am a cat"? This book was written by Mr.Soseki Natsume who was the famous Japanese writer. I think that there is many book which was traslated in English. This story put in school text book. I think that you will enjoy this book. Thank you for sharing your story, Ruth!
This was posted by:
Mimi <>

This guest's handle is: Mimi
These comments were posted Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 07:22:50 (PDT)
Wow Otie, you are so smart. Your vocabulary is so vast. Most cats just know how to say Meow (in various tones of course). Anyway, good luck with your website Ginger and Pepper
This was posted by:
Ginger and Pepper <>

This guest's handle is: BjBuryCats
These comments were posted Monday, September 11, 2000 at 16:24:12 (PDT)
Dear Otie and Ruth, this is the funniest page yet. I am thrilled to meet the Proust of cat literature. Yes, you got my attention. That was really good and I plan to steal the idea and use it somewhere, who knows... Anyway, thank you for the entertainment. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sincerely, Chatallica, Goddess, Queen, Strumpet, Gypsy, Top Stanford Reject
This was posted by:
Chatallica <>

These comments were posted Monday, September 11, 2000 at 15:15:23 (PDT)
I can hardly keep up with your prolific cat revelations. If you had more cats, would you be writing more or would you be more tightly tied to the apron strings of never-ending cat-rearing? There's got to be a point of diminishing returns, as someone used to say. Keep up the good work!
This was posted by:
Phil Lebowitz <>

These comments were posted Monday, September 11, 2000 at 12:09:17 (PDT)
Hi Otie! Loved to read about your life with all those famous people and how you influenced not only their lifes but also of the whole world. I was was very impressed. Hope your future is going to be as glorious as the past!! Love, purrs and hugs, Gordi
This was posted by:
Gordi <>

These comments were posted Monday, September 11, 2000 at 10:55:41 (PDT)
Hello, Otie! Wow - what a past you have! I loved reading your fascinating story, you certainly are a talented writer. Keep up the great work!
This was posted by:
Jess <>

These comments were posted Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 21:01:41 (PDT)
I must say that I like reading these memoirs without the accompaniment of electronic music provided by some of the other websites. Thanks for the quiet.
This was posted by:
Phil Lebowitz <>

These comments were posted Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 17:47:32 (PDT)
Quite articulate for a mere feline, I must say. I even learned that mufti are clothes worn by uniformed men when out of uniform! And last night having the last public performance of Cats on Broadway!
This was posted by:
Phil Lebowitz <>

These comments were posted Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 17:45:27 (PDT)
Hi Otie and Ruth, E=MC2 WOW, no one can top that. Otie is so smart and modest. I am so happy to finally know the truth about so many great works. Thanks for setting me straight. Seriously, please keep writing. You work gives me such pleasure. Thank you, Love and prayers, Your friend Vicki
This was posted by:
Vicki McCarroll <>

This guest's handle is: Vicki
These comments were posted Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 17:38:00 (PDT)
If Mick J. sees your page, you better get a lawyer. Great work, but no surprise there! Love your cat's talent with a pen!
This was posted by:
Amy & Kitties <why?>

These comments were posted Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 15:18:35 (PDT)
Again, really enjoyed Otie's "tall tails"--Modesty does not seem to be too much of a problem for her. But then, calicos are seldom modest from what I've seen. My tribe wishes your children happiness and health. Best, Debbie Haynes Thanks!
This was posted by:
Debbie Haynes <>

These comments were posted Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 14:27:49 (PDT)
Hello once again to all of my wonderful friends. I am glad you have been enjoying all of our stories. However, Milo is not the only writer in our little menage. Did you know that I have been a muse to many great poets, writers and other luminaries during my many lives? I have more than nine, you know! Intrigued? Then please click that link and read all about "Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse"! Purrs, Otie....
This was posted by:
Otie Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Otie Lebowitz - Feline Muse!
These comments were posted Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 13:47:10 (PDT)
Meows Milo... Your latest creation is your best yet. You are a refined and clever feline indeed. We're proud to have you as a member of the Society of Meditative Cats :-)
This was posted by:
CatAnna & Monday <>

These comments were posted Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 08:08:50 (PDT)
Hello, Ruth the Calico girl! I like the part of Milo's parents. Your sentence is full of dream and love. I can image all your cats when I read your story. Thank you for sharing your cat world. And I am looking forward next story.
This was posted by:
Mimi <>

This guest's handle is: Mimi
These comments were posted Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 00:51:31 (PDT)
Hello Milo! I have loved reading your memoirs, and cannot wait to see more. What a talented cat you are! Good luck with the rest, and keep up the excellent work!
This was posted by:
Jess <>

These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 21:39:43 (PDT)
Meow friends...thought we would sneak back in and add our banner to your page. We just love reading your stories. Wish we could write like you guys. Keep those stories coming. Wouldn't miss them for the world. Gotta go now, hear the human coming. Love YA!!!
This was posted by:
Samson, Kiko, Majik, Rosie, Cynamon and Pepper <>

This guest's handle is: Kathy's Kats
Chez Lebowitz is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 20:45:42 (PDT)
Hi Ruth and Milo, I think that you hve another great chapter. This is my favorite by far. Please keep going. Love and prayers, Vicki
This was posted by:
Vicki McCarroll <>

This guest's handle is: Vicki
These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 14:33:27 (PDT)
Hi Milo! What an honor to be mentioned on your web page! OH, I sure like to visit you every time I'm there. Can't forget those tasty cat nip cigars. This time I'll leave an animated picture of me my web mistress made. It could be better, but I hope you like it. Purrss to you and hugs to all your females!1 Gordi
This was posted by:
Gordi the Siberian <>

These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 12:42:34 (PDT)
Looks like our URl was too long..had to upload the award to a page with a smaller one...didn't know us Kat's were so smart did you??? Hope it works this time!! Love Kathy's Kats
This was posted by:
Kathy's Kats

These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 11:55:30 (PDT)
So sorry it took us so long to get here. Mom says we have been negligent in our duties by being so slow on our award giving. She says that there is a time for play and a time for responsibilities. I guess she is right. We have been naughty in making our friends wait so long. Hope we are forgiven. Because of another wonderful site, and one that will allow images, we are honored to give you our Triple K Kat Award. You are more then deserving. Keep up the good work!! We love you!!! Meow Samson, Kiko, Majik, Pepper, Rosie and Cynamon
This was posted by:
Kathy's Kats <>

These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 11:50:22 (PDT)
Hello once again to all of my wonderful friends on the web! I just wanted you to know that I have written the first chapter of my autobiography, the eponymous, "Meet Milo Lebowitz"! I hope you enjoy reading the fruits of my literary efforts! Purrs, Milo....
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Milo Lebowitz - Debonair Tabby!
These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 11:26:12 (PDT)
nice site. by the way, macgregor has been saying aweful things about me. yes, i am a blue grey cat. but i am not gay!!! i am simply fussy, and neither chocolate nor katie has much appeal to me. i have high standards. macgregor would mount anything that moved.
This was posted by:
Big Blue

These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 11:23:23 (PDT)
Master Milo, My picture URL exceeded the lenght limit! It appears that Otie is at work! I will try another one that is shorter...Sincerely, Abdul T. Great
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great <>

This guest's handle is: Abdul the Great
These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 11:13:36 (PDT)
Master Milo, Thanks for the offer of a cigar...we executives must stick together! Sincerely, Abdul T. Great
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great <>

This guest's handle is: Abdul the Great
These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 11:10:04 (PDT)
Hello! Milo Lebowitz here! Ah what heady times these are for this orange tabby cat! My latest site, the eponymous, "Meet Milo Lebowitz" is now a new submission at one of my favorite venues, Webbie World! I do hope you will vote for me. Just click the link to cast your vote for "Meet Milo Lebowitz"! Thanks and purrs, Milo.......
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Vote for Milo at Webbie World!
These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 11:03:19 (PDT)
Hello once again, to all of my wonderful friends. To quote Emerson, "Every morning I awake with a devout thanksgiving for my friends". Ralph Waldo certainly knew what he was talking about. You have been such a loyal crew - reading my stories, signing my guestbooks, and voting for me at such venerable venues as Webbie World, Soprano Connections, I-Love-Cats, and most recently, "The Site Fights", where I am on the D'Pets Team! I hope you all enjoy my latest story! If you would be so kind as to leave you pawprints, and John Hancocks, respectively, I shall be forever in your debt! Purrs, Milo Lebowitz......
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Milo Lebowitz - Debonair Tabby!
These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 10:54:11 (PDT)
Hello to all of my wonderful friends, both feline and human, on the world wide web. Great news! That debonair orange tabby cat, yours truly, Milo Lebowitz, has just written the first chapter of his memoirs, the eponymous "Milo Lebowitz"! Since I have had so many adventures in my lives (I have at least nine, you know!), I decided to take quill in paw, and record these memories for posterity. This chapter covers such topics as my humble origins, my classical education, and my charmed life with Ruth, at Chez Lebowitz. I hope you enjoy my story, and stay tuned for the next installment of "Milo Lebowitz - Debonair Tabby"! Purrs to you all! Love, Milo.......
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Milo Lebowitz - Debonair Tabby!
These comments were posted Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 10:17:26 (PDT)
Greetings and salutations to all of my dear friends on the world wide web. Milo Lebowitz here! I hope you have enjoyed reading the stories that I have collaborated on, with my human, Ruth. Who says you can't teach a human new tricks? Ahem - Our site is in a competition at "The Site Fights". Please show your impeccable taste by voting for our site. Just click on the link below and cast your vote for "Milo Lebowitz". Loyalty such as yours shall not go unrewarded!
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Milo Lebowitz - Debonair Tabby!
These comments were posted Friday, September 08, 2000 at 10:31:31 (PDT)
It is I, Abdul the Great, taking time from my very busy schedule to sign your guestbook! I have been occupied with major wheeling, dealing and general supervision of my slaves. The movie I am working on now has a deadline, so I may be unavailable for scheming with you for the next few weeks. Take care. Your friend, Abdul T. Great
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great <>

This guest's handle is: Abdul The Great
These comments were posted Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 07:42:57 (PDT)
Great site. Keep up the good work!! Good luck in the site fights.
This was posted by:
Stephanie Ruston <>

This guest's handle is: broom
NAPSTER is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 12:10:49 (PDT)
Hi Ruth, I hope picture shows up for you. Congratulations!! Cecilia
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 15:31:55 (PDT)
I believe this belongs to you guys!
This was posted by:

This guest's handle is: A strange stranger
These comments were posted Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 14:45:00 (PDT)
Meows Alison... Ah, so you're the one reponsible for turning Ruth into a cat purrrson Another lovely page... thanks for sharing. And concatulations... you've won another one of our Heavenly Cat Site Awards :-)
This was posted by:
CatAnna & Monday <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 14:37:36 (PDT)
Hi All, I really loved the story. You have a great life. Keep writing. Love, Vicki
This was posted by:
Vicki McCarroll <>

These comments were posted Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 09:54:01 (PDT)
Hi, Ruth calico girl :-) I enjoyed your new story. I thought that you and Alison had the encounter of the destiny. As for me, Tama. Tama is Japanese cat and her name means treasure which is the name of the traditional of cat in Japanese. We cooperate, and we are living. I felt it when I read your story. Thank you.
This was posted by:
Mimi <>

This guest's handle is: Mimi
These comments were posted Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 06:53:10 (PDT)
I have 9 cats of my own and I never get tired of the subject. I have one calico, three oranges, two tuxedos, a mackerel tabby, a "torbie" and a Norwegian Forest cat with snowshoes. I belong to local cat groups in Miami, Cat Network and CATS that do rescue and spay/neuter work. My husband is as much a devotee of cats as I. People either really understand or they don't at all. We are not friends with the latter group. Enjoy your stories tremendously. Very true-to-life from a cat's eye view.
This was posted by:
Debbie Haynes <>

This guest's handle is: socks
These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 22:09:21 (PDT)
We got the Spirit, How bout You !! ~*~*~SPRINKLES~*~*~ this week in the Site Fights. Now go out there, shout it out and get those votes !! Here is a wand (Spirit Stick) to help you: ~*~*~SPRINKLES~*~*~
This was posted by:
Enchanted Spirit Chris <>

This guest's handle is: DRealm of DSpirits -- DEssence Of DSpirit -- DPets
These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 18:17:28 (PDT)
Spirited DPets Sprinkles They came in twos*They came in threes DPets a-plenty*Jumping from tree to tree Spirit they have*Spirit they share DPets Spirit sparkling*Here and There Hear them singing*Hear the DPets call "Good Luck and high spirits Meows&Purrs Fairy TabbyCat The best way to show all that spirit is by ShoutingItOut and share it with others!
This was posted by:
Fairy TabbyCat <>

These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 17:27:46 (PDT)
Hi Ruth, I wanted to say hello, my mommy is not around, her hands are very arthritic today so I am typing this myself. She has ViaVoice, but it doesn't understand catonese. This is a nice site, but WHERE is your photo or ones of Milo, Oite, Alison, & Ditzy? Another hot day here in sunny Florida. But enough summer already. Hope all is well. Bye, Cousin Starz.
This was posted by:
Starz Kitty <>

These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 15:22:25 (PDT)
Well, well, well - It looks like one of Mensa's fair-haried boys is slipping. You're never going to find "The Mistress of the Dark" that way. There, I fixed that link for you. Now you can access Elvira - or at least, get to her website! Purrs, Ruth......
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl90
Wherever I can find Professor Tony online! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 12:29:14 (PDT)
Hi, Ruthie dear! Isn't it time we added a photo of your gorgeous face to the site? Send one to Prof Tony and he will scan it. Don't send one to Norman Noodgeworth, though. He will probably edit it with Adobe Photoshop, and post it on, or some other sleazy site.
This was posted by:
Alex Austed

This guest's handle is: Hot Stuff
My parlor -complete with Lava lamps is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 12:17:51 (PDT)
Hiiii, Ruuuth! You call THAT a web page! Well, what could one expect from an AMERICA ON LINE user who doesn't even own a scanner! Nevertheless, it's not too bad. At least the spelling's accurate. Have you seen MY site, dearest one? xxx()()() You know whom!
This was posted by:

This guest's handle is: Not ME! Only Ruth has love handles!
You wouldn't have the nerve to try it! is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 12:09:18 (PDT)
Hi everybody! Ruth, I think you made a mistake with the url for "Dear Pets Top Sites"! Nobody will find us that way! That's okay. To err is human, but to be perfect, you have to be feline! So click that link and vote for Ditzy, Milo, Otie Alison and even Ruth at "Dear Pets"!
This was posted by:
Alison Lebowitz <>

These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 11:17:35 (PDT)
Hello to all of my friend in cyberspace! We just wanted to tell you all that you can vote for us at "Dear Pets Top Sites"! It's owned by our friends, Amy, Tommy and Starz and it's a pretty cool place for cool cats like us! Amy truly love all creatures great and small, so click the link and visit us there! Love and purrs, Ruth, Milo, Alison, Otie, and Ditzy
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Vote for Milo, Alison, Otie, and Ditzy at Dear Pets!
These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 11:09:59 (PDT)
Great news for all our friends in cyberspace! Now, yours truly, Milo Lebowitz, is a contender at "The Site Fights"! He is on the D'Pets Team and you can find him in "Training Area #3"! The voting booth is open so just click the link below and please do vote for me there! Thanks and purrs, Milo.....
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Vote for Milo Lebowitz at The Site Fights!
These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 10:05:56 (PDT)
Good morning...nothing better then coffee and everyone sleeping. Hope your holiday is going as good as mine.
This was posted by:
John Allen <>

This guest's handle is: Big AL (not really...had to think of something)
eh....haven't chatted since I moved here is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 09:55:17 (PDT)
Dear Allison: You are almost as lucky as we are. We have a great mommy and family just like you. My mommy has a website too and there is a story about a little black kitty that goes out on halloween night. You should read it because you would learn a great lesson, as we did. We would never go trick or treating without Mommy. Also, we have some great decorations for your halloween party and trick or treating fun. You are indeed one of the lucky ones, just like us to have such a great mommy and wonderful home. We wish all little kitties could be adopted and be safe and snuggly in a loving home. Love, Ginger and Pepper (and our real kitty family, Pumpkin, Peaches and Fritzi who are also very lucky and least we forget Cupcake who is watching from Kitty Heaven)
This was posted by:
Ginger and Pepper <>

This guest's handle is: BJBuryCats
These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 07:53:34 (PDT)
Great news to all of my friends in cyberspace! Your pal, Milo Lebowitz, that handsome orange tabby cat, is now in competition at "The Site Fights"! He is on the Roster at "Training Area No. #3"! Please show yours truly, Milo Lebowitz, how much you love me and cast your vote for me! Just click on that link, and when you get there, enter your e-mail address and vote, vote, vote! Now please click that link and stuff that ballot box now! Love and purrs, Milo....
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Vote for Milo Lebowitz at The Site Fights!
These comments were posted Monday, September 04, 2000 at 05:02:04 (PDT)
Hi Alison, Are you as cute as Ditzy? As you can see by my picture, I am a famous movie starl! Yet I still have time for you and your friends. Well, gotta go make movies, sign autographs, etc., etc. Sincerely, Abdul the Great
This was posted by:
Abdul the Great <>

This guest's handle is: Abdul the Great
These comments were posted Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 20:14:49 (PDT)
Thank you very much for signing my guestbook, and for your lovely comments! I really enjoyed reading about you and your celebrity cats! Take care, and thanks for sharing.
This was posted by:
Jess <>

These comments were posted Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 17:05:34 (PDT)
Hello to all of my dear friends on the world wide web. My new website, the eponymous "Alison Lebowitz", has just been nominated for a People's Pick Award at Webbie World! If you have enjoyed reading my story, then please click on the link below to cast your vote for "Alison Lebowitz - Sweet Tabbie!" Love and purrs, Alison......
This was posted by:
Vote for "Alison Lebowitz" at Webbie World! Click Link! <>

This guest's handle is: Alison Lebowitz - Sweet Tabbie!
These comments were posted Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 11:57:26 (PDT)
Hi Otie, the Femme Fatale!! I like this 'title' you have, I lkie all femmes anyway. You are certainly a beautiful girl, my roomie Nelli is also a tuxedo cat, but she is too fat, I think. Would like to be nice to have a picture of you too. Loved you new site and the story. Another chance to leave my other banner in this gues book. Hope this find you well and happy! Gordi
This was posted by:
Gordi <>

This guest's handle is: ???
These comments were posted Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 00:46:11 (PDT)
Hey there !! Your site be looking good !!! I will be talking to you soon. Good Luck
This was posted by:
DHobbit <>

This guest's handle is: DHobbit
These comments were posted Saturday, September 02, 2000 at 20:48:15 (PDT)
Hi Otie, wonderful page. I liked it very much... could you please give this calling card to Ditzy, thank you, purrrrr, to you too!
This was posted by:
Amy & cats <>

These comments were posted Saturday, September 02, 2000 at 14:51:14 (PDT)
Dear Ditzi: You have got to come by and see the new Halloween feature. There is a story about a black kitties who went out alone on Halloween. What a scary story. And there are fun things too. Mommy says to shop early for Halloween decorations. Ditzi, will you go trick or treating with me?
This was posted by:
Ginger and Pepper <>

These comments were posted Saturday, September 02, 2000 at 14:49:01 (PDT)
Hi Ditzy... Your new page is charming as usual. Love your preamble... hey, if you're gonna steal, steal from the best, right? (GGG) But your no slouch using your own lovely words either. And once again, we'd like to present you with our Heavenly Cat Site Award and also give you this copy of your Society of Meditative Cats membership card. We're proud to have you and your whole family in the club.
This was posted by:
CatAnna & Monday <>

These comments were posted Saturday, September 02, 2000 at 14:06:33 (PDT)
Hi Ditzy, Ruth & feliners, You really are famous & we will be on the lookout for your tv, screen or stage debut--better feature some birds flying! Best to you, Quoddy, Rocky & Acadia & pat
This was posted by:
MC Pat <>

This guest's handle is: Quoddy
These comments were posted Saturday, September 02, 2000 at 12:12:32 (PDT)
Do I see a pattern here? Must be the half a pot left if you'd care for some.
This was posted by:
John Allen <>

This guest's handle is: Big AL (not really...had to think of something)
eh....haven't chatted since I moved here is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, September 02, 2000 at 05:25:19 (PDT)
Hello, Ruth. Thank you for sharing your story. I like the part of Alison. I feel your warm heart for cats.
This was posted by:
Mimi <>

This guest's handle is: Mimi
These comments were posted Friday, September 01, 2000 at 21:04:55 (PDT)
Wonderfully written Ruth, but no surprise there! Love this new page! Keep up the great work. You are a wizard with words. Purrs from Amy, Tommy & Starz
This was posted by:
Amy, Starz, Tommy & a male human that lives here too. <Our mommy won't let us get any... boo hoo>

These comments were posted Friday, September 01, 2000 at 15:59:21 (PDT)
I will try one more time!
This was posted by:
Amy <>

These comments were posted Friday, September 01, 2000 at 15:52:07 (PDT)
Just adding these pics for you
This was posted by:
Amy again <>

These comments were posted Friday, September 01, 2000 at 15:50:31 (PDT)
Hi Milo, I love this new page! I am sorry it took me this long to get here, but I have not been feeling so good. No, not furrballs, but maybe. I am glad you put this new site on the Dear Pets Top List and say hi to Ruth & the rest of the kitties.
This was posted by:
Amy <>

These comments were posted Friday, September 01, 2000 at 15:49:13 (PDT)
Hi Ruth,it's Pat from SiberianCatList. I truly enjoyed reading your story.
This was posted by:
Pat Z. <>

These comments were posted Friday, September 01, 2000 at 15:36:47 (PDT)
Hello to all of my friends and fans in cyberspace. Happily these days, those worlds overlap, which I find quite congenial. Not to be outdone by Ruth and Milo, I have written my own autobiographical sketch, which is just the first chapter of my memoirs, which promise to be of Proustian proportions. So do click the link, and I hope you enjoy my literary efforts. Love and purrs, Ditzy....
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Ditzy Lebowitz - Superstar!
These comments were posted Friday, September 01, 2000 at 11:26:51 (PDT)
The latest breaking news! Now yours truly, Ditzy Lebowitz, has been nominated for a People's Pick Award at Webbie World, a really classy venue. So show your impeccable taste by clicking that link and voting for me right now. Loyalty such as yours shall not go unrewarded! Love and purrs, Ditzy.....
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Ditzy Lebowitz - Superstar!
These comments were posted Friday, September 01, 2000 at 11:03:15 (PDT)
The latest breaking news! Now yours truly, Ditzy Lebowitz, has been nominated for a People's Pick Award at Webbie World, a really classy venue. So show your impeccable taste by clicking that link and voting for me right now. Loyalty such as yours shall not go unrewarded! Love and purrs, Ditzy.....
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Ditzy Lebowitz - Superstar!
These comments were posted Friday, September 01, 2000 at 11:01:53 (PDT)
Hello again to all of my friends and fans in cyberspace. Not one to be outdone by Milo and Ruth, I have written my own homepage for, titled appropriately enough, "Ditzy Lebowitz". I invite you all to click on the link and come visit me soon! I just adore company - dahlinks! Love and purrs, Ditzy.....
This was posted by:
Ditzy Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Ditzy Lebowitz - Cyberkitty!
These comments were posted Friday, September 01, 2000 at 10:58:38 (PDT)
Hi Ruth... Your pages are always a pleasure to read. In recognition of your obvious love for and devotion to your four wonderful purrballs, Monday and I would like to present you with The Meditative Cat's Sites With Heart Award. Concatulations!
This was posted by:
CatAnna <>

These comments were posted Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 16:13:38 (PDT)
Hi Ruth! You are really getting universal, WOW. Like to read your stories about you and your cyber cats. I'm sure I am going to meet your feline gang many times in the cyber space. My web mistress is also doing her best to establish many homes for me all around the word wide web. So we can invite each others for a visit and have a nice cyber chat. Gordi, the Siberian from Finland (My web mistress Merja wants to say hello too!)
This was posted by:
Gordi <>

This guest's handle is: Don't know what this means?? I am a foreigner!
These comments were posted Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 12:57:56 (PDT)
Meows Milo... LOL!... for a second I thought you were going to go into a feline rendition of Sympathy for the Devil ;-) As usual, you've got a clever, entertaining page here and we're proud to bestow The Meditative Cat's Heavenly Cat Site Award on you once again :-)
This was posted by:
Monday & her Mom <>

These comments were posted Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 10:43:57 (PDT)
The latest scoop from the Lebowitz Litter Box! Now this site "Calicocatgirl 90" is a new submission on Webbie World. I invite all of my friends to visit me at that classy venue, and if you threw Milo a few votes, I'm sure he wouldn't mind in the least. Bet you thought I was askign for votes for my sites. Hey, I'm not just his agent - I'm his mother! Love and purrs, Ruth P.S. Please click that link now!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl 90
These comments were posted Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 10:06:23 (PDT)
Hello again to all of my good friends on the web! Yours truly, Milo Lebowitz, that debonair orange tabby cat has now thrown his fedora into the ring yet again. Now you can find my site "Milo Lebowitz - Debonair Tabby"! at Dear Pets Top 50 Sites. The site belongs to our friend, Amy and her pals Tommy and Starz. So why not click the link and pay us all a visit soon? Love and purrs, Milo.....
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Milo Lebowitz - Debonair Tabby!
These comments were posted Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 08:22:55 (PDT)
Hello again to all of my good friends on the web! Yours truly, Milo Lebowitz, that debonair orange tabby cat has now thrown his fedora into the ring yet again. Now you can find my site "Milo Lebowitz - Debonair Tabby"! at Dear Pets Top 50 Sites. The site belongs to our friend, Amy and her pals Tommy and Starz. So why not click the link and pay us all a visit soon? Love and purrs, Milo.....
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Milo Lebowitz - Debonair Tabby!
These comments were posted Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 08:22:42 (PDT)
My URL didn't work in the previous entry... I blame the Lizard! He is in some of my movies like "Abdul the Great Versus the Lizard Men from Mars", but I am the STAR!!!...Abdul
This was posted by:
Abdul T. Great <>

This guest's handle is: Abdul the Great
These comments were posted Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 07:51:05 (PDT)
I am intrigued by the "War of the Roses" story and would like to hear more. I'm trying to evict a certain pesky Lizard from my house and need some helpful hints! Otie and I are cohorts in crime, so don't let that cute kitty exterior fool you! Sincerely, Abdul The Great
This was posted by:
Abdul T. Great <>

This guest's handle is: Abdul the Great
These comments were posted Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 07:48:31 (PDT)
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. I'm like Avis - I try harder! Love and purrs, Calicocatgirl90!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl90
These comments were posted Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 06:21:28 (PDT)
Hello to all of my friends on the world wide web. Welcome to my new homepage! I am going to try doing a little hml. I want to add the Mega Spider animated search box. So I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes, and giving it the old college try!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl90
These comments were posted Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 06:17:20 (PDT)
Hi Ruth, I like the new installment. Keep writing. I'm so happy those feline stars are letting you talk a little about yourself. Purrs, hugs and prayers, Vicki
This was posted by:
Vicki McCarroll <>

This guest's handle is: Vicki
These comments were posted Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 05:03:31 (PDT)
Hi Ruth, You are becoming a real presence on the web! We all wish you continued success with your cyber-activities. Cybil and Calloway are very jealous, because they don't have websites. One of these days we'll figure out how to create them (says Cybil and Calloway). In the meantime, I think they sneak onto the computer whenever I leave it connected and search for great kitty sites - especially yours! Keep up the good work! Love, Cecilia, Cybil and Calloway
This was posted by:
Cecilia, Cybil and Calloway

These comments were posted Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 17:17:13 (PDT)
You have another winner here, Ruth! Being a cat person sure has brought the creativity out of you. It's been said that cats do that to people and I do believe that to be true. Their very essence seems to evoke our creative spirits. GREAT SITE!
This was posted by:
Mystic Cat <>

This guest's handle is: Mystic Cat
don't have a favorite is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 14:43:13 (PDT)
Hello to all of our friends in cyberspace! You are all invited to view my new homepage at The Globe. Milo and I both hope you visit our new pages soon! Thanks for stopping by. Stay tuned for the latest breaking news. There is always something happening at Chez Lebowitz!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl90
These comments were posted Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 18:54:44 (PDT)
Hello to all of my dear friends on the world wide web. Welcome to my homepage. I hope you have enjoyed your glimpse into the world of Milo Lebowitz, that bon-vivant tabby cat of considerable charm and charisma. Please do visit again soon, so we may partake of a snifter of catnip wine and fine catnip cigars. Cheery bye for now! Love, Milo.......
This was posted by:
Milo Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Orange Tabby
These comments were posted Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 15:36:26 (PDT)
Hello to all of my friends in cyberspace! I am happy to invite you into the world of Calicocatgirl and her kitties, Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie Lebowitz! I hope you enjoy our story and visit us often to check for all the latest news! Thanks for visiting us at our new home on the web! Love, Ruth, Ditzy, Milo, Alison and Otie Lebowitz!
This was posted by:
Ruth Lebowitz <>

This guest's handle is: Calicocatgirl90
These comments were posted Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 09:23:21 (PDT)

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