The Old MestFuckers Web Site

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. . .Retard!



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Ok. OK. You wanted to know how I got to hang with some of the coolest bands, like Mest, MxPx and Good Charlotte??? Well, it all started @ Eisenhower High School in beautiful Blue Island, Il., just south of Chicago. Sometime around freshmen year I met Tony's brother, Steve. Steve was in Mest and while brother Tony played drums. Mest was formed over the bands favorite beer, Milwaukee's Best that they loved to drink at the ash tracks. Mest had played some garage shows and some backyards too around this time. I've known Nick since grade school and never thought that he would become Mest's awesome drummer. Later on, I met Matt in art class and watched him draw the Mest guy like the one you see above. Matt has always been a good artist. I just never thought that little guy with the baggy pants that Matt was drawing would become the logo for Mest. Tony has always been the little shit that smarted off to all of his brother's friends. Tony and I had Biology together and that was fun. Tony would stab the flatworm that we had to cut open. Mest then came out with thier first demo, "Dat, Dat! uh oh" (the cover is on the 3rd page) it was Steve and Tony on guitar and vocals, cousin Matt on bass and Nick on Drums. Jeramiah soon joined Mest to play guitar and carry Mest to be a totally original punk band that Chicago would see. After that I went into the Navy and was stationed in Virginia Beach, Va. and heard that Mest had a real new album coming out. Mest played at the club Abyss in V.B. and I reunited with Mest. Winter of 2000, I moved bach to Chicago and then the rest is reflected in these web pages. These are my friends, feel free to look around.

This is how I like to party

click logo

After show party w/G.C. & MXPX G.C. after party

Scott & I After The Rave Show Me & Scott Unwritten Law

My New Board
My Old Board

My girlfriend Michelle and Billy from Good Charlotte

Who's Good Charlotte?? Click Logo

Where do you want to go???

If anybody knows where I can get a Mest MIDI from email me!

Also, If you got "GREAT"pictures to put on this sight, feel free to send them!

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