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The-N NHL Sweepstakes

Danny and Sean met all the NHL All-Stars, saw Sheryl Crow sing 'Soak up the Sun,' ate burgers and lobster, and jimmied open a rental car door with a coat hanger after one of the Seans' mom locked the keys in it with the engine running. Glamour!

Anyway, Sean sat down to interview Danny, then Danny decided to play 'let's turn the tables' and asked Sean some questions too. Here's what they talked about.

Sean asks Danny...

Sean: How did you feel when you were the cast member I picked to come to Florida for the Degrassi NHL All-Star Sweepstakes?

Danny: Surprised and happy that I got to go to a warmer climate.

Sean: Do you get many opportunities to meet Degrassi fans?

Danny: Yes, when I’m out in public, shopping at the mall, etc.

Sean: What’s the best part about being in the cast of Degrassi?

Danny: The other people in the cast and being able to act.

Sean: How are you most like your character?

Danny: We share a love for anything with an engine!

Sean: How are you the least like your character?

Danny: I tend to be able to control my temper more than he does.

Sean: What made you want to be an actor?

Danny: When I was younger I watched a lot of TV and knew I wanted to do it.

Sean: What do you think Sean (your character) will do when he gets older?

Danny: I see him owning his own auto shop and working on anything with an engine!

Sean: Do you want to be an actor later on, or do you have other plans?

Danny: I have lots of plans that include acting. I’m still figuring out what they are. I like the beach bum idea.

Sean: What do you like to do in your spare time, when you’re not acting?

Danny: Work on anything with an engine.

Sean: Who’s your favorite hockey player?

Danny: Sergei Fedorov or Martin Brodeur

Sean: Who’s your favorite hockey team?

Danny: Florida Panthers and Detroit Red Wings!

Danny asks Sean...

Danny: How did you feel when you won The N’s Degrassi NHL All-Star Sweepstakes?

Sean: I was excited and surprised, because I was going to meet Daniel Clark.

Danny: You already live in Florida… so what’s the best part of winning?

Sean: Meeting Daniel Clark!

Danny: I guess you like my character, Sean, the best on the show. Is it because you have the same name? Seriously, why is Sean your favorite character on Degrassi ?

Sean: Because he doesn’t tolerate anything that is unfair, and he’s powerful.

Danny: Sean, you’re a big Degrassi fan. What do you like best about the show?

Sean: They deal with problems that real teens go through. It’s cool to see that.

Danny: Do you share your enthusiasm with other fans on

Sean: Yes!

Danny: If you could write or decide on a Degrassi plot, what would it be?

Sean: I would want it to be something that everyone would remember... There’s a gasoline leak in the school and everyone has to move!

Danny: What do you want to do when you get older?

Sean: I want to be an actor.

Danny: What do you think Sean, my character, will do when he gets older?

Sean: He will build a custom motorcycle and circle the world.

Danny: What do you like to do in your spare time?

Sean: I like to play video games.

Danny: What’s your favorite Degrassi episode, and why?

Sean: “White Wedding,” when Sean and Emma are dancing at the wedding and they make up at the end.

Danny: Who’s your favorite hockey player?

Sean: Jarome Iginla--when I met him he was really nice.

Danny: Who’s your favorite hockey team?

Sean: Florida Panthers!