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WeLcOmE tO mY sItE!!! hOpE yOu EnJoY eVeRyThInG tHaTs HeRe...I wOrKeD vErY hArd ...DaY tO nIgHt On ThIs tHiNg So YoU bEtTeR LiKe iT...
If yOu HaVe AnY qUeStIoNs oR cOmMeNtS fEel FrEe To EmAiL mE aT tHe aDdReSs BeLoW!!

News                                Multimedia/Pictures
~News On AJ~                             ~Lyrics to Bsb Songs~
~When AJ will be on tv~               ~Pictures of AJ~
~Tour Information~                      ~Pictues of Me and some friends~
                                                   ~Pictures my friends have~ (of aj)

Interact                                        Biographies
~Quiz on AJ~ (only on him)            ~AJ's Biography~
~Chatroom~                                 ~About Me~
                                                   ~About some of my friends~

Other Stuff (Only of AJ though)
~Poems I wrote~
~Links to Other sites~
~JNN charity~
~Shout out from Friends~

Email Me at: