
All stories contain adult material and are rated accordingly. Most stories involve m/m relationships and sexual situations. You have been warned!

All I've Ever Wanted
Summary: Brian's never told anyone the truth about his sexuality or his feelings for his best friend. The only person that knows is Mackenzie, an ex-girlfriend who is still unwillingly in love with him....
Pairing: Brian/Nick & Brian/other
Rating: NC-17
Chapters: 16 + Epilogue
Status: Complete
*Note* Chapters are divided into ‘Past’ and ‘Present’ and will be labeled accordingly.
*Winner of Best Slash Story at the BSB Elite Fan Fiction Awards ~ 2003*
*Winner of Best Slash Story at the BSB Fantasy Awards ~ 2003*
*Winner of Best Slash Story at the Days of Thunder Awards ~ 2003*
Also received Honorable Mentions for "Best Lead Male - Brian" / "Best Sex Scene - Chapter 15" / "Best Goodbye - Chapter 16" at the BSB Elite Fan Fiction Awards ~ 2003

Forbidden Nights
Summary: A series of journal entries from 2 vampires.
Pairing: Mainly Kevin/Alex, but other members of BSB are also involved
Rating: NC-17
Total Journal Entries: 24
Status: Complete
Authors: Myself and Missy
I will be writing all journal entries by Kevin and Missy will be writing all of those by Alex.
*Warning!* This story contains 'vampire activities' and cousin slash (although they're not *really* cousins in this story.) Nonetheless, if you don't like that, then please don't read it!
*Received Honorable Mention Award for Best Vampire Story at the East Water AU Fan Fiction Awards ~ 2003*

Lead the Way
Summary: Best friends...closer than most, but afraid to go too far. Can they find a way to be together or will life pull them apart?
Pairing: Brian/Nick
Rating: NC-17
Chapters: 13
Status: Complete
*Warning!* This story is AU, meaning they are not Backstreet Boys. And secondly, this story involves sex with a minor.
*Readers Choice Winner of "Best Story" at the Dare to Dream Awards ~ 2003*

Love is All
Summary: Nick and Brian spend one night together before Brian's impending wedding, and it changes everything....
Pairings: Nick/Brian & Nick/AJ
Rating: NC-17 for language and strong sexual situations
Parts: 4
(1)Say Goodbye
(2)You Don't Know
(3)Against All Odds
(4)Thank God I Found You
Status: Complete

Painful Passion
Summary: An intense act of anger quite possibly ruins a friendship and destroys love....
Pairing: Nick/Brian
Rating: NC-17 for language, strong sexual situations, rape, and violence
Chapters: 23
Status: Complete
*Warning!* This story contains non-consensual sex, otherwise known as rape, and attempted suicide. If you don't like that, then please don't read it!
*Winner of Best Slash Story at the No Name Awards ~ 2002*

Standard Disclaimer: All stories are fiction. I don't know the Backstreet Boys or anyone associated with them.

Copyright 2002-03

All stories found here are property of me. Want something? Just ask!

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