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~*::Dani'z Page|Version Blue Bear 6.oh?::*~

Hey ppL
kay lyk yeaZz!
Dont' 4gots ta turn ups the volumes!
Kay nd leave me a message after the beep! *::Beep::* LoL

Hey ppl! Kay is yea yea yea this iz mai pix page, enough wit da stuff ya guyz already know!!! Yea, well az ya can see there ain't alot right now. LoL Duhz!!! I'm jus ta lazZy ta upload all the pix. LoL ^_^ Hey well why don't ya try doin all this stuff and see how it feelz! LoL i'm jus kiddin. Don't worriezZ. Imma put up more pix. I made this reeli funny one of Jerad. He looks so happy for some reason. Hmmmmmmmmm well yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Don't forget ta tag mai board!!! Yea........ uhhh wut ta say......... WEll Enjoy the 2 pix! LoL i'll put up more don't worry! Yeaaa........ now i'm jus goin on nd on jus ta take up space....................... LoL HmmMMmmMMmmMMmmMMmmMMM Yes let's seee........ Shout outs! YaY! Hehehehehe. Let's seeee......... Hey abby! Hey alli! Hey regana!! HmmmMMzZZ Yup! I guess thas it! LoL Sorry ppl if i din't say hi ta yaz! LoL yea...... i noe this iz some weird tingy and its kinda crapola....... but o well! LoL Let's seeeee....... Kay yeaz! Tag Mai board! LoL i noe i said that already but o well! Hehehehehehe! Kay yea i won't waste anymore of ur time. tAkE cArEz! Ppl! Peayce! ~Dani~

I added lyk 2 more pix ppl! Yea! LoL Kay lyk yeaz I’m kinda lazZy ta fill this all up right now but I will l8a. Kay Peace!
6/25~ kay ppl i gots a new tagboard, so don't 4gets ta tag it! Kay? bai! tAkE cArEz!

>*~::Dani'z Page|Verzion Blue Bear 6.oh?::<*~

Welcome to Dani'z Page!

Hey Ppl! And Gurla'z. Hehehe! Shout out ta mai Gurla'z! Alli, Abby, Regan and ev'rybody else! Hehehe. Well it's still under construction. Alotta thnx to KT for helpin me wit this. None of this wouldn't be possible without her! So come back soon when it's ready! P.S. Kookookachoo! LoL

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Info bout me
Hmmm wut ta say.... wut ta say.... Well imma gurl( duh!) I luv ta shop, chat online, shoppin, i play piano, and right now imma on vaykay!(vacation) Whoopee!Dunno wut else ta say right now, but when i do i'll come back here! See ya!


Hey that iz true! Hehehehehe

You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

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