Heero Yuy : Perfect Soldier

Code Name: Heero Yuy
Real Name: Odin Lowe Jr.
Age: 15
Organization: Gundam Pilot
Ethnic origin: Japanese
Place of origin: L1 colony cluster
Mentor: Doctor J
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Eye color: Prussian blue
Hair color: Dark brown
Love Interest: Relena Peacecraft
Gundam: Wing Zero
Heero is the darkest member of the Gundam pilots.
Heero is the one who is so dedicated to his mission
that he would kill himself to prove so (a few of the
other pilots did this as well, but not to the extent
and as many times as Heero did). Duo was the first
person to befriend Heero. At first, Heero was wary of
becoming Duo's friend; this is due to the fact that
Heero was a loner and very dedicated to his mission.
Soon, Heero found himself becoming more open with
Duo and the rest of the Gundam Pilots and Relena.
Relena and Heero have somewhat of a romantic interest
throughout the series. This is not what I, and many
other people, like. Relena is VERY annoying and
STUPID!!!! I will not ramble on anymore on this page,
I don't want to enrage too many people.
Heero Flies Wing Zero