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It's nice that there are special days
For letting people know
The things we feel within our hearts
But all too seldom show.

So though this comes on Your Birthday,
It's meant for all year through
And it's filled with the warmth and love
That's always felt for you.

Happy Birthday!

It's your birthday and we wanted you to know just how special we think you are.

Friends like you don’t come along very often. You laugh with us when something funny happens, and you hold our hands when we cry. You cheer us up when we’ve had a bad day, and assure us that things will be okay. You’re special because you know just the right thing to say, and exactly when to say it.

You stick up for your friends when things aren’t going their way, and regale us with stories of roots you’ve had. You’re funny and popular; yet you always take time for each of us.

You mean so many different things to us - you’re a gicktard, a bit tospy at times, and ever so rootable. You’re cute, naughty, and even a bit spiffy!

But most of all, you know what it means to be a friend, and that's why we love you.

Happy birthday!

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created by Dryad ,poppy and grey_area