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OBJECTIVE : Seeking a challenging position in the field of e-commerce Development and contribute my knowledge and experience in a dynamic and growing environment.





Environment : Pentiums.

Operating Systems : Dos(6.2), Unix, IRIX (SGI Systems) and Windows '95, '98, 2000,

Workstation 4.0.

Networks : Unix, and Windows NT.

Languages : C, C++, Pascal, Fortran & JAVA.

Databases : Oracle 8.0 & SQL Server 6.5.

Front End Tools : Visual Basic 6, Developer 2000

Packages : MS Office, Star Office.

Web Technologies : HTML, ASP, DHTML, IIS, Visual Interdev 6.0, Frontpage 2000,

Javascript, VBScript, Dreamweaver, WML, WMLScript, AdobePhotoshop.


Presently Working on Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment.

Project Title : Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment(EBPP)

Software Environment : Power CGI, HTML, IIS 4.0, JavaScript, DHTML

Operating System : Ms-Windows NT Server 4.0.

Hardware : P–III

Database : SQL Server 6.5.

Editor : EditPlus

Team Members : 6

Duration : Dec 2000 – Till Date

Client : Global Trust bank. Ltd.

Url :

Contribution : As a Team Member – Developed Product Features and Screen Layouts, Writing Power CGI Scripts, JavaScript Code according to the specs and review of programs developed by fellow team members. Coding for dynamic content generation for the EBPP Modules.

Description : IPAY@GTB is the Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment application used by Global Trust Bank Ltd to present bills to their remote banking customers, who can pay the bills online. This powerful engine has the unique features of supporting presentment of bills over any delivery channel i.e. the Internet, ATM, Telephone, Call Center etc. IPAY@GTB stores all information and has all the business logic contained in it for various payment and presentment options.It is designed to maintain the payee database , handle payee registration, payment creation, scheduling and keeping track of payments. IPAY@GTB provides all options to handle all business rules for part/minimum/full payment, calculating late charges etc. The customer has the flexibility of adding a standard, non-standard payee, searching for a payee, setting up recurring /one time payments etc.


Project Title : GTB’s Payment Gateways

Software Environment : Power CGI, HTML, IIS 4.0

Operating System : Ms-Windows NT Server 4.0.

Hardware : P–III

Database : SQL Server 6.5.

Editor : Editplus

Team Members : 3

Duration : Nov 2000 – Dec 2000

Client : Global Trust Bank Ltd.

Url :

Contribution : As a Team Member – Development, Testing, Writing Power CGI scripts, and maintenance of payment gateways. Deciding Payee Format, Payment Format and parameters to be passed to and fro merchants and banks site.

Description : GTB’s fund transfer facility provided to customers to pay to a third party linked to an external website of a merchant is its secured payment gateway service. GTB’s payment gateways with online Merchants/Brokers/Utility Service Providers are as ,,,,, (Dalmia Securities Pvt. Ltd.), ,BSNL Ernakulam ,, TataTele Services Pvt. Ltd.

Project Title : Electronic Customer Relationship Management(eCRM) Application "@yourservice"

Software Environment : Visual Basic, IIS 4.0

Operating System : Ms-Windows NT Server 4.0.

Hardware : P–III

Database : Oracle 8.0.

Team Members : 10

Duration : May 2000 – Oct 2000


Url :

Contribution : Deciding product features, Development and testing of Email Management Module.

Description : The SupportScape eService Suite supports multiple communication channels. From email management to live text-chat to instant messaging, it enables companies to administer a wide range of interactive tools to communicate with their customers throughout the consumer life cycle.

It consists of three modules SUPPORTMAIL, SUPPORTCHAT, SUPPORTRESPONSE. SUPPORTMAIL stores unique customer information as to provide customer history of taste and preferences. The Emails can be escalated to senior level and timely alerts were provided to the agent to reply back. The Chat Module has features of collaborate chat, whisper and transferring the call. Instant messaging is an interactive tool that is alternative for static FAQ’s. It further allows rapid configuration, easy deployment, and seamless integration to maximize effectiveness.

Project Title : Inventory Control

Software Environment : Visual basic 6.0

Operating System : Ms-Windows NT Server 4.0.

Hardware : P–III

Database : Ms-Access.

Team Members : 6

Duration : Feb 2000 – May 2000

Client : Lucent Technologies

Url :

Description : Inventory control management system for Lucent handled the site's stock maintenance and distribution. The materials management is done by keeping track of the available stock, storing quotes required by each department, generating alerts in case of stock fall below reorder level and further materials allocation to the department.


Project Title : Personal Management System

Software Environment : Visual basic 6.0

Operating System : Ms-Windows NT Server 4.0.

Hardware : P–III

Database : Ms-Access.

Team Members : 3

Duration : Aug 1999 – Jan 2000

Client : Lucent Technologies

Url :

Description : The application is meant to keep track of a person’s daily activities, generation action items to reach personal and professional goals. It acts as a planner and a record keeper where the history of achievements is recorded. Income Tax Calculation, personal budgeting, claim records, bank details, personal assets and liabilities are features of software.

Practical Exposure:

Project Title : Intranet for Industries Department

Software Environment : Frontpage, Adobe photoshop, HTML, ASP.

Operating System : Ms-Windows NT Server 4.0.

Hardware : P–II

Database : MS-Access.

Team Members : 5

Duration : 3rd May 1999 – 3rd August 1999

Client : Directorate of Information Techonolgy(DoIT)

Url :

Description : Developed Intranet site for Industries Department of Government of Rajasthan named 'Udyog Nidhi'. The aim was to keep Secretary Industries, Chairpersons / CEOs of the PSUs and other senior functionaries abreast with the latest information and current status of all the key activities, major projects and other relevant information about the Industries Department and its associated PSUs. The information / data such as important statistics, progress reports, circulars, meeting notices, address book and profile of all individual Departments / Corporations coming under purview of Industries Department would be hosted on a central server at Industry Department. The authorized users can access the information using Local Area Network or via dial-up connection from remote locations.

Project : Enterprises Resource Planning (ERP)

Platform : Oracle, MAMIS

Team Size : 15

Duration : 25th May 1998 – 6th July 1998

Client : Century Rayon (A B K Birla Group Thane Maharastra)

Description : An integrated system consisting of the following modules :

Purchasing & Inventory Management, Sales Accounting ,Warehouse Management, Financial Information system. Inventory module keeps track of the all items (with classification & locations), purchase orders, GRN's,

indents, Departmental Issues, Stock Valuation, Annual Stock Analysis etc. Sales Accounting module features customer account status and credit history, customer receipt processing, cash management, debit/credit notes, aging analysis, invoices preparation. Production and Dispatch Module deals with receipts, deliveries/dispatches and stock of final product annexes, generation of gate passes and packing slips, Shop Floor Lifting etc. Financial Information System is a integrated system which covers functions such as General Ledger / P & L Balance Sheet, Cash Book Transactions, Fixed Assets depreciation, Char of Accounts, payment Processing, bill Passing etc.


Academic Projects:


MBA			: "Garment Shop Management"  Visual Basic (5.0), MS-Access.
			:  "Project Details of an Architectural Firm" Oracle (7.0),   Developer2000.
			:  "Body Language" on Silicon Graphics Indy (SGI) Multimedia Systems. OS:IRIX;  Cosmocreate,     
                                                     Adobe PhotoShop, Netscape  navigator.
			: "Readership Profile in Banasthali Vidhyapith"
:  Processed approximately 200 questionnaires using Dbase III plus and derived various useful conclusions on the basis of this data using Lotus 1-2-3.

B.Sc. : "Payroll System" in DbaseIII plus

: "DTP packages" Corel Draw, PageMaker

: "CARE i.e. Computerized Admission Register" in Foxpro

About Myself:

Name : Pallavi Garg

Date of Birth : 21st June 1976.

Strengths : Communication skills, Team leadership,

Quick learner & willing to relocate.

Extra Curricular Activities : Drawing, Painting, Reading, and Dress Designing.

Residential Address : HNo 17/102, Brahmapuri, Near Shivpuri,

Ajmer, Raj, India - 305001. Phone : 91-0145-626921

Present Address : C/o Kanhaiyalal Gandhi, HNo 76, Samrat Colony, West Marredpally, Secunderabad. Phone : 91-040-7806932

Voice at Office : 91-040-7819333 Ext. -845

E-mail :