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These poems are mine, and I will add others sent in to me if you choose to send yours in please give your name so you can get the proper credit.


Cuts and bruises, Tears of blood.

9:08 pm
Rushed to the emergency room
Afraid of the apending doom
I hold you close, so nice and tight
Telling you to hold on with all your might
cuts and bruises, tears of blood

I close my eyes and begin to pray
Asking why it has to end this way
I lean over and kiss her forhead
I love you is all she said
Cuts and Bruises, tears of blood

9:10 pm
You begin to twitch and turn, scream and cry
I ask why god why, please dont let her die
Then theres a silence and the doctors rush in
Seconds go by and i feel the pain within
Cuts and bruises, tears of blood

Time for the doctors to move on
A tear comes to me, your finally gone
Laying on the bed holding you hand
This isnt how it was planned
Cuts and bruises, tears of blood

3 the magic number of death

3,000 Miles to the new world
I left my life in the dust today
I let my friends my family my world run a stray
Today was the day I ran away

300 Reasons why to go
Gotta get away so I can grow
Felt my world just fall from below
Yesterday was the day I ran away

30 thoughts to end it all
Wish I could make one phone call
The call that will release me from this never ending fall
Tommorrow is the day I leave this world

3 Inches and it all would be over
The knife so sharp like the teeth on rover
Slowly it moves down the wrist,let the blood drip on the clover
Today is the day I left the world

0 breaths of air and the funeral on my lawn
Reality hits, I am really gone
People stare as the casket rolls on
Today is the day I was berried


Love Hatred
Happy Sad
Lonely Mad
Death Regret
Sympathetic Pathetic
Small Big
Wanted Discarded
Inspired Pitiful

All the emotions flowing threw my veins
Pumped from my heart to my brain
Were they pool up and take control
Putting my life on parole

One small thing will make them explode
Unwillingly my life was bestowed
To the evils of the human mind
Where things aren't left to the kind

The emotions beneath my skin
Will take grasp of my every sin
Inside the sleeping body at night
Is where the emotions stir and fight?

Friendship gone sour

Where should i start?
These words baby are commin straight from the heart
Im sorry I know a simply apology just wont do
But everything i say is 100% true

Ive loved you more than life it self
Why would i ever do anything to hurt you
It doesnt make sense, Its not concivable
That i would do such a thing
Never would i risk it, jepordize all i live for
I promise you
No more lies will be told
No more games to play
For the lies have surfaced
And the game has finished

We where the best of friends
Doin so much together
Like sharing hot chocolate in the winter
To even our first kiss
I still remember it just like it was yesterday

I know havent been the bested of friend
But i try. For you i would do anything
And you know i have. But you keep throwing it away.
And I just keep asking WHY?

I never meant it to end like this
I never meant to hurt you
I never planned to betraw you
I never planned for things to change
But in real life you just can't plan
Things happen for a reason

Ive messed up for the final time
No chances are left
No mulligans to take
No get out of jail free cards
I guess its strike three for me

So i say it for the last time
I loved you more than anything you could see
And these words will kill me but .. GOODBYE


One Mistake To Far

Every day the temperature begins to rise
Deep inside a sensual part of me dies
The words that i speak
Constantly makes me weak

I've made another mistake
Too many to make up for
I can't keep my mouth shut
The uncontrolable inhibiting feelings just flow right out
Than it happens.. I feel it.. The pain in my gut
I've done something wrong
Just like I always do
Can't seem to get it right
Knowing that i should apologize for what i've done
Instead the guilt swallows me and I run
Running away from it all
Wishing I could erase the thoughts
Erase the memmory, Erase it all
But most importantly erase Me, My life, The Mistake


Standing in the cold shower
Knife in one hand
Life in the other
I drown in my own emotions
I think I am breaking down
Thoughts free flow threw my head
About all the things you have said
The clear water flows to the drain
I think I am finally going insane
The clock begins to tick
Slowly I begin to feel sick
The knife moves into position
Three inches and it will all be over
So sharp like the teeth on rover
The tears flow like an angry flood
The world around me starts to spin
The thoughts of failure have sunken in
The knife moves across the wrist
The blood begins to drip
The water slowly turns red
The blood that once gave life
Leaks from the veins to wither the body dead
As the blood flows into the drain
Happy memories rush threw my brain
It’s getting harder to breathe
My eyes start to shut
My knees give in
I fall to the floor
They pushed me to the edge
They kept playing with my buttons
I broke a promise
And with the last gasp of air.
I feel no regret, no remorse, because no one ever did care