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Alan & Celeste's Wedding Home Page

About Us

Alan's Profile
Celeste's Profile
Our Japan Trip Photos (Oct 2001)
Our UK Trip Photos (May-Jun 2002)
Our Bintan Trip (Nov 2002)
Shanghai Trip (Nov 2003)
Bali Trip (Dec 2003)



As promised, most of the wedding photos are loaded except for the HK ones which are still incomplete. Then I've yet to find more space to load the Shanghai trip photos, so they'll also have to wait :) You can browse through the newly loaded wedding photos including the Bali trip and I'll update everyone when I'm finished the HK wedding and Shanghai trip photos.

Both Alan and I will be very busy this month. We just went to Taipei for 1 1/2 weeks to look for apartment and Alan is currently in Korea for business while I'll be back in Spore for only 3 days.

Then we'll be off to HK on 12 Feb - 15 Feb before Alan's off to Shanghai immediately while I'll be back in Spore to do the packing up for our move to Taipei :( sob sob sob

Tentatively, we are planning to leave Spore for Taipei on 29 Feb and will be there for about 2 years. However, we'll be making trips back to Spore and HK now and then so hope to catch up with all our friends when we are back!

1. UK Wedding Ceremony (5 Sept 2003)

2. HK Wedding (12 Oct 2003)

3. Spore Wedding (24 Oct 2003)

4. UK Wedding Album

5. Spore Wedding Album


Last updated: 09-Feb-04
