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Theatrical Reviews

Butley Mrs. Warren's Profession
  • Here's a shocker: Shaw's 'Profession,' about prostitution, still carries a jolt (New York Daily News, 12/20/2005): Mrs. Warren's Profession; Dana Ivey as Kitty Warren. "Dana Ivey has a marvelous self-confidence and strength as the domineering entrepreneur Mrs. Warren. Her strength makes her subsequent breakdown - after Vivie banishes her from her life - all the more shattering."
  • Her Profession, Herself, Her Daughter Problem (The New York Times, Charles Isherwood, 12/19/2005): Mrs. Warren's Profession; as Kitty Warren. "Lurching from defensiveness to antagonism, radiating the wild intensity of a trapped animal, Ms. Ivey's Kitty is pathetic, cunning, at times majestic in her Lear-like accusations of filial ingratitude."
Shakespeare and Verdi
  • Shakespeare and Verdi (Broadway World, Jena Tesse Fox, 5/5/2005): "Shakespeare and Verdi" at The Collegiate Chorale with Roger Reese and Richard Easton. "Intense, passionate, and fierce, her (Dana Ivey's) reading of Lady Macbeth’s Act II scene i soliloquy was simply riveting, performed without gimmickry or style, but with raw emotion and pure strength."
The Rivals
  • 'The Rivals' Gets Lincoln Center revival (UPI, Frederick M. Winship, 1/14/2005): The Rivals; Dana Ivey as Mrs. Malaprop. "Mrs. Malaprop still holds center stage, mouthing her outrageous verbal solecisms ("He is the very pineapple of politeness") with the aplomb of a master lexicographer. Ivey is delicious in the role..."
  • Light & Sound America Review (Light and Sound America, 1/13/2005): The Rivals; Dana Ivey as Mrs. Malaprop. "This would be a tragic, unjust world if Ivey, the American counterpart of Maggie Smith, never took on one of the greatest comic roles in the theatrical canon."
  • GIVE THE LADY HER MALAPROPS: A high 10 and a "yo, girlfriend!" go out to DANA IVEY, who steals the zingy Lincoln Center production of The Rivals as Mrs. Malaprop, the lovable nut job who has great "benignity" and "affluence" on people as long as they aren't "odorous." Ivey's a nucular talent. (Village Voice, Michael Musto, 12/20/2004)
  • Did Critics Think Lincoln Center's The Rivals is a Revelation? ( Theatrical Review: A collection of The Rivals at Lincoln Center; Dana Ivey as Mrs. Malaprop. "Mrs. M and her gloriously disordered vocabulary are, without a doubt, the life of this party..."
  • 'The Rivals' delights: dash and fine foolery (Newsday, Linda Winer, 12/17/2004): The Rivals at Lincoln Center; Dana Ivey as Mrs. Malaprop. "She's being Dana Ivey, the formidably irresistible artist at the top of her virtuosic game."
  • The Rivals: Hustling and Bustling (Playbill, Harry Haun, 12/17/2004): The Rivals; Dana Ivey as Mrs. Malaprop. "Ivey stepped out of the character ranks and into the star spot with seamless ease."
  • Sheridan's Malaprop and Friends (New York Times, Charles Isherwood, 12/17/2004): The Rivals; Dana Ivey as Mrs. Malaprop. " actress of blissfully well-honed comic instincts..."
  • Unrivaled On Broadway: Sheridan's `Rivals' Lively Under Lamos' Direction (The Hartford Courant, Malcolm Johnson, 12/17/2004): The Rivals; Dana Ivey as Mrs. Malaprop. "Ivey handles every malapropism with such commanding assurance that she forces the audience to listen to her every word, in hopes of guessing what she really means to say."
Blithe Spirit Skylab Major Barbara
  • Arms and the Woman (Village Voice, Michael Feingold, July 18, 2001): Major Barbara; Dana Ivey as Lady Britomart. "What wonderful body English, as well as vocal English, this great comic actress has..."
  • Shavian Artillery Levels Hypocrisy (NYT, Bruce Weber, 7/13/2001): Major Barbara; Dana Ivey as Lady Britomart. "Ms. Ivey reigns comically over the action..."
Waiting in the Wings Tartuffe The Death of Papa
  • Only Things Like Life and Death (NYT, Alvin Klein, 6/20/1999): The Death of Papa; Dana Ivey as Mary Vaughn. "Ms. Ivey is a new wonder -- not new in terms of her spectacularly versatile career, but new to the cadences of Mr. Foote's distinct language."
The Uneasy Chair
  • Victoria's Public (Village Voice, Michael Feingold, 10/7/1998): The Uneasy Chair; Dana Ivey as Miss Amelia Pickles. "Do you think comedy of purest gold can't be spun from Smith's mildly amusing wisps of straw? Say 'Rumpelstiltskin' three times fast, and then picture Dana Ivey, in full Victorian garb, splayed across a couch in an attitude of sexual willingness. If you aren't laughing yet, or don't know who Dana Ivey is, you probably don't deserve to live in New York..."
  • Dirty Looks and Raised Pinkies (NYT, Ben Brantley, 10/6/1998): The Uneasy Chair; Dana Ivey as Miss Amelia Pickles.
Li'l Abner Sex and Longing Driving Miss Daisy
  • Driving Miss Daisy (The New Republic Inc., Robert Brustein, 1987): Driving Miss Daisy; Dana Ivey as Daisy Werthan.

Film Reviews

Rush Hour 3
  • New Review (Fox News, Roger Friedman, 8/2/2007): Rush Hour 3; Dana Ivey, cameo role. "...Ivey is wonderful, and the scene gives the movie a nice punch in the gut."
  • New Nine Hamlets (Bright Lights Film Journal, Alan Vanneman, 2/2006, Issue 51): Hamlet; Dana Ivey as Queen Gertrude. "...perhaps the best of the nine queens..."
  • Mumford (, Dana Knowles, 9/1999): Mumford; Dana Ivey as Mrs. Crisp. "There are a couple of brief appearances that are delightful, particularly...Dana Ivey as the Mother from Hell."
The Imposters Sabrina
  • Make a Date to See Breezy 'Sabrina' (The Virginian-Pilot, Mal Vincent, 12/21/1995): Sabrina; Dana Ivey as "Mack" McArdle. "Dana Ivey steals every scene she has, and almost the movie, as Linus' starchy secretary."

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