Britney looks like she really does own the place when she's over looking the crowd from the catwalk at the beautiful Nyla restaurant in the Dylan Hotel. Britney Valentine's latest adventure has ended her up in what seems like the perfect venue for her - Britney Spears' restaurant!! In midtown on Ms. Valentine's favorite street, Park Ave, our very own Brit parties it up with the wonderful staff and patrons at Nyla. Brit's official night of hosting is every Wednesday night at 11 for the 'BSNY' party, but you are likely to find her there any day weds-sat at the amazing late night parties, or just eating dinner by herself or with friends.

"I really love Nyla. Not only is it beautiful and the food is great, but I really do feel at home, and respected there. Whenever I'm there the staff really makes me feel like it's my restaurant... and I think they like it when the patrons are excited when they see me and ask,  "is that Britney Spears?" I've even taken pics with people and signed autographs for those people who just really swore that I was her! hehe But of course I didn't mind that at all! I love attention, and it is ultimately such a compliment for me that these people really believe I'm her... I guess that means I'm doing my job well right? ;) "

Brit isn't letting all this new attention go to her head though. "Every time I go to Nyla it's a new experience partly because there are always new people there who have never seen me and it's being able to get that is that britney spears? from new people every time I go there keeps it fresh and entertaining for me. I also made some great friends in the staff, from the managers to the hosts, the waiters and even the clean-up crew (who let me borrow for this pic on the left titled - "Britney cleans her restaurant") All in all I just have a great time there and I know that as long as I'm in New York I will definitely call Nyla a home of mine! see ya on Wednesdays!"



make sure and catch Britney's new night at Nyla on Wednesdays! The door opens at 11pm and drinks and fun is served til 4! So come out and party with Brit in the beautiful atmosphere which is Nyla at 41st btwn Madison and Park!