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Taking A Chance On Amber Benson

Most of you know Amber from her role on Buffy The Vampire Slayer but she is so much more! I had the pleasure of seeing her movie (Chance) at the SideWalk Moving Picture Festival in Alabama this past Sept and again in June at Moonlight Rising. The film is amazing! After each screening, Amber took time for questions and to talk to fans. She was funny, friendly and very approachable. After that I knew I wanted to do something to let people know how talented she truly is.

So Sit Back. Relax and learn about Amber!

News (Updates coming soon)
Pictures 1 (NEW)
Pictures 2 (NEW)
Pictures 3 (NEW)
Pictures 4 (NEW)
Pictures 5 (NEW)
Pictures 6 (NEW)
A little tribute to another fav of mine - Emma Caulfield
More Emma
Emma Caulfield News! (Updates coming soon)
Family and Friends

Thank You for visiting! This site is new and always under construction so check back often for updates! Email me with any suggestions. I want to send out a Thank You to Little Willow, the host of Essence Of Amber, you're doing a great job! A big shout out to POKEY, Hang in there! Love ya bud! ---------------------------------------MOONLIGHT RISING JUNE 6-8---------------------------A shout out to all the Amberholics and Elizabeth! Moonlight was fabulous! Meeting Amber was a memory I will never forget. Amber you rock!!!!!
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