
Author's Note:
I would first like to start of saying that this page represents my OPINION. Everyone is intitled to their opinion and may express that on the message board if they so choose. This page is for me to tell you my opinions so please, don't start sending me hatemail because what I write differs from what you think is true. Thanks. ^-^

If you have ever searched on the internet, you would noticed that there are a lot of Yaoi Gundam Wing sites out there. Now, maybe you're a sheltered person, and are sitting at your computer now going "What the hell is this yaoi thing?". Well, let me set you straight. Yaoi is basically when they take the characters from, let's say GW, and make the guys have relationships more than that of just friends. For example, one of the most famous of GW yaoi relationships for Trowa is between him and Quatre. (3x4) Another favorite is Heero and Duo (1x2). If you're still clueless, I don't know what to say.
Back to what I was saying, there is a lot of that stuff out there. And, considering Trowa is my fav GW boy, I will be basically talking about relationships between him and the other pilots.

1. 1x3=HeeroxTrowa
This is actually my favorite x3 relationship. As the producers of the show said, Trowa is a passive character. Therefore he should be placed with an active partner. I have read many stories entailing their relationships, and if I had to choose one of the pilots for Trowa to be with, it would be Heero. To back my opinion up, I have some evidence that might account for this.
A. Trowa and Heero spend a lot of time together following Heero's suicide attempt. Trowa was the one that saved him and nursed him to health at the circus. After that, they spend a lot of time traveling together while Heero tries to find peace with himself for killing an alliance passifist. B. Trowa and Heero are approached by Noine on Zech's behalf. Noine then asks Heero to continue the duel with Zechs that they had started when Heero then tried to kill himself. Trowa says to Heero that he could use HeavyArms.
The GW guys are very particular about their gundams. Heero is very touchy about it, specially when he was with Duo and said he didn't want anyone touching his gundam. For Trowa to so quickly give up his gundam for Heero to use seems very curious. Especially since Trowa is very attatched to his gundam because of his insecurity from his past. C. Trowa is also much more talkative after he meets up with Heero. While he was with Quatre, he was reserved and quiet, yet he cools down once Heero and him hang out for awhile.

2. 2x3=DuoxTrowa
I do not think there is any kind of relationship here. There is no real time that he and Trowa could have ever gotten to know eachother better. They are friendly towards one another, but there is no intimate feeling that I can detect.

3. 4x3=QuatrexTrowa
Even though this is one of the most popular x3 relationships, I extrememly do not like it. Quatre is too sweet for my tastes. I like him OK as a pilot, but not as a lover towards Trowa. Even though Trowa opens up to him, I just don't see anything between them. But, I have to give every side of the issue a chance, so here are some reasons why/why not they couldn't have been together.
A. Trowa does open up to Quatre by the end. He places himself in the line of fire as Quatre tries to finish off Heero. Trowa then gave a long speech to Quatre about their lives as pilots and what not. There is a special bond between them, I admit.
B. Quatre is also one of the first to try to become friends with Trowa. While Heero is sullen and quiet at first, Quatre longs to learn more about the other pilots and their missions. He approaches Trowa and they stay together at Quatre's house for awhile. They do have their famous duet scene in where Trowa shows his talent for the flute. But, when he leaves, Trowa is not very friendly or open. He does give Quatre his 'name' before he lets anyone else know.
C. Trowa does save Quatre after his duel with Dorothy. Quatre is fataly wounded and Trowa rushes toward the room and saves him. Trowa then continues to take Quatre to his gundam and sucessfully saves his life.
In conclusion, I have to admit there is some strong evidence to support the relationship between Trowa and Quatre. In my opinion, it wouldn't work. They are both shy, and it would be hard for one of them to lead the relationshiop. As Trowa is "passive" and Quatre is pretty passive himself, I think that they could never work anything out between them.

4. 5x3=WufeixTrowa
I don't have much to say on this category either. Wufei does not seem friendly to any of the pilots, and specially not Trowa. When Trowa plants himself in OZ, Wufei assumes he just betrayed them. If there was anything between them, he would have thought differently. Also, when Trowa loses his memory, Wufei is mean and spiteful towards Trowa. He talks to Trowa how he should not fight because he would just be a burden to the team.

These are my opinons on the x3 relationships of GW. I'll probably have some more thoughts on the other relationships to come, so please continue checking in for more.