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Daphne's Designs:

I am an Orlando Bloom Fan site webmaster. I've worked a long time to make the many things I've made. Some of my Orlando site visitors have been asking me to help them with layouts lately. I have no problem with helping other people with starting out. So, this is what this site is for.

We're here to help you get started with a website. I'll have plenty of Layout sites posted to help you get started as well. Only the best I've come across. I will also have web page goodies I've made over the years for you to use.

These designs were created specifically for a free web host known as diaryland. Very good host, but if you choose you can use these layouts for ANY server you like. Just DON'T CHANGE THE LINK BACK TO BEYOND AMAZING! That's all I ask.
My Graphics & Art

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Basic Layout, button images, and background image by: Glamorous