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Christian Businesses!
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Reporting pot holes graffiti, traffic signals/street signs or high grass/weeds in Tulsa

To report any of the following problems:

Mayor's Action line 918 596-2100

or   On the right on "Quick Links" menu is  REPORT A PROBLEM to fill out an on-line form which will automatically route to the appropriate city department.

  • Pot Holes-  Report where the  pot holes are so they can be repaired. (They don't know about them unless someone tells them!) Next time you drive over that spot you won't have to worry about it damaging a tire or your car.
  • Graffiti- Report where you see graffiti so it can be removed.
  • Traffic Signals/Street Signs- Burned out light, a light  flashing red or lights that make you wait too long--report whatever is malfunctioning or if new street signs are needed. 
  • HighGrass/Weeds- Neighbors have 3 foot high weeds? Tulsa has anti-nuisance ordinances.
  • Dumping Violations -If you see an illegal dump, tell the city so they can help keep Tulsa Clean! 
  • Water Line Breaks- If you notice a break, please report it.
  • Sewer Line Breaks- Please let us know if you see one. 

Posted by celeb2/business at 1:36 PM EDT
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Neti Pot for your sinuses, allergies

Before you try pouring water into your nostril, Dr. Oz offers some neti pot pointers. First, mix warm water with a quarter teaspoon of salt.

"You never want to wash [human] tissue without having saltwater in them," he says. "Your own cells like it more."

Dr. Oz says washing out your sinuses with regular water can be irritating. Cold water may make you feel like you're drowning in a pool.

Amy, an audience member who suffers from sinusitis, demonstrates the proper way to use a neti pot. "I thought it would feel like drowning, but it feels good," she says.

It may look strange, but Dr. Oz says this treatment may be more effective than medication. "The [ear, nose and throat] doctors who are specialists in this area will often say this is a better treatment than a lot of the other drugs that we try to offer folks, because it mechanically cleans out the problem," he says.

Neti pots are available at health food stores and most drug stores.


You can use something like a teapot.

Posted by celeb2/business at 12:52 PM EDT
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So you want to flip a house
You make your money by starting with the right house. The best houses to flip are one you inherited, paid significantly under market value (like 20 percent), or that you located before other buyers even knew it was available. 

Many times the seller didn’t know how much it is really worth. 
Set  A Realistic Timeline

Before anything else set a timeline and budget. Do your homework before you start to demo inside the house. You have to know realistically how long it is going to take to get permits, demo, order materials and get them there , rebuild walls, re-plumb, re-electrify,  pick colors, paint, choose appliances, landscape and stage it for the open house. You must time your sale correctly and you will need to work backward from a target open house date to make sure you are on track with your marketing and promotion. 

You do NOT want to finish a flip home on the Friday before Christmas, so pace yourself and  even with a well-planned timeline add at least two weeks to it for unforseen problems.  Even then, accept that the deadline  is probably going to change.


Money to put into the flip
Where is the money coming from? How much are you paying in interest? How much is the house payment for every month it takes you to finish the flip and then get it sold? Do you have solid bids from vendors, subs and contractors that you can sign and get them to stick to so you can predict the fixed numbers? 

Be sure to include property taxes and maintenance or utilities as line items in your budget. Do you already have the money in an account? Don't rush in when you are  waiting for extra financing to come through and HOPING it will get here on time. To manage a budget you have to know how much money you have to spend.

Assemble Your Dream Team

Know your strengths and use professionals where you are weak. If you are not an air-conditioning expert and you live in Arizona, hire a professional. If you have a family plus a full-time job, how many hours a week are you really going to be able to put in on the job? Time is money in flipping a home so hiring outside help may not be the extravagance it seems at the beginning.

Choose reliablecompanies that are  with a proven track record that they will be  there when they say they will be and will be able to finish the job for what they have bid it.

No matter how low a bid comes in if you hire an unreliable friend then every day you sit waiting on a "no-show" contractor is costing you money as another house payment races toward you.   As Richard Davis of Trademark Properties says "Get in, Get Out, Go Home", meaning do the work as quickly as possible to make the most money even if this means you hire skilled people working on top of each other to get it all done and sold before the first house payment is due. (As opposed to spending 18 months of your life trying to do it all yourself while making 18 house payments and not doing near the quality of work a professional would do as you learn as you go.)

 What To Look For When Choosing a House to Flip

The house located in an area you are familiar with that has been abandoned since you were  in first grade or the house down the block with an old sofa and washing machine  on the front porch and several parked cars in the driveway? Check them might MONEY for you.

A good home inspector will be able to point out the home’s red flags. You should be  looking for a house that’s been neglected for YEARS that has good bones, located on a big lot, in a great neighborhood, on a quiet street. Avoid  areas where you’re not sure you’d feel safe or happy living there because most potential buyers will get the same feeling. 

You do not want to pay a premium for anything, so the more buyers who are turned off by the enormity of the work a house requires, the better deal you can probably negotiate.


Posted by celeb2/business at 10:00 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Posted by celeb2/business at 10:48 PM EDT
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Monday, 9 July 2007
I like this story
    The average wedding in the U.S. costs $27,000. How to save money:

    Check out sample sales, at which designer dresses can be marked down  by as much as 80 percent or shop the web for lightly used wedding wear.

    Regardless of how much you pay for the dress, give serious thought to selling it after the ceremony, 

    Replace pricey tabletop floral arrangements with candles, mirrors and a sprinkling of cut flowers. 

    A high-end supermarket can make the bouquets, boutonnieres and provide the flower buds for the tabletops for as little as $250.

    Talk to the florist about what's in season, to cut costs.

    For a church wedding, if another couple is getting married on the same day,  see whether they're up for splitting the cost of the displays.

     the "iPod wedding."  iPod music loop during the ceremony.

     Don't scrimp on the photographer. This is too important so make sure that the photographer gets all the shots, even if friends are also ."

    Serve a formal wedding cake, and your dessert costs $10 a slice, Instead put out a pretty "display" cake -- made of beautifully iced cardboard and just one cuttable layer - and it costs about $4 a slice when you substitute a layer cake. 

    Save on the reception.  Keep the guest list small. and have a buffet.

Posted by celeb2/business at 2:07 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 9 July 2007 2:42 PM EDT
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Whipped Cream
Whipped cream fillings and frostings are great (and beautiful) for a wedding cake, but only if the cake can be refrigerated. Spring and summer outdoor wedding receptions may not be the best choice for a whipped cream topped cake. It also is not recommended to be on display during a reception. If you are choosing to go with whipped cream, you may want to have a smaller separate cake for display, and your whipped cream cake refrigerated in the back.


Fondant is an elastic, sweet icing make of sugar gelatin and corn syrup. After rolling the fondant out, it is placed over the cake and the excess is trimmed off. Fondant provides a firm smooth base for extra details, designs, and a clean finish. The taste resembles a chewy type of marshmallow.

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Check out this one (GORGEOUS!!): 

Did you know that wedding guests remember the wedding cake almost as much as they do the ... Whipped marshmallow creme filling, fudgy chocolate cake, ...

Cakes as delicious as they are beautiful.

Starry Nights Custom Cakes & Catering knows that your wedding cake should be beautiful and unique...but delicious too! We bake a sumptuous variety of exquisite cakes, custom designed just for you. All Starry Nights Cakes are baked from scratch with the highest quality natural ingredients, including organic fruits (when available), imported chocolate, and fresh butter and cream. We offer both classic cake flavors, and a boutique line featuring gourmet liqueurs and flavors.

A Starry Nights  Classic line

Prices begin at $4.50 per serving, and apply to a cake of one uniform flavor.

  • Starry Nights Signature Chocolate Truffle Cake
    Rich, moist, chocolate fudge cake layered with bittersweet chocolate mousse, and covered in decadent chocolate glaze
  • Elegant Lemon Cake
    Our most popular wedding cake. Creamy handmade lemon mousse filling, layers of vanilla chiffon cake, sweet raspberry jam, and topped with a tangy lemon curd. Elegant and delicious.
  • Classic Cheesecake
    Handmade silky vanilla or chocolate cheesecake, topped with seasonal fruit.
  • Ultimate Carrot Cake
    Hand-cut carrots mixed into rich, moist cake filled with walnuts and raisins, and topped with luscious cream cheese frosting.

Boutique line

Prices begin at $6 per serving, and apply to a cake of one uniform flavor.

  • The Bavarian
    This Black Forest cake combines rich cherry brandy-soaked chocolate cake, layers of chocolate mousse, Bavarian cream, and brandy-soaked cherries.
  • The Dublin
    This Irish Cream-inspired cake features our decadent chocolate cake layered with Bailey's Irish Cream mousse, chocolate buttercream, and frosted with mocha buttercream.
  • The Florence
    Tiramisu Vanilla chiffon cake soaked in Kahlua, rich mascarpone filling, chocolate mousse, and topped with a dusting of cocoa powder.
  • The London Trifle
    Sponge cake layered with rich handmade vanilla custard, whipped cream, fresh strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, and covered with whipped cream. (seasonal)
  • The Malaysian Mango
    Rum-soaked vanilla chiffon cake, creamy mango mousse, handmade lime curd, and frosted with rich vanilla buttercream.
  • The Milan
    Vanilla chiffon cake infused with Frangelico, rich chocolate mousse, Frangelico-hazelnut buttercream, and baked hazelnut meringue, and coated with chocolate ganache glaze.
  • The Montego Bay
    Yellow chiffon cake layered with coconut, pineapple, fresh bananas, chocolate rum mousse, and frosted with chocolate buttercream.
  • The North Pole
    Alternating fudge and vanilla chiffon layers, filled with white chocolate peppermint schnapp mousse, and frosted with vanilla buttercream sprinkled with crumbled mints or candy canes. A perfect Christmas wedding cake!
  • The Paris Croquembouche
    A tower of handmade cream puffs filled with rich custard and dipped in chocolate, and held together with a web of buttery caramel.
  • The Sevilla
    An orange creamsicle in a cake! Vanilla chiffon cake infused with peach schnapps, rich orange and white chocolate mousse, covered in peach schnapps buttercream frosting.
  • The Vienna Opera
    Rich coffee-soaked vanilla chiffon cake, chocolate fudge buttercream, Bavarian mocha cream, and topped with a rich chocolate glaze.
  • The Yucatan Spice Cake
    Cinnamon-cardamom spice cake layered with cinnamon-chocolate mousse filling, fudge buttercream, and covered in chocolate ganache.
  • The Zurich
    Whipped marshmallow creme filling, fudgy chocolate cake, covered in chocolate buttercream, and served with warm Godiva chocolate liqueur sauce on the side

  • See also

Posted by celeb2/business at 12:24 PM EDT
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Monday, 19 March 2007

Foods that relieve stress

Posted by celeb2/business at 12:23 PM EDT
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Link between clutter and depression

Posted by celeb2/business at 12:22 PM EDT
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Angel Food Ministries provides restaurant quality groceries, at a substantially reduced price, to everyone in the community who is interested in participating.

A Food Ministry with a Servant's Heart.
Great Food! Low Price!

If you are looking for a way to cut your grocery bill, but still get quality food, then it's time to try ANGEL FOOD! ALL THIS FOR THE LOW COST OF JUST $25.00!!

You or someone you want to help can be blessed with a wonderful box of fresh meats, fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, and staple items.

There are no second-hand items, no damaged or out-dated goods, no dented cans without labels, no day-old breads and no produce that is almost too ripe

There are no qualifying terms to receive the Angel Food Box except the ability to pre-pay for your order(s). There are no limitations on the number of orders you can place except that you must:

order and pre-pay before the pre-set order date.

pick up your order on distribution day, and

bring a big box with you to put your food into

Go to to find a host site near you.

Each month, groceries valued at $40-75 will be available for the low price of $25. Quality, USDA approved meat and produce will be included to create a unit which will provide one meal per day for a family of four for one week or an individual for one month.

In addition, monthly specials such as steaks, chicken and pork will be offered as an added bonus. Many participants in this bonus program appreciate the expanded choices.

Angel Food Ministries items for the next delivery

You may order one food box or as many as you want. There is no limit on the number of boxes or bonus foods an individual can purchase, and there are no applications to complete or qualifications to which participants must adhere.

It's Both a Bargain and a Blessing...Why not buy a box and donate to a family in need?

Using the quality food at significant discounts offered on a regular basis is a real and practical way to show clearly that you care. It also infuses a reminder of the value that God places on humans everywhere and that they deserve every opportunity that can be offered them in the name of love and friendship.

Churches that participate in Angel Food Ministries benefit in many ways:

Gives church members hands-on experience and training with rewarding service to others.

Provides discounted food not only for those that need it, but for any others who appreciate deep discounts on quality groceries.

Provides additional income to community outreach funds.

Gives churches and organizations an effective outreach to the community to meet real needs in a genuine way -- often times drawing new participants and visitors into the mission at hand.

Angel Food Ministries, like most all other retail grocery stores, also participates in the U.S. Food Stamp program, using the Off-Line Food Stamp Voucher system.

Posted by celeb2/business at 12:14 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 17 August 2005

From Frugalfolks-
A Wonderful Frugal Project

This is about a Christian Organization that offers a true frugal service to everyone with no strings attached. I am not looking at the religious aspect but, the wonderful service it does to this countries communities. This organization offers food to everyone at an affordable price. They also accept food stamps. ****************************************************From a pastor in TN-
Angel Food has become one of the best things that has happened to our ministry.

We have been able to identify those families through Angel Food who really needed other types of assistance and have begun ministry to meet those needs. It will transform your church as people who never got involved before find their hearts being touched by the wonder testimonies that grow out of this ministry.
From a social worker in OK-
all of my clients do it - they even
take food stamps so it can really make the food dollar go further - it is one of the best things since sliced bread!-

Posted by celeb2/business at 9:54 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 19 March 2007 12:12 PM EDT
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