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Todd Rotondi gives us the lowdown...

"Bryant is 20 years old and he's got a lot of anger inside him from what his father has done in the past and the way he has treated his mother growing up. Bryant loves his mother. I'm personally loving that Sierra came on board for a while. I guess that Bryant does love his dad and there are a lot of things that he wants to give him, but he's a little s--- kid. And like I said, there is a lot of anger in Bryant and most of it is directed at Craig-he's controlled Bryant like a little puppet most of his life.

Bryant is perfect for Java Underground. I don't know what Bryant wants to do with his life, but there has got to be a passion within him. It's funny, Bryants gets into some stuff-finally-that's related to sort of a passion-type thing that I'm really taken by. Deep down inside, Bryant is a romantic: he's into peotry and stuff like that, which has come with Jennifer for example, but I don't think it's really blossomed.

Jennifer is exactly what Bryant wants: a good girl to root for him. He thinks she's beautiful and nice. Jennifer is starting to change into something that is more risque and rebelious. But who knows where Bryant is going to be, because there are a lot of more mistakes he has to make."