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In New York, a disappointed SHARON STONE confirmed to Entertainment Tonight that ROBERT DOWNEY JR. had been in talks to star opposite her in "Basic Instinct 2," but said that now, in light of his recent arrest, it won 't work out. Stone also confided in ET that she cried when she heard the news.

Earlier today, ET learned that police have added a 5th charge against Downey in conjunction with his arrest last Saturday at the MERV GRIFFIN Resort in Palm Springs. Sergeant PATRICK WILLIAMS told ET that Downey will also be charged with possession of a controlled substance without a prescription after discovering the drug Diazepam in his room.

A spokesperson for Downey told Entertainment Tonight Tuesday that Downey is in fact back to work and on the set of "Ally McBeal" after being arrested in Palm Springs and charged for drug possession last weekend. The arrest came only three months after Downey was released from prison.

Police officers made the arrest on Saturday night in response to an anonymous payphone call to 911 in which a young, male voice indicated that drugs and guns were in the actor's hotel room. Police in Palm Springs are now searching for both the anonymous caller and a mystery woman who allegedly was in Downey's hotel room but slipped out just before the arrest. A department spokesperson told ET that they are only seeking the two out in order to collect information. Authorities may already have a lead in identifying the woman. Sources told ET the hotel security cameras may have captured her on tape as she left the resort.

Also coming to light are the contents in Downey's room. New reports are saying that along with the $400-$500 of what's believed to be cocaine and methamphetamine, 16 Diazepam (Valium) were also found.

Before Downey's return to work, VONDA SHEPARD expressed her concern when ET visited the set of "Ally McBeal" on Monday. Shepard worked with Downey on several episodes, and stated "I was at a dinner party when I heard (about the arrest) and I just felt really bad.... He's a really great guy, and he's very talented, and I just hope that it all works out for him."

News that Downey was doing okay came as early as Monday from WARREN BOYD, a counselor at the Walden House Rehab Center in Los Angeles who spent time with the actor that morning.

At approximately 9:00 p.m. Saturday, Downey allowed the police to search his room, where they found a prescription pill bottle containing white powder hidden inside a tissue box. When officers asked what was inside, Downey replied, "I think it's speed and I think I'm in trouble." In addition to being charged with possession of cocaine and methamphetamines, the actor was charged with being under the influence of a controlled substance and committing a felony while out on bail from prison last August.

That night, while Downey was in a Palm Springs jail, he asked for a cigarette but Anderson declined, saying they didn't want to give a celebrity special treatment. He said Downey responded, "I'm not a movie star right now. I'm just a guy with a drug problem." Later, however, Anderson said the officers did give Downey two pieces of pizza.

Police say Downey was cooperative until he was asked for a blood sample and videotape for police records. Downey protested saying, "I don't want this done for the record. I'm not guilty."

Sunday at 6:30 a.m., Downey was released after posting $15,000 bail and was reportedly picked up by a male friend who he described to Officer Anderson as his roommate.

Since being released from prison last August, Downey has been making a fast and furious comeback, already receiving critical and popular acclaim for his recurring role as Ally's love interest on "Ally McBeal." Downey also lent his voice to the recently released "A Very Ally Christmas" album which features two holiday songs the actor performed on Monday's episode of the show.

This month, his feature film 'Wonder Boys' was re-released for Oscar consideration. Downey himself was nominated for an Academy Award in 1992 for the CHARLIE CHAPLIN biopic, 'Chaplin.' His other film credits include 'Less Than Zero,' 'Natural Born Killers,' 'Two Girls and a Guy' and 'US Marshals.'