Unofficial David Gunn Old News & Rumors

Rumor has it that those close to the movie have said that "The Convent" will hopefully be shown in a few cities this Fall.
Don May Jr. (President of Synapse Films and a highly respected professional in the horror genre) recently posted a rave review of "The Convent" at Mobius Home Video Forums' Euro Cult. *Thanks to mon petite chou (My Boy :-D) for the info.

Alpine Pictures, the company that produced "The Convent", has enhanced the movie's graphics.
Rumor has it that Alpine Pictures will be putting up a trailor for the movie on The Convent's Official Site somtime soon.
Chaton Anderson (the writer and co-star of "The Convent") is currently writing a sequel to "The Convent".

The Convent's Official Site is back up.

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