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Celebspys Caps and Scans

Hello and welcome to my site. The site is the place that I have chosen to showcase my Caps, Scans, and Collages. I hope that you enjoy my works as much as I have enjoyed making them. I first started collecting caps and scans of celebrities little over a year ago and  with the help of Sentinel, Peeper, and Chorton I moved up from  posting to groups to Moderating and  owning my own groups.

A while back I started making caps, scans, and collages and with the help of Sentinel, Chorton, Peeper, and Celeb Scholar I have learned the fine art of making them.

The site is divided up into three sections, the first being a showcase of my works, the second being a showcase of my favorite actresses, and the third is the showcase of those out there who have inspired and taught me. The showcase of my works will change on a weekly basics, as will the Actress of The Week page. I will change the My Favorite Cappers page as often as I can.

The Actress Of The Week section is not limited to my personnel favorite Celebrities, it is open to everybody to nominate a female celebrity to be seen on the site. Just email me and I will see what I can put together. So please let me know if you would like to see your favorite actress by emailing me.

The My Favorite Cappers section of this site is dedicated to those that I search out and collect their caps on a constant basics. These are also those that I look up to and listen to when they make suggestions on how to do things when I make my caps, scans, and collages. They are basically my teachers and mentors on making my creations.

The links page has moved and the links have now been put on the sites main page at the suggestion of a good friend of mine.

Visit one of the foremost Cappers and scanners. Visit the Tuna Tank to learn more about the best.

Visit Uncle Scoopy's Fun House for more of the Tuna and Johnny Web.

Celeb Peeper 2003 Pictures




If you have a group or website that you would like see added to this please email me with the information and I will add the link to this page.


Celebspy's Collection

Actress of the Week

My Favorite Cappers

Visit the home of Tuna and Johnny Web At

Uncle Scoopy's Fun House

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