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Scary Skinny Celebrities
Scary Skinny Celebrities
Scary Skinny Celebrities
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Something Must Be Done
Something Must Be Done  
A very serious problem is spreading across America. Celebrities have special diets, all-day workouts, trainers, diet pills, personal chiefs, makeup artists, hair stylists, and air brushing to help them look picture perfect and thin. Little girls, teens, and women see this on tv, magazines, movies, music, and the media and feel intense pressure to be picture perfect. This pressure can turn dangerous very fast.

Dangerous effects can be Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder, low self esteem, mental disorders, dieting, starvation, Anorexia, "cutting", Bulimia, even suicide.

I asked a freind of mine who has been a teen therapist for 10 years to make a statement on what she deals with. "Time and time again, I see the negative impact the media has on adoescent girls concerning their self-esteem and self-worth. It has become part of the female culture to compare oneself to the Hollywood idea of what is acceptable regarding looks, weight and clothing and it is everywhere: TV, magazines, billboards, retail stores. As a result, if they feel they are not living up to these impossibly high standards, many girls have poor self-esteem, develop eating disorders and can become depressed as they look for ways to live up to America's picture of perfection. It is a difficult battle to fight and adults who have an influence on adolescent girls need to be aware of, and take very seriously, the pressures that are on teens today and ways to help them cope with and understand the illusion that media creates."