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Model Release Agreement


We are not attorneys,lawyers, or any other kind of legal type contract people, and have drafted this agreement for you to take for review to your own legal representatives PRIOR to usage. We assume no liability for your usage of this agreement, and further acknowledge that each state's legislation may nullify a portion of or all of the agreement.

FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION as delineated herewith, I hereby grant the undersigned photographer ("Photographer"), his assigns and legal representatives, permission and exclusive, irrevocable, and unrestricted rights, throughout the universe, in connection with images he has taken of me as photographs, video, film, graphics, cdrom, dvd, diskettes, online storage, or any other physical or electronic media currently in existence or to be developed, in which I may or may not be included with others, the following: (a) the right to use and reuse, reproduce, publish and republish in any manner at all, said images, in whole or in part, modified or altered, either by themselves or in conjunction with other images, in any medium or form of distribution currently in existence or being developed, and for any purposes whatsoever, including, without limitation, all promotional, display, exhibit, merchandising and advertising uses, and other trade or commercial purposes, as well as using my name in connection therewith, if he so desires; (b) the right to copyright said media, images, photographs, pictures, graphics, etc., in his own name or in any other name that he may select; and (c) the right to use of any printed material in connection therewith. All negatives, positives, proofs, prints, and all other media shall become the property of the Photographer.

I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished product or products and the advertising copy or other matter that may be used in connection therewith or the use to which it may be applied.

I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless Photographer, his heirs, legal representatives and assigns, and all persons acting under his permission or authority or those for whom he is acting, from any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking of said picture or in any subsequent processing thereof, as well as any publication thereof, including without limitation any claims for libel or invasion of privacy. This release shall inure to the benefit of the assigns, licensees and legal representatives of Photographer, as well as the party(ies) for whom he took said photographs. Consideration for these services shall consist of a base fee, payable upon the execution of this contract, in the amount of $____.__, plus ____% of net income from Gallery Sales less agency and gallery commissions and other expenses such as advertising, security, transportation, postage, taxes, etc., as directly associated with the sale of the particular picture, for which the model attends the exhibition of said product(s) in gallant attire and positve demeanor, and autographs each sold photograph. Sales of unautographed Gallery photographs shall be payable at a lower rate of _____% less costs as mentioned above. Payment to the model from Gallery sales shall be made no later than ten (10) business days after funds transfer from the purchaser of the sold photography. I acknowledge that I have the opportunity to engage legal counsel to review this agreement at my sole expense, and have done so, or in the absence of said review, hereby waive legal representation.

I hereby warrant that I am of full age, have the right to contract in my own name, and have no obligations with any agencies, agents, or other agents and/or organizations that would preclude me from entering into this agreement, and am entering into this contract of my own free will. I have read the above authorization, release, and agreement, prior to its execution, and I am fully familiar with the contents thereof. This release shall be binding upon me and my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.

Model Name:___________________________________________

Model Address: _________________________________________




Photographers Signature:_____________________________



Signature:______________________ Date:___________