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READ READ READ --- 2Gether is in danger of CANCELLATION!! All fans reading this, show your support by signing this petition!! Please do this for the guys or the next 6 episodes could be the last...

Noah and his friend Tyler have just launched a new website where they sell AWESUM t-shirts and other stuff with designs made by them!! Go check it out at

2Gether's new album, 2Gether Again, will be released August 29, 2000!! More awesome songs, including their newest single "The Hardest Part of Breaking Up (Is Getting Back Your Stuff)", will be on the album!! Be sure to pick up a copy b4 they're all sold out!!

The first episode of the 2Gether series will be premiering Tuesday August 15 at 10:30pm on MTV! Check out the appearances page for the re-run dates and for more appearances by Noah and the rest of 2Gether on Making the Video & Celebrity Dream Date!!

WARNING: If you recieved an instant message from a girl named Kaiti, so some how became in contact with her, she is a poser. She is claming to know Michael, which she doesn't.I fell for her stupid lie. Alot of people have. She is VERY elabraote in her lie. She has her friends claiming to be Sohpia, her boyfriend claming to be Michael, and whoever she can get will play apart in her sick lie. SHE IS LIEING. I was once her good friend, but when I started to sence that she was lieing, she started to spread rumors. She lives in Louisiana, and has an accent. Please, if you have talked to her, or know someone who has, dont be fooled. Also, her sn is Kaitibug14. Please be careful. And also, if you e-mailed, that is not him, it is also KaitiBug14. (p.s.this warning is from a person who e-mailed me, she would like me to keep it anonymous...thank you so much for the warning, girl if u are reading this!!)

Noah is visiting his family in Utah April 7!! He will be chatting with fans on!! Visit for a telephone conversation between Noah and Mr. B. in the Noah's Corner section of the site!

Evan Farmer (Jerry from 2Ge+her) will be hosting TRL in place of Carson on Thursday March 16 and Friday March 17!! TRL is at 3:30 on MTV! Go vote for 2Ge+her's video "U + Me = Us (Calculus) on TRL!

Everyone go to Mrs. Bastian's brand new site to get a e-mail address!! It's not finished yet but you can get an e-mail account in the meantime!

Look for Noah in an upcoming issue of Seventeen (could be May or June)!  He will be in an article Who's the Hottie!

Ok, all you 2Ge+her fans...get ready to totally be psyched!! All those rumors going around about the 2Ge+her show on MTV are TRUE!!! It is going to start in the summer and it's going to be taped in Canada! I got this news from Mrs. Bastian, so it's OFFICIAL!!