REAL WORLD Application Excerpts

AGE: 22
BIRTHDATE: July 19, 1977
PARENTS: Freida and Steve
SIBLINGS (NAMES AND AGES): Josh, 19; Drew, 13
NAME OF HIGH SCHOOL?: Rockmart Comprehensive High School- four years
NAME OF COLLEGE (YEARS COMPLETED AND MAJORS): The University of Georgia- four years/graduated summer of '99
WHERE DO YOU WORK? DESCRIBE YOUR JOB HISTORY?: I currently work in an insurance office but my job history mostly consists of jobs in restaurant settings as a server or bartender. I've also worked as a cook in acatering shop.
WHAT IS YOUR ULTIMATE CAREER GOAL?: I would like to teach at some point, because I feel it would be a great contribution to society and young people. This is not, however, my lifetime goal. I think maybe someday I would like to own my own business or work for the Environmental Protection Agency.
WHAT KIND OF PRESSURE DO YOU FEEL ABOUT MAKING DECISIONS ABOUT YOUR FUTURE? WHO'S PUTTING THAT PRESSURE ON YOU?: My current problem is that I feel no pressure from anyone to go in any direction. As a post-college graduate I am somewhat lost as to where I want to take my life. All I know is that I want to make a positive contribution to the world around me and it is up to me to find my own calling.
WHAT ARTISTIC TALENTS DO YOU HAVE (MUSIC, ART, DANCE, PERFORMANCE, FILM/VIDEO MAKING, WRITING, ETC.)? HOW SKILLED ARE YOU?: I am a very creative person in all ways- my imagination is incredible and I often use it. I like to play around with drawings and water colors. I am also a fairly good creative writer, which began when I was in the eighth grade when I would write weekly stories on my own time and read them to my class when my teacher would let me. I also did a lot of writing in French during college.
WHAT ABOUT YOU WILL MAKE AN INTERSETING ROOMMATE?: 1. I'm from a small town from the South so I have an interseting background. 2. I'm gay. 3. I have many different intersets, thus I tend to attract and hang around people of all different backgrounds and intersets.
HOW WOULD SOMEONE WHO REALLY KNOWS YOU DESCRIBE YOUR BEST TRAITS?: I'm very intelligent and intuitive. I see past bulls**t that most people exude. I appreciate small things yet aim high in my goals. I love nature. I am open-minded and give most people I meet a chance. I'm a good kisser!
HOW WOULD SOMEONE WHO REALLY KNOWS YOU DESCRIBE YOUR WORST TRAITS?: Without a doubt, many of my close friends, no, most of my close friends, would say that I'm stubborn and think thats I'm a know-it-all at times. Also, I can be brutally cynical.
DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OF GIRLFRIEND? HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TOGETHER? WHERE DO YOU SEE THE RELATIONSHIP GOING? WHAT DRIVES YOU CRAZY ABOUT THE OTHER PERSON? WHAT'S THE BEST THING ABOUT THE OTHER PERSON?: No, I recently came out of a relationship and I am currently single. I'm actively dating, but just haven't met many that interest me.
WHAT QUALITIES DO YOU SEEK IN A MATE?: Intelligent/intellectual, out-doorsy, down to earth, nonmaterialistic, cultured, creative, fit, mainly someone who stimulates my mind.
HOW IMPORTANT IS SEX TO YOU? DO YOU HAVE IT ONLY WHEN YOU'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP OR DO YOU SEEK IT OUT AT OTHER TIMES? HOW DID IT COME ABOUT ON THE LAST OCCASION?: I feel that sex is a very important part of a relationship because it's the main thing that sets a lover apart from a friend. Being sexual is a big part of being close to someone you love and is the best way to enjoy that person. I feel that sex should only happen with those you care about, though I have had on-night stands in the past. The last time I had sex was with my last boyfriend a couple of months ago.
DESCRIBE YOUR FANTASY DATE: A sexy guy would take me to his favorite spot outdoors; we would hike to a secluded river or lake; skinny-dipping; and then lay in the sun all day kissing and talking about whatever came to mind.
WHAT DO YOU DO FOR FUN?: I love going dancing and house parties are always a plus. I also enjoy going to coffee shops and people-watching. Anytime that I can get out of the city and go hiking or camping is always a plus as well.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE MUSICAL GROUPS/ARTISTS?: Tori Amos, Garbage, Bjork, most trance, Bob Dylan, the Cure, U2, Madonna, Led Zeppelin.
DESCRIBE A TYPICAL FRIDAY OR SATURDAY NIGHT: A round of four or five bars and then a last stop at a club for an hour or two of dancing. It really depends on whom I go out with, though.
OTHER THAN A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND, WHO IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW? TELL ME ABOUT HIM OR HER: My friend Jen means the most to me because I have the most in common with her. We confide in each other about everything. We spend a lot of time together and help each other through a lot. She's an awesome, sincere girl and we talk about maybe having kids together someday.
WHAT ARE SOME WAYS YOU HAVE TREATED SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN IMPORTANT TO YOU THAT YOU ARE PROUD OF?: I try to do things for my thirteen-year-old little brother because he looks up to me and I try to be a positive role model for him- my parents are pretty busy so I do take him camping with me, take him to movies, let him hang out with me and my buds, etc. He loves spending time with me and I love giving him my time.
DESCRIBE YOUR MOTHER: There are two parts of my mom which are easily described. First, there is the dedicated hard-worker side that never stops to restt. Then there is the other side of my mom who enjoys the simple things in life such as taking a hike with me or teaching her Sunday school class.
DESCRIBE YOUR FATHER: My father is a little more difficult to describe. As far as I go, I guess I would say that there is a part who respects me and what I've done in life, and then there is the other part who always argues with me and disagrees with me. It makes staying on good terms with him difficult- he's very stubborn. I've learned to overlook this and deal with him in a mature way when he's being stubborn.
IF YOU HAVE ANY BROTHERS OR SISTERS, ARE YOU CLOSE? HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM?: I have two younger brothers. I'm pretty close to both of them. My brother is very different from me, but we still manage to get along and party together sometimes. He's in boot camp (Marines) right now, so I've been supporting him through letters often. My youngest brother looks and acts exactly like I did when I was his age. He worships me and often emulates me. I think he's a very intelligent kid with initiative.
WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE OR PROBLEM FACING YOU TODAY?: Choosing to be openly gay is a huge issue in my life. I have tackled this issue for years and am only now becoming comfortable with it. It is a huge choice in my life to make because it will alter my life's course forever. Coming out to my parents is a huge thing I must tackle at some point soon.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD? ARE YOU RELIGIOUS OR SPIRITUAL?: I definately believe in God and a higher spiritual level but I also beileve that organized religion is bulls**t. It takes what is so personal about religion and being spiritual and creates a sociopolitical machine out of it. To me, religion is a sacred personal belief that does not have to involve going to church in order to be close to God.
WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PEOPLE WHO HAVE A DIFFERENT SEXUAL ORIENTATION FROM YOU?: Straight people are great! Most of my friends are straight.
WHAT BOTHERS YOU MOST ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE?: People who are materialistic and are extremely concerned with their image annoy the hell out of me. I wish I could meet more cool down-to-earth people who aren't this way.
HOW DO YOU HANDLE CONFLICTS? DO YOU FEEL THIS APPROACH IS EFFECTIVE?: I often overlook conflicts and problems until they build up and explode. I know this method is wrong and causes many problems with my friends, so I'm trying to be more up-front with people when things are bothering me.
IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT THE WAY YOU LOOK, WHAT WOULD IT BE?: I would have more of an ass! Mine's flat!
IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR PERSONALITY, WHAT WOULD IT BE?: I would be more spontaneous and stop worrying so much about the future. I would really like to live more for the day.
IF YOU HAD ALADDIN'S LAMP AND THREE WISHES, WHAT WOULD THEY BE?: 1. Eternal happiness. 2. The love of my life. 3. All the wisdom in the world.