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I Remember ....

I Remember

I remember ...

How you carried me out into the waves
and I squealed with almost-fright
as we were splashed and salted
...and I was always safe.

I remember
playing hide-n-seek
hearing the floor
creak beneath your feet
just beyond sight!

I remember my small hands
held in yours
under running water
...this is how we wash our hands.
And again, my hand in yours
being led home after
a hard day at nursery school.

I remember sitting in your lap
my hands on the wheel
(while yours did the steering)
as we drove
over a wooden bridge
and how I was your copilot
as we flew that Plymouth
down the road.

I remember watching you work,
curls of freshly planed wood
piling around your feet
the dust from the saw
floating in the air
like a dream.

I remember
secret hot dogs
and root beers
and Mile High cones
laughter shared
the love I felt.

I remember riding the bus
on my way home.
I love you, Daddy.
I thought it real hard.
Could you hear me?
Did you know?

I love you, Daddy.

-- Jeanne Eton Leigh
June 2000

Please Visit A.U. Schmidt's Memorial Page
Please come visit me at my "Home Page"
Please come visit my son at Vic's Page.
Please visit my "Survivor" page.

Drop me a line. I'll be soooo excited!

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