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This Site is dedicated to the Section 5 of the University of Santo Tomas College of Nursing Batch 2004. We rock!



Welcome to the website of the Section five of the University of Santo Tomas College of Nursing batch 2004. I have decided to create this site to show my appreciation to my batch mates. Guys thanks for the good times and the bad times. For the laughter, hardships and arguments.  As you can see, there is nothing much to see here right now. Just profiles, pictures and some other bunch of stuff related to our class. But don't worry I will try to enhance the page as soon as I can have time for it. By the way guys you can leave messages or announcements here. You could share anything you want. Also, if you have some suggestions or comments please don't hesitate to catch my attention.  Also, please do sign our guestbook I would really appreciate it. Well guys I think that's it for now hope to see you soon and keep in touch! Oh yeah! guys please join our yahoo group. You could do so by clicking on the link at the bottom page. Also tell everyone About our website. ait!? Thanks and God Bless!



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