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Topic of #The_gentle_D/s_Palace

"Welcome A/all to gentle D/s and chat, fun & our tub
>> NO scening + NO pm without permission + NO trolling <<
... all subs have protection in this room"

Rules of #The_gentle_D/s_Palace

The rules for O/our home, which are not very complicated:

  1. "A/all in the room are treated with respect"
  2. "NO scening permitted or tolerated at any time"
  3. "all subbies have protection in the room"
  4. "NO permission needed to enter or leave"
  5. "NO pm's without permission asked first in the room"
  6. "zero tolerance for driveby"

Channel Operators

The channel operators, or short "op", (marked with a @ and in different color in Y/your room user list) are there to help and look after the room. The current list of ops in O/our home:


They are friendly as the room, and will try to answer any question as good as possible.
And keep in mind: the only daft question is the one not asked!

In case of problems they can and should be contacted (either in the open room or in private (see below for irc commands)), and they will resolve the situation.

Note: lack of respect or rudeness is not tolerated in the room, and I do not make a difference in O/our home if the offending behaviour comes from subs/slaves or from Dom/mes!

O/our room is a safe place, and I will keep it that way, and so take the warning of an op seriously, or leave, if Y/you cannot stay to the rules of the room.

Behaviour on irc and in O/our room
  • Dom/mes's nicks start with a capital letter
  • sub/slaves's nicks start with a lowercase letter
  • If a sub's name contains a {}, this sub is collared and so owned.
    Disrespect to a collar is not accepted in O/our home!

  • In O/our room play is allowed, but no scening!
  • So if being asked to *play* in O/our home, it means *fun play*, always!
    I allow absolutely no exceptions!

    Quite often the subs do play in the room, and sometimes with Dom/mes participating.
    But .... no one has to participate and the wishes of O/our guests are respected (especially those of owners of collared subs/slave concerning rules for them)!

  • Dom/mes cannot request anything from a sub/slave just because They are Dominant
  • if a sub/slaves says 'no', it is done with respect and is meant seriously AND such a 'no' is a 'no'

  • if someone feels unsure how to behave in a room, ask one of the ops
  • if someone feels threatened, contact an op immediately
  • use a private message to contact the op, if Y/you feel safer not do to so in public in the room (please see irc commands below)

    if the op does not help or resolve the situation: LEAVE the room!

irc commands

A list of some commands (and their meaning) on irc. In the description below "[...]" mark parameters, and they have to be replaced without the brackets when using the command (example: [nick] is to be replaced by the actual nickname of a person). All irc commands have the / as first letter and no space afterwards.

For more details on irc commands, Y/you might want to have a look at IRC Intro. The commands are not all absolutely identical on any irc prgramme, but the basic ones are.

public message
command syntax: the text typed in the input line
anybody in the room will see the text

private message
(short "pm")
command syntax: /msg [nick]
only you and the nick you send this message will see the text

nick change
command syntax: /nick [new_nick]
changes your current "nick" to "new_nick".
be aware: some channels do not like or even allow nick changes.

getting user information
command syntax: /whois [nick]
lists some information (like login time and rooms) on "nick".

joining a channel
command syntax: /join [channel]
enters the channel. Note that channel names always start with a #.

leaving a channel
command syntax: /part [channel]
leaves the channel.

On irc. a service called "nickserv" is available, which allows to register nicks and handle settings.
command syntax for use: /nickserv help
With the given command Y/you will get a list of all commands available. Just follow the instructions there.

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