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§tip's Story Haven

The above picture has nothing to do with this site

A fan, probably the only one this sight ever had, asked me to reconsider. And though it has taken a while, I think I will take the request to heart and see if I can make something of this place. It is no longer an *nsync* fan fiction home, but hopefully a home for all types of stories. And maybe not just stories, but poems and songs as well. Who knows. I'm open to any idea you throw at me.

I can and will not promise lots of updates due to the fact that I attent college full time and work almost full time. I barely get the time to write on the story I am currently working on. (Hopefully I will actually finish this one and who knows what may come out of it)

So all I ask of you is to be patient with me and we'll see what we get.

800x600 || love || respect || fiction || re-opening soon