Mr. Waramck's EPCC

Classroom Extention

Web Site

Spring 2004


INTRO Database Sample
ITSC 1305 Operating Systems EXAM 2 Study Guide
ITSC 1305 Operating Systems EXAM 3 EXAM 3

Here is another extra credit assignment for either of my classes!!!

What is a Media Center PC? Is it just a PC with a TV connected to it? Find out more about this new term, and the new operating system that goes with it. To receive extra credit points, write a small, no more than one page, paper about media center PCs. Answer the questions: what they are? How are they different from regular PCs? Who would use one? What do you think is in their future? And finally, what software do they need and how is a specialized operating system for one of these things differnt than a regular PC operating system? Here is a link to help you get started. Good luck!!


Several people have mentioned problems with USB devices. While USB in general has been much less problematic than previous peripheral connection technologies, it isn't perfect; especially on older systems (or with older USB devices). So here is a chance for you to capitalize on the situation. As an extra credit assignment, I would like you to do two things, using the Internet as a resource.

1) Find the 5 most common USB problems reported (the first 5 you come across?). What are the problems? What are the solutions. Hopefully we can all generalize and learn something from these examples.

2) What are the differences between USB1, USB2, IEEE1394 (Firewire), and Serial IDE. What is the future for serial busses on PCs? A short description of each of these and your thoughts on the future will do nicely.

Have fun!

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