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Site News              Sunday April 26, 2003

Several new links have been added to the page, for those of you who visit OBFiles. It's nothing new to you.
I have constructed a Poker Game and will post it in a few days. Still creating images for it.
I seem to have deleted Pirate Maze from the Menu sometime when I was Layout changing. So, PIRATE MAZE is back! For those of you who missed it :)

Legolas Background
Okay...*sigh* I know that I have a naked Legolas up there. It's not much like our
style, but I love this image and decided to use it. Actually I had to cover him up to be able to post him on a website for fear I might be a porno-elfish-pimp-pusher or something, if you'd like to see Legolas in his entire nude glory, you can go here. WARNING!!! ADULT CONTENT! Also, be's...ummm well you know the Fellowship diaries?
Picture image form. THIS MAY OFFEND YOU!
Bloomin' Times       Sunday April 27, 2003

Sir Ian in People magazine
"When actors reunite to make a movie sequel, they can let their hair down with one another -- and occasionally their pants too. Last summer, when Hugh Jackman arrived late to the Vancouver set of X2, the X-Men sequel that opens May 2, he asked co-stars Ian McKellen and newcomer Alan Cumming how they spent their weekends. Cumming told them they'd been going to the beach. He neglected to mention, however, that it was a nude beach. So when Jackman met them there, he was a bit taken aback: "Ian had on his English sun hat, walking along the beach butt naked," he says with a laugh. Cumming adds, "A few people recognized us, but they respected the fact that we weren't there to sign autographs. Honestly, where would we keep the pen?"

German trailer for ROTK
The German trailer for ROTK should be in German cinemas approximately two weeks after it starts in the US (which will be end of June/beginning of July), and depending on its rating it might be attached to either "Hulk" or "Terminator 3".

New Aragorn picture
A Hobbit's Tale has posted a scan of never before seen picture of Aragorn.

AOL "You've got mail" Frodo voices
Jackie wrote: I wanted to say that if you go to AOL keyword (on the right top side of your screen) type in : E and a screen will appear and look for celeb voices and click there and you can have frodos voice saying you've got mail but unfortunately they dont have Orlando's

POTC- can't miss family film on Access Hollywood
Kendra wrote: Just wanted to say that POTC was once again on access hollywood today on the Countdown to the top ten "Can't Miss Summer Movies" POTC wasn't really in the countdown but it was in the "Can't Miss Family Movies" section. Nothing new and just a small mention of Orlando Bloom.

One sheet final POTC poster onsale
Update II: The one sheet final Pirates of the Caribbean poster is now available for purchase at Ricks Movie and Movie Market US, UK, Netherlands, France, Germany

Elijah beats Daniel and Orly in Your Charts
Elijah Wood has sprung a surprise in your fave celeb vote this week, beating Rings co-star Orlando Bloom and Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe. And another one of the fellowship joined his mates on the chart, with Dominic Monaghan replacing loser J-Lo in the top 10.

POTC article in Playboy magazine
Sari sent in this scan of POTC article in Playboy magazine.

Orlando has bad hobbit
It's tough being a hobbit on the pull when there's a good-looking elf around. Just ask pint-sized Scot Billy Boyd. The Lord of the Rings star says Orlando Bloom, who plays dashing elf Legolas, towers over him as a heartthrob. Billy, the hobbit Pippin, is 5ft 7in and says he never gets a look in with women when his dashing 6ft co-star is around. But Billy added: "It doesn't get on my nerves. Orlando's a great guy." (Thanks Mina)

Orlando in Twist
Tatiana wrote in to say that Orlando in the June/July issue of Twist magazine (April Lavigne on the cover). Orlando's on page 31, it's a little article with a picture of him and a mention of POTC

There will no longer be back issues of The Bloomin' Time. If you misses a few days of news you can read any news posted here at OBM.

 Orlando Bloom Multimedia

Layout 2003 and images created or modified by  Bloomin' Amazing/Daphne's Design.
Original Legolas image was created by TheBan Band. Best veiwed at resolution 1024x768.

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