The Story

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"Take my Love With You"


You stared at the computer screen long enough, your eyes started to hurt. You glanced at your clock, 2:37am. ' Wow ' you thought, you've been online surfing for a long time. You thought you would give your eyes a rest and call it quits for the night. You turned everything off and jumped into bed. It didn't take you long to drift off into a sound sleep.

The next day, you thought you would get out of the house. The past few days you've been cooped up in the house flipping through channels on the television and floating through different websites on different music groups, especially HANSON. You were excited to seem them back and with shorter hair. ( with the exception of Zac), but Taylor was your favorite.( and if it wasnt, it is now!). You called one of your friends and made plans to go see a movie. You got ready and around 6pm, you went with one of your friends to the movies. You wanted to see a scary movie, so you went up to the ticket booth and asked for two tickets to see the rated R movie. " May I see ID?" she asks before she took your money, "what?" you forgot about how you needed to have ID to show to see a rated R show. "You need to show me some ID so I know you are at the appropiate age to see this film". You felt like smacking her. ' great now my night is ruined ' you thought. You were about to walk away when you heard a familar voice and felt someone standing beside you, " here I am buying the tickets, I need four of them, please" then you see a hand extend with an ID plus money. You turn to see the face of this mysterious fellow, and to your surprise it was Isaac Hanson. You just stare at him in shock. He recieves the tickets, then looks at you and smils and hands you two of the tickets. You all step aside so that the line can continuing flowing with people who are buying tickets."Why thank you, here" you say handing him the money for the tickets. "You can keep it, as long as you and your friend joins me and my brother" he says smiling. His brother? Could it be? Nooo, wait could it?. You thought you woudl play stupid, " your brother?"you question him. "Yeah, his name is Taylor, I find it hard to believe that you don't know us" Isaac says. "Oh, yeah I know you guys, your Hanson, but wait why do you want to sit with us?" you ask, really wanting to know and not playing dumb."because me and him saw you guys and we ya know" he stops and just gives you the look, like you have to know."ahh" you say. Inside your screaming, ' OH MY GOSH!' but you would never tell on the outside. You played cool beyond cool. You and your friend followed Isaac to the snack area, where you saw your angel. There was Taylor, with 4 drinks and two large popcorns walking towards you guys. "hey"he says to all of you, but giving you more of the look. You and your friend say hello. "I'm glad they said yes because I wouldnt know what to do with a large popcorn for myself and 2 drinks." Isaac says laughing. " Um probabaly eat it" your friend says, sorta of snappy but not really rude.You were shocked she said that, you wouldnt have the guts to be rude or 'sorta rude' to them when just meeting them and still being confused. You were relieved when Ike and Tay just starting laughing. "Come on before we miss it" Taylor says starting to walk. He looked back at you a few times to make sure you were still there, you smiled everytime he did and he returned with a smile also.

Chapter 2

Throughout the movie, you and Taylor didn't touch once, except when you and him reached for the popcorn at the same time and brushed hands, that was about it. You were disappointed, yeah sure you felt lucky that he wanted to watch the movie with you, but your heart ached. The movie ended and everyone got up and walked out. The four of you hung out around the entrance, talking. You looked over and noticed these guys have been following you the whole time. You mention it to the rest of them , " oh there just our bodyguards, you know you could never be too save" Isaac explained. You just nod. You were upset that nothing else happened between you and Taylor. You really liked him, maybe you were falling in love with him, you didn't know quite sure. "We'll be right back, we both have to use the bathroom, any of you guys need to?" Isaac says with your friend, you and Taylor said no. They walked off towards the restroom leaving you and him alone. Taylor asked you what your last name was ( you already introduced your first names in the theater) and how old you were. You responded with the answers, then you kept quiet. Taylor noticed the silence and asked, " What's wrong?", you look at him with confusion.' How could he not know?' you asked yourself. He waited for an anwser, you had to give him one. "Well I don't understand why you wanted to sit with me, I mean I'm a nobody, in the celeberty world I mean", it was kind of hard to ask that question but you had to. He looked at you with a shocked facial expression then responded, " just because your not famous doesn't mean I don't like you, or can't like you". You almost melted, even though he said it quite harshly, just the fact of hearing him say he likes you, it was like heaven. "You like me?", you just had to ask. "Yeah I do" he says smiling. Then Isaac and your friend comes back. ' damn timing' you think and you just smile." We thought we should all go out for icecream, you guys wanna go?" referring to you and Taylor. You both agree. " Ok cool, I can drive us all'' Isaac says leading the way to the car. "Now wait, I have my license, I can drive" Taylor jumps in. "Nah thats ok I don't feel like getting to into an accident today,maybe tomorrow" Isaac says, everyone laughs, except Taylor, he laughed sarcastly. "Fine, well then I can ride in back with her" Taylor says looking at you and giving you a shy smile.You smile back, and you notice your friend roll her eyes. You start felt bad, but before you could actually FEEL horrible your in the backwont seat with Tay. Everyone gets in and drives to the ice-cream place. You get to the ice-cream place and all go up and order. You get your icecreams, you decided to get a kiddi-cone, because you were still full from all the popcorn you had at the movies. You all walk to a picnic table and plop down and eat. Half way through your 'cones', Taylor flings ice-cream at your face, it was cold and unexpected, you screamed, he started laughing harder, then you took your cone and shoved it all in his face. Then you couldn't stop laughing! Then you looked up and noticed your friend was gone. "Hey wait stop, where did she go" you ask them all. Ike looks at you sort of disappointed. You look directly at Isaac, " where is she?" you demand a awnser. " she told me she was sick of how you and Taylor flirt and that you leave her out now since your with him", you felt sudden butterflies, you look at Taylor, he looks sort of pale. "Well where is she?" You ask Isaac again. " I don't know she headed for the trees, she left like 3 minutes ago, but then again you didn't notice because you were having the ice-cream war with Tay" he said sort of snappy. You wanted to tell him off but since he was your ride home you decided to keep your mouth shut and look for her. You headed towards the trees and walked around this shed looking thing and saw her sitting on a railing, about 14 feet away. You run up to her, you stop in front of her and you see tears falling down her cheek. Her tears wanted to make you cry, you couldnt."Can you please tell me what I did?" you ask, even though you already knew. "Duh" she says angrily. ( note: she isnt looking at you when she is speaking). You look down and notice her ice-cream cone on grassy ground, melting away. For some reason the ice-cream made you feel more sad, then you start to tear. "I'm sorry", that was all you could say. Your friend begins to speak again, " I was talking to Isaac, you know when we went to the bathroom and he told me how that when the first time Taylor saw you, he freaked on how beautiful you were and how innocent you looked and how he had to be with you, so he made Isaac come up to" she says crying. You were happy to hear about what Taylor said about you, but your happiness didn't stay long because you knew you hurt your friend, somehow. " and for the record there is nothing going on between me and Isaac, its all about you and Taylor" she added. "Do you like Isaac?" you ask. She finally looks at you, " no, I never was attracted to him like physically, he's cool and all but no, not like that" says her. Then she gives you a harsh look. You start to get mad, " what is the problem anyway? a guy likes me, a guy that I have been crushing over for a while, a guy who could never possibly like me, does and your mad at me? I said I'm sorry and yes I do feel bad about 'leaving' you out but now I know my actions clearly and I won't leave you out,come on you and me are good friends, please don't let this come between us, please, I'm sorry" you said at first angry then you get nice. She is silent for a minute then gets up and hugs you, crying, "I'm sorry too, your my bestfriend, and I was just afraid I was going to lose you to a guy", you start to cry too, " You'll never lose me". You both let go and smile, wipe your tears and walk back to the guys. There both standing there with question mark faces, wondering how it went. You both walk up with a smile, so they know everything is fine.


Isaac drives you back to the movie theater, where you go to call your parents to pick you guys up. You were hoping that they would offer you guys a ride home, but they didnt ask, so you wouldnt imply. No answer "well I guess we'll be here for awhile" you say hanging up the phone. "Well I can take you guys home" Ike offers. Yes there it is, you think happily, but you couldnt give in just yet, " no its ok, you have done enough for us, thank you but I can try again later" you say, then regretting it, 'stupid me ' you think. "no no, its ok I can, we have nothing else better to do" Isaac says. Then the question comes to your mind, then you ask, " wait, what are you guys doing here anyways? is there a concert or something?". Taylor says, "No, Sunday ( it is Friday now) we have a photo shoot in the nearest city here and a radio show to do the same day, then Monday morning we leave like between 9am and 12pm, you know how hotels kick you out in the morning!" he laughs. You start to laugh but then realize, no more Taylor. "oh" you say, down. Taylor notices your sadness, but he didnt know what to do but jumps out " hey you wanna go crusin? instead of going home?", " actually I'm kind of tired" your friend says, sitting on the bench, resting her head on the wall." tired?its only 9:30" Taylor says. " when you get up at 6am, unwillingly, you'd be tired" she says, closing her. " you got a point" Taylor says turning away to look at you. " I'm tired to, I got up way earlier than 6" Isaac chimed in. " are you tired?" Taylor asks you. " No" you say, well you werent"me neither" he says. Isaac to Taylor: " Well heres a funny thought, how about I take her home and you and her can go ' crusin', and you can take his little crappy car" he says pointing to one of the body guards. " Sounds like a plan" taylor says smiling at you, you smile back. Isaac takes your friend home, she doesnt mind, she was beat, so you didn't feel guilty. You and Taylor got into this crappy brown car and went off driving. You felt so alive and happy. You could not believe this was happening! " So where do you wanna go? the night is young my fair lady!" Taylor says in a britsh accent. You laugh, for some reason you couldnt stop laughing. Taylor looked at you as if you were drunk which made you laugh even harder. Then when you finally stop laughing, you look at him smiling, he looks at you with this hot, sexy stare, which gave you goosebumps. He pulls the car over fast and leans over and kisses you ever so softly. 'woah' you thought, well you thought you said it to yourself, but no you said it outloud. "woah?" he asks, blushing. You get red and turn your face to the window. You start smiling in your embarassment. Taylor starts laughing, " I'm that good huh?" he says. You burst out laughing. He laughs with you. "gosh all I do is laugh with you, I love it" he says smiling. You smile. Then once again you kiss eachother. Then when you 'release' from each others lips, he gets an idea. His eyes get bright, " ooh I got an idea!' , "huh?" you say lost. He turns on the radio and flips to a soft rock radio station, and a slow song is playing. He blares it and runs out the car so fast to your side and opens it and extends his hand ''May I have this dance?'' he asks, ' how original' you think, then you say " of course" and lock hands and you walk in front of the car ( with the car lights as your spot light) and dance the night away. Then about the 3rd song, he looks into your eyes, " I havent had this much..ever" he says, you melt away into his eyes, all you can do is smile, you couldnt think of the right words to describe your feelings right now. He leans down and kisses you, but this time he doesnt let go so easily. He starts kissing you harder and you lean backwards tot he hood of the car. You couldnt stop nor did you want to. Then a weird thing happened, the radio switched to a polka station. Polka music was blaring, you both jump right up and start laughing, Taylor goes to the car and turns the radio off. " Bad reception, this crap car" he says laughing, you laugh along with him. Even at the stupid stuff you guys laugh, it was something true that you both had together, and Taylor realized it. He takes you into his arms and looks at you with calmness, " I can't believe this is happening, I'm so lucky" he says, "you? I'm the lucky one" you say. "Well then were both lucky" he smiles and kisses you soft and short."I'm really happy" you say."me too" he hugs you and smells your hair. ' thank gosh I washed it this morning' you think laughing in your head. "you smell good" he says, you giggle "thanks". You guys held eachother in which it seemed like forever. "Wow its 11:30, I didnt know it was that late" Taylor says. Then all of a sudden you remember, " oh my gosh! Ihavent told my parents where I am, oh shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"you scream, you panic. Taylor calms you down, " ok lets get inside now" he says looking but your already in the passanger seat" COME ON!" you yell. Taylor jumps in and peels out and drives you home fast!

Chapter 4

"Well we have about a 25 minute drive, so come down, I forgot my cellphone in Isaac's car so you can't call them, just chill"" Taylor says, driving as fast he can without getting a ticket. 'real fast huh' you think. "relax" he adds. You told yourself to come down, if you got home now or 25 minutes later, your parents will still kill you so just enjoy the time with Taylor because so little time is all you have, you think to yourself causing yourself to settle down. You started looking around the seat trying to find something to play with.You see a brochure of their hotel. " Wow this is a beautoful hotel,I remeber seeing it alot when I drive by it", you say trying to make conversation. " Yeah it is a nice hotel, but Monday morning we'll be gone, which sucks" he says. You didnt want to bring up the fact that he is leaving soon, it would only make you more upset than how you are now, you decided to drop the subject. You reach your hand under the seat and find a bottle. You bring it to your eye sit, ' Cotton Candy Juice Bar', you smell it and it smells just like Cotton Candy, yum. "Um Taylor why do you have this?" you ask holding it up so he can see. " Oh thats Zac's, he liked the smell" he says laughing. "sure its his" you mumble to yourself, " what?" Taylor asks, he heard you say something but he couldnt figure it out. " Nothing, so where is Zac anyways?" you ask. " Well he didn't come' he says. " duh" you say. He smiles, " well we didn't want him to come because he was acting dumb and we didn't want to deal with it" he adds. " So you could pick up chicks without the little brother tagging along?" you say,smirking. " Well it worked, didn't it?" he smiles. You sort of felt cheap, but you just didn't say anything. He notices your silence, " look I didn't mean it like that, in the begining of the day I thought yeah I would do that but I didn't pick up a 'chick', I found a wonderful and I want to spend time with you, not just for one day" he says. You felt warmish in your stomach, all you can do it smile. He smiles too, and the rest of the way you were blaring jams and dancing queer with laughter.

You pull up into your driveway. Taylor starts to get out but you pull him back, " hey you know what I think you should stay here just in case my parents are looking out the window and now since you have a haircut they won't mistake you as a girl and flip!" you say laughing. He turns pissed. " TAYLOR I'M KIDDING! but seriously please stay here" you say kissing him. His snarl turns into a smile. " Ok, wait before you go I need your number so I can call you and we can get together before I go" he says smiling. You gladly gave him your number. You kissed goodbye, then you jumped out and ran into your home. DUM DUM DUM!

Chapter 5

Your parents are waiting by the door when you get in. They did not seem to happy. You gulped big and loud, you knew you were in trouble. "Well? Where were you?" they asked. You wanted to make up some big story, a lie to save yourself, but you couldn't think of one, so you told the truth, well sort of. "Well I called you and no one awnsered the phone, so I waited and well one of my friends there, thought they could drive me home" you say, half lying. "So why did you get home so late?" they asked. " Well we went out for icecream, then they had to drive one of there other friends home who went to the theater with them and then tey had to drive another girl home and then took us home but on the way she needed gas and air in her tires, so it was time consuming" you managed to say..lie. "Go to your room" they said, " what you don't believe me?" you ask, scared. " We didn't say that..just go to your room, its late and I'm sure you had enough excitement for one night, goodnight, go!". You didn't say anything, you did what you were told. You went to your room sort of relieved that they didn't kill you but who knows what they were thinking. You dropped that subject out of your mind and got ready for bed. While you were laying in bed you thought of Taylor and how wierd it was to meet him and kiss him and have him actually like you. You just hoped he would call. Soon after you fell asleep. Of course you dreamed about him.

The next day you woke up around noon. You had breakfast, took a shower, and waited for his call. 2:00pm came around. You got nervous that he wouldnt call, you started to have a breakdown and before you reached prime breakdown, the phone rang. You raced towards the phone and you thanked the lord, it was him. "Hey whats going on? are your parents mad at you?" he asks, concerned. "Well I actually don't know, I told them a lie, if anyone asks you werent with me yesterday" you say laughing, he laughs along."So do you wanna get together today?" he asks. You felt really special, " Well I'm going to have to ask, can you call back in like 5 minutes, my mom is outside" you say, " sure, hear ya in 5!" he says laughing, you laugh, "bye". You hang up and run out the door. You go and ask your mom if you can go out today, she told you no, and that you can't because of you coming in late last. You were so angry but you decided to not take it out on her because who knows if she would ground you until your graduation. So you played it cool, even though you screaming inside. Taylor called back, and you had to tell you couldn't do anything and in fact she was mad, he sounded really upset but he could understand. Then your mom walked in and said " ok now get off the phone" she said walking towards you. " I'm sorry I have to go, bye, sorry" then you hung it up fast without him saying bye. You bursted into tears and ran to your room.

Chapter 6

You wanted to call you needed to call him back. But you couldn't. One, your mom banded you from the phone and what it appears from the rest of the whole world, two, you didnt have his number. Which made you cry even more, realizing this. All you had left was really hope.

You didn't come out your room for nearly 7 hours, even though you were hungry and you needed to go to the bathroom, you just stayed locked up, you fell asleep. You woke around 9:00pm, then you finally got out your room down to the kitchen to get something to eat. You go to the fridge and open it, not realizing your mom was there, " what are you doing?" she asks. "What am I not supposed to eat?" you ask, upset. She stands there silent, with a disturbed look on her face. You continue rumaging through the sheleves then you find something and take it out and close the door, then you look back at your mom, who was still standing there. " I'm sorry, I know your mad but you need to have some soft of punishment for your wrong doings" she explains.You just eat your food in silence. She begins again, " Your father and I were worried out of our minds, we care about you so much, you don't know how many bad ideas were running through our minds, your our daughter we love you and we don't want anything to happen to you" she pours her heart hoping she could affect you. And she succeeded. You felt bad, you could understand, but her timing for your punishment was bad. You tell your mother you are sorry and you tell her you understand and you were wrong. You hug eachother then you go back upstairs. You finished eating in your room, then fell bck asleep.

The next day, you wake up. You go ask you rmom if you can do anything today, she says today is the last day your punished. So no phone, no going out, no nothing. You went back to your room and just slept, you were so bored you slept for hours and hours. You woke up periodically to use the bathroom or get food. Luckily the day and night went fast and Monday morning arose quickly. You wake up around 8am. You slept to much to sleep in anymore. You took your shower and got ready. You went down stair to get some food, you saw a note by the phone, " today your ungrounded, some guy named Taylor called you yesterday but I told him you were sleeping.! Have fun!, love mom". You look at the piece of paper for 2 minutes then you cripple it up and throw it in the garbage. " FUCK! THIS IS SHIT!" you scream. Luckily no one was home! "how am I supposed to talk to Taylor now today he leaves his hotel and I don't know how to reach him, arghhgh!" you yell! Then you remember what Taylor said, they will leave between 9am and 12pm. You look at your clock 9:27am. Maybe you can catch him. You remember the hotel he was staying at. You knew what you had to do!

Chapter 7 ( coming soon, oh this is getting good!)

You tried everything possible to get a ride to the hotel and you succeeded.shhh its a secret. You arrive at the hotel around 10am. You run into the lobby and go directly to one of the workers. "Excuse me Miss, hi, I really need to know the room number of someone who is staying here, can you please tell me?" you ask her, nervously and out of breathe. "Sure, do you have the name?" she says polite. "Yeah the last name is Hanson" you say. She looks at you with this wierd look, you couldnt explain it, like she was sick of hearing this same routine that was played by other 'fans'. "I'm sorry but I can not give out that information, we are promoting the Hanson privacy, you undertand?" she says, calmly. You get wicked butterflies in your stomach. "No you don't understand I'm friends with Taylor Hanson, I need to speak with him,because he is leaving today, please" you start to panic. She shakes her head no, " I'm sorry, I can't" she says, turning her face down to some papers, hinting for you to leave. Heat was running off your skin, you were so angry."Look Lady" you say loudly with major additude, she looks up at you. " I really need to find out where he is, I need to say goodbye to him, I am being as serious as serious can be, dammit!" your eyes start to get watery, but no tears fall. Your face was getting redder and you started shaking, you held every emotion in your heart and mind at this moment, and it was exremeley tense. All you could do is wait. She looked at you in shock. Then turned at looked at the clock, then looked at you in silent. Erasing the frightened look on her face to a curious plain stare. She was have saw the fear in your eyes, the fear that could change your life forever. Then she smiled. She walked to the phone and starting dialing a room number and turned your way and asked, "So whats your name?".

You were stunned. A relief fell upon your face, you gladly tell her your name. She smiles and waits. There is no anwser. She waits a few more seconds, then hangs the up the phone. She walks to the computer and clicks around, then pauses and reads, then she looks at you. "I'm sorry but they checked out 17 minutes ago" she says with a small frown. You felt a sudden urge to cry. You smile fakely "thank you" then you turn away. You go to a sofa in the lobby and sit down and start to cry. You were so close, but not close enough. Everything was quiet around you, quiet enough so you could hear the soft music in the background. The song "Where are you now" performed by Britney Spears.

Calling out your name

Your face is everywhere

I'm reaching out to you

To find that you're not there

I wake up every night

To see the state I'm in

It's like an endless fight

I never seem to win

I can't go on as long as I believe

Can't let go when I keep wondering

Where are you now, what have you found

Where is your heart, when I'm not around

Where are you now, you gotta let me know

Oh baby, so I can let you go

I can hear your voice

The ring of yesterday

It seems so close to me

But yet so far away

I should let it out

To save what's left of me

And close the doors of doubt

Revive my dignity

But, I can't go on as long as I believe

Can't let go when I keep wondering

Where are you now, what have you found

Where is your heart, when I'm not around

Where are you now, you gotta let me know

Oh baby, so I can let you go

I should let it out, it's time to let you go

Oh baby, I just want to know

Where are you now, what have you found

Where is your heart, when I'm not around

Where are you now, you gotta let me know

Oh baby, so I can let you go

The song was just for you. It seemed perfect for this time. It made you wanna cry more, but you couldn't, you were out of tears for now. Does he love me? Does he feel anything for me? Does he think of me? Will he ever call? Those were the questions you wanted to be answered by him, even if he anwsered just one, you would know the rest.

Chapter 8

You sit there listening to the song from begining to end. You waited for the next song to come on, you thought maybe it would be related to you like this, but nope. The song was a country-western, the guy had a thick accent and there were banjos playing. "I have to get out of here" you say getting up. You walked across the lobby to the door with your head down, moping. People looked at you with wierd looks on their faces while passing you. You didn't care, all they really say was a girl with a broken heart. Someone opened the door for you, but you walked past not even looking at them with a Thank you. You kept on walking then you heard them say " Fine don't say thank you" with an additude. You all of a sudden got really angry, " Oh shut up.." then you reconize the voice then you turned to him "oh my gosh, Taylor, what are you doing here?" you ask. He walks closer to you, "I knew you'd be still here" he says. "Really?" you ask. " Nah, I left my bag here and I have to get it!" he says, smiling. You stay blank then laugh. He laughs too. "But I'm glad to see you here!" He says hugging you. You hug him back, it felt so good to be in his arms. He playfully squeezes you so tight, you start to gasp for air, "Um Taylor" you say airly. He laughs then lets go. "Wanna come with me to get my bag?" he asks. "Sure" you say. You both walk in, holding hands. You wondered why he did't have a bodyguard near him but you decided not to ask. You both walked up to the frotn desk, where the same lady was there to 'help' you before. "Excuse me, Miss, I left a bag here at the hotel, I wondered if you had it here, 'Mr. Hanson'" he asks politely. She looks below her desk then picks a bag up and places on the desk to the direction of Taylor. "Here you go, Mr.Hanson" she says then smiles. "Thank you, have a nice day" he adds. "Thank you, you too!" she says. Taylor starts to turn away, you look at the lady, she smiling at you then winks at you, you smile then turn away. You walk with Taylor smiling. You thought about how if that lady didn't help you, you'd be still looking around the hotel for him, you'd be on every level knocking on doors trying to find him and you would have missed come back. You left a soft place in your heart for that Lady, even though she didn't do much, she did a lot for you. You continue to think about that smiling, almost floating. "What are you so smiley about?" he asks. " Oh nothing" you say happily. He smiles, " Your so cute" he says. You smile big, and say " thanks you too" then you pause in your mind ' you too?' D'oh! You felt retarded, Taylor notices your reaction, "its ok, don't worry about it" then laughs. You laugh with him, " Here we go laughing again" he says. Then you both smile and walk out the door. You walk towards his tour bus, you didn't want to let go of his hand. Then you saw Isaac appear walking towards you both, then Taylor lets go.

Chapter 9 ( not up yet)

He walks over to Isaac and they do this quick slap hand shake thing. "Dad said we'll be pulling out soon" he says to Taylor then looks your way, " Hey Whats up?", "Hey, not much" you say."Well I guess this saves us a trip to her house, eh?" Ike says to Taylor. "What?" you say out loud but you meant to say it in your head. Taylor gets slightly pink in the cheeks then looks at you, "Um, well I kinda wanted to say goodbye to you before we left" he sais shyly. You felt like smiling but yet at the same time, you wanted to cry. This was all so new to you, you couldnt handle it. You wanted to run and jump into Tay's arms forever, but you knew it was impossible so you stayed back. They expected you to say something but you didn't know what to say, so you were silent. "Well, anyways, I'll go tell dad to not drop by, it was nice seeing you again" he says, waves goodbye to you then disapears behind the bus. Taylor comes up to you, takes your hand, "Come with me", you stop and say " Wait he said you'll be leaving soon". He hushes your mouth with his finger and takes your hand and walks, pulling you gently to the bushes. He positions you to fac his, holding you. " I hate to leave you now, but I have to, as you know, but I'll come back, I promise, and we can get together and spend time and we can get to know eachother to the greatest, because there is a ton of stuff about me you won't read in any magazine or book" he says, his words were so sincere, and he was serious about it, which made you get the shivers, you loved it. "So can I call you and we can get together?" he asks you. All you could do is smile. He knew by your expression you wanted him to. He hugs you and then kisses you sweetly. "oh, one more thing" he says, " What?" you ask. "I love you" he says. You froze. You thought your heart stopped beating but when you managed to smile, you knew it was beating fast as ever. You look into his eyes, "I love you too" you say soft. He smiles and kisses you again. This one lasts. You heard a BEAP, the bus telling him he had to go. He hug you once more and then starts to walk to the bus backwards. "Until then, take my love with you" he sings so sweet and kinda sexy. All you could do is smile, he does a little wave and then turns around and goes into the bus. It pulls away. You watch it until it dispears. You were so happy! You thought about everything that had happened the last few days! Then you thought, "How am I going to get home?"

Tell me what you thought of the story! Also if there should be a sequel!

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