Who was the first person you told when you found out you got on the show? Why that person?
I told Jen, my roommate at the time and one of my best friends.

What was your first kiss like and who was it with?
We were in the sixth grade, and it was really bad. The word fumbling pretty much sums it up. Now I think back on it, and it just makes me laugh.

What were your high school years like for you? What clique were you a part of if any?
It was not the best time in my life. High school is overrated.

What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to a lot of trance. I like Sasha, Union Jack, and Jon Digweed. I also like rock in general.

What was the worst job you ever had?
I worked at the America Online complaint center. Imagine call after call of people complaining to you about a service that you can't do a damn thing about. It was the most boring job I ever had and it didn't last for very long.

What's you favorite movie of all time?
My favorite movie of all time was American Beauty. I like how it encourages people to deviate from the daily routines that society forces upon them.

What was the first concert you ever went to?
My first concert was Weezer. Enough said.

Have you ever really been in love?
I have never really been in love until this very moment in my life. I am happily in love with Paul. I'm in cheese bliss.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I don't know what the hell I'll be doing in a year much less ten years.

Tell your life story in five sentences or less.
The small town thing happened, and I would love to forget it. That was the first 18 years. Then I went to college at University of Georgia at Athens. That's where I really grew up, being exposed to worldly things and worldly minds for the first time. Then I moved to Atlanta and became the person I am today.

Describe your personal style.
Two words: funky conservative.

What is the place you want to go more than anywhere else in the world? Why?
I would like to go Reykjavik, Iceland. I hear they've got hot springs and a European flair.

If someone were about to get in a serious relationship with you, what should they know first or be forewarned about?
I'm a moody freak