XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe
Height0 53 feet, 6 inches
Weight0 7.2 tons
Armor0 Gundanium alloy
Main Weapons0 Beam Scythe, Buster Shield
XXXG-01D2 Gundam Deathscythe Hell
Height0 53 feet, 6 inches
Weight0 7.4 tons
Armor0 Gundanium alloy
Main Weapons0 Twin Beam Scythe, Buster Shield
Duo Maxwell pilots this Gundam,
a stealth gundam. This gundam is the most agile
of all the meteor project gundam. It uses a Hyper
Jammer Stealth system to sneak up on its opponents
without them detecting anyone. Duo uses his skills
to aide in making the DeathScythe one of the most
formidable of the original gundams.

The updated DeathScythe is even faster than the
original. It also has an updated Hyper Jammer Stealth
system called an Active Cloak. Its main weapon, the
Twin Beam Scythe, is an updated version of the
original Beam Scythe, featuring two blades of
deadly energy instead of one. The gundam also
features a buster shield
and has been given a pair of wings that can
add extra shield in combat.