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"like sands through the hourglass... so are the...Days of our Lives"

Christyne's "The Teens"  
Fan Fiction Site


Chapter 4

The ringing in Chloe’s head began to intrude on her ability to continue sleeping. Was it one of those strange bells on a Parisian fire truck? Maybe it was on one of the thousands of bicycles people rode through the streets. It couldn’t be…the windows were closed to keep out the February cold. Surely a bicycle bell wasn’t loud enough to be heard on the eighth floor of the hotel through an unopened window. She snuggled down beneath the covers and held onto Philip more tightly. The bell continued to ring in regular intervals until she forced herself to open her eyes. The huge feather pillow she cradled in her arms bore no resemblance to Phillip. She raised her head and saw not a solitary sign of him anywhere. The ringing was the telephone on the desk where it waited impatiently to be answered. She crawled across the side of the bed where Philip had been holding her hours before and stretched her leg out until her foot made contact with the carpeted floor. Chloe stumbled across the room vaguely reminiscent of Charlie Chaplin’s "Little Tramp" character in her mincing steps, yawned continuously and reached for the telephone. Mercifully, it stopped ringing as she brought the receiver to her ear.

"Hello……………..Hello?" Chloe answered in a squeaky, uninspired tone.


"Yes….who is this?" she asked in a slightly irritated voice, clearing it as she slowly awakened. After the endless ringing of the phone, why wouldn’t this person know who they were calling? Chloe momentarily wondered if even in Paris, telemarketers had the same lousy timing as they did in the States when they called random numbers - - except this person knew her name.

"Hi, Chloe….this is Shawn."

"Oh, hi, Shawn…I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize your voice," she said softly, the instant contriteness apparent in her voice.

"Yeah, I didn’t exactly recognize yours just now."

"What’s up?"

"You means besides you, now? Actually, I’m sorry, Chloe, that I woke you up. The hotel connected me to the wrong room. I had asked them to put me through to Philip’s. They’ve obviously made a mistake. If you can switch me back to the operator, I’ll try again."

"No, that’s okay, Shawn…..this is Philip’s room."

There was a slight pause on the line before Shawn continued. "Oh, I see. I….uh….."

"Shawn, it’s not what you think," Chloe said understanding what was probably going through his mind.

"I wasn’t thinking anything."

"Yes, you were. I did spend the night with Philip but only because I didn’t want him to be alone. Nothing happened between us…well, except…."

"Except? Wait….I’m sorry…it’s none of my business what went on between you and Philip."

"It’s okay, Shawn…I opened up this topic. Wait…before I say anything more, you called wanting to talk to him."

"Yeah, is he there?"

"I don’t know. He wasn’t in bed when I woke up to the phone ringing."

Shawn felt his face warm at the thought of Chloe and Philip sharing moments of intimacy during the night…even if it was only sleeping in a common bed…and nothing more as Chloe has said.

"Let me check the bathroom just to be sure he’s not around. Hold on."

Chloe put down the receiver and padded across to the bathroom doorway, knocked and pushed open the door slightly. No one was in sight. She looked to see that Philip’s suitcase, garment bag and laptop were still in the room. A cursory survey with her eyes detected no handwritten note left in a conspicuous place for her to find. She headed back to the phone when a soft knock sounded on the room door. She ran to the telephone.

"Shawn? He isn’t here but someone’s knocking at the door. Maybe it’s Philip if he forgot his room key. Can you wait until I find out who it is?"

"Sure, no prob."

She jogged to the door and opened it a couple of inches and was surprised to see a bellhop loaded down with suitcases on a large cart.

"Your luggage, Madamoiselle….you asked to have it transferred to here?"

"Oh, that’s right. Please, come in. I’m sorry, I don’t know off hand where my tote bag is to give you a tip."

"It is not necessary…it was taken care of by Monsieur Kiriakis this morning."

The first image that came to her mind of "Monsieur Kiriakis" was Philip’s father and it startled her.

"What do you mean, Monsieur Kiriakis?"

"The young gentleman….tall….blond….slender. He made the arrangements with the concierge earlier before he went out."

"Philip? He made the arrangements? What time was that?"

"Perhaps seven thirty…eight o’ clock."

"Did he say where he was going?"

The bellhop shook his head as he displayed a sympathetic smile.


The bellhop bowed, pulled the cart from the room after leaving the two luggage on a wide bench and quietly closed the door behind him. Chloe stood in the middle of the room trying to think where Philip would go and not leave any word for her – especially in a city where he didn’t speak the language and was constantly asking her to translate. She faintly heard her name being called as she pondered Philip’s whereabouts.

"Oh, my God….Shawn!" She dashed for the telephone receiver and profusely apologized.

"It’s okay, Chloe. Was that Philip at the door?"

"No, it was just the bellhop delivering my luggage from my room to here. I’m going to stay with Philip until he’s ready to head back to Salem."

"Any idea when that might be?"

"No, for one thing he hasn’t been interviewed by the gendarmes and Interpol yet. With so many witnesses from the Coronation to interview, I don’t know where he is on their schedule. We have to have clearance from the French authorities before we can leave, but you’re probably in the same predicament since you have to be interviewed as a witness, too. I have to go late this morning to give my statement but Philip hasn’t said when his appointment is. He actually hasn’t said much of anything since we left the hospital. Last night when I came out of the shower, he was talking to the Titan corporate jet pilot. I didn’t get much of the conversation but we shouldn’t be here more than a couple of days. I think there are legalities he has to work out with the French gendarmes before his father’s ashes can be released to him."

"My grandfather’s being cremated?"

"Yes, that was his wish according to Mr. Brisco…Mr. Kiriakis’ lawyer. Even Philip knew nothing about what his father had desired be done with his body after his death."

"I don’t know how Philip’s holding up considering he has to do nearly everything…. making arrangements and funeral services pretty much on his own…..Chloe?"

There was a long silence on the phone before Chloe could control her voice.

"Shawn, could I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

"I know it’s a little after nine…have you had breakfast, yet?"

"No, I slept in this morning. I stayed with Belle at the hospital until we knew her dad was going to pull through. It must have been almost two a.m. before we got into the hotel."

"I couldn’t believe Belle’s father had been shot but I’m glad he’s going to be all right. I should call Belle and see if I can do anything."

"I wouldn’t for awhile, Chloe. She was planning to sleep in before she goes back to the hospital to visit her dad and Mimi later today."

"Well, then, how about you come up to the eighth floor and have room service breakfast with me? There’s something I want……need, actually, to talk to you about. I wouldn’t ask you if it wasn’t really important."

"Well…okay…..I need to take a shower and clean up."

"I need to get ready, too. Anything special you’d like for breakfast?"

"Nah…whatever you order is fine."

"Okay, then how about I see you in an hour? That’ll give me time to pull myself together. Maybe Philip will even be back by then from wherever he went this morning."

"See you in an hour, then. Bye, Chloe."

"Bye, Shawn."

Chloe slowly placed the receiver back in the cradle and stared at it for a minute or more. She knew what she was doing would probably upset Philip but it was something she needed to do for her and in doing so, would eventually help Philip, too.

An hour later Chloe answered the door to find a waiter with breakfast. She motioned to him where she wanted him to set up the table, signed the room service check and gave him a smile as he saw the generosity she had extended to him in the tip. She lifted the cover lids to be sure everything she had ordered was present when she heard another knock. She checked her face in the mirror and noticed the slight puffiness still visible around her eyes…the result of crying herself to sleep the night before. Chloe attempted to force a tiny smile on her face as she opened the door and saw Shawn leaning against the door jam with a lazy grin on his face.

"Hi, Chloe….am I late?"

She shook her head.

"No, you’re……you’re….."

One look into his serene brown eyes and all her resolve to be strong dissolved into tears. She covered her face with her hands – pushing her glasses up onto the top of her head where they wouldn’t stem the tide of salt water about to tumble down her cheeks.

"Chloe?…..Hey……hey…..come here…..what’s wrong…..huh?" Shawn asked her in a soft tone.

He stepped into the room, put an arm around her and tried to look into her eyes between her fingers as she hid her face from him…the sobs increasing in intensity. Turning to face her directly, Shawn placed his other arm around her shoulder and drew her to him. Chloe removed her hands from her face and placed her arms around him crying into his chest. Shawn patted her on the back the way he sometimes did with JT, his baby brother, when he cried after awakening in the dark nursery at night. It soothed the baby; perhaps it would be as beneficial for Chloe. After silently cradling her for several minutes, he steered her by moving his body more into the room and closed the door. She showed no signs of letting up the wrenching sobs that had begun the minute she had seen Shawn.

"Did I do something to make you feel badly or is this about Philip?" Shawn asked her bending down to look up into her tear-stained face.

She nodded, unable to verbally respond to his question. Realizing he was no closer to knowing what had caused her emotional outburst by combining the possibilities into one question, he thought a moment and attempted to be more concise.

"Did I do something?" Chloe shook her head and wiped the tears from her face with the fingers of both hands but could not speak.

"This is about Philip?" A vigorous nod of the head was her response.

"Victor’s death? It’s about Philip and his father’s death." The last comment Shawn spoke as a statement of fact; not a question. Chloe’s breath caught in her throat as she slowly nodded, looking gratefully at Shawn that he had deduced the answer in so little time. The sobs were subsiding but she knew she hadn’t yet finished releasing the wave of emotional pain she’d held inside for almost twenty-four hours.

"Come over here with me. Sit down right here. I’ll be back in a sec, okay?"

Chloe slowly lowered herself into the powder blue and white antique chair as Shawn held her arm, only releasing it when he knew she was secure. He went into the bathroom and quickly returned with tissues, handing them to Chloe. She lifted her face to look at him as he stood over her and tried to smile.

"Th…thanks." She dried her face as much as possible and blew her nose before tossing the used tissues into the wastebasket. A minute more passed as she began to take deeper breaths. Shawn pulled up the matching chair to Chloe’s and sat forward on it, his elbows on his knees – hands clasped together and watched Chloe until she looked up at him. It was an unspoken signal - the worst had passed. Once again she offered Shawn as a sign of her gratitude and embarrassment all rolled into one - a miniscule smile.

"Feel a little better?"

"Well, in three words…’yes and no’. Yes, I feel better about having a good cry but no because I did it in front of you. I’m sorry, Shawn. I had no idea that was going to happen when I opened the door."

"It’s okay, …really."

"No, it’s not. I have to keep my emotions in check and be strong, Shawn."

"Why? It isn’t emotionally healthy for a person to do that, Chloe, especially as hard as you were crying just now."

"Because I have to……I just have to, that’s all." Once again Chloe’s eyes brimmed with tears betraying her best effort to quell them completely.

Shawn handed her another tissue and took her right hand in a gesture of comfort while she released more of the grief demanded by her body. Though she cried longer the intensity had abated. Eventually, she sat up straight in the chair and looked at Shawn with a determined set to her face.

"I’m not going to do that any more."

"Okay….if you say so…."

"I do."

"…but I won’t hold you to it. If you feel like it would help to let it out again, I know where there’s more tissues if we run out," he gently joked and grinned at Chloe.

He was rewarded with a shy grin

"Lord, I must look awful. I wasn’t too glamorous when I looked in the mirror awhile ago and that was before I lost it."

"You look fine except for your patriotic eyes."

"My what?"

"Well, they’re kinda red, white and blue at the moment."

"Oh, wonderful," Chloe sarcastically said and went to look in the mirror. "You’re right, the center is blue and they’re surrounded by red and white. On top of that I could vie for Rudolph’s job pulling Santa’s sled in the fog with this nose. I need to pull myself together. Would you excuse me for a few minutes?"


"Matter of fact, why don’t you sit down at the table and help yourself to some of the breakfast before it gets any colder":

Chloe went into the bathroom and ran cold water onto a wash cloth, held it up to her eyes, and cheeks pressing gently. She reapplied her mascara and lip gloss and ran a brush through her hair before satisfying herself she was presentable to her breakfast companion. She returned to find Shawn fixing a plate of eggs, toast and hash browns. He looked up when he sensed her presence and nodded his approval.

"You look better."

"Thanks and I have to admit…I feel a little better."

"Good and you’ll feel even more so when you’ve eaten a little something. Want some orange juice? Says here it’s fresh from Florida."

"You’re kidding, Florida orange juice…in Paris?"

"Oui." Shawn pointed to the familiar emblem on the small carton. They sat on opposite sides of the table and ate for several minutes in silence. Shawn would furtively glance up from his plate at regular intervals checking to make sure Chloe was eating. She took small bites of food and stared at her plate but she did clean off the portions she had placed on it. When she had finished, she leaned her elbows on the table resting her chin on her clasped hands.

"With everything that happened this morning, I never really have told you why I asked you to come over."

"I told you I figured it was about Philip and his father’s death."

"That’s most of it, yes, but it also is about me as weird as that sounds."

Shawn nodded. "That makes sense…you’re his girlfriend…you knew Victor. It’s bound to have an impact on you …particularly the violent way he died. We didn’t just hear about it We all saw it happen. Philip was practically standing right in front of him."

"I know. I keep remembering him grabbing me and throwing me to the ground. I couldn’t understand why he had and then the bullets started flying. He wouldn’t let me get up even after they had stopped."

"He saw the gun about the same time I spotted the other one on the side of the room by the balcony. Those were the longest minutes of my sixteen years."

Chloe’s eyes grew large and her mouth opened.

"Shawn….how could I be so insensitive? Victor was your grandfather…besides being Philip’s father. It completely slipped my mind. Here I am prattling on about his death…"

"It’s all right. Even though he was my grandfather…I didn’t think of him that way…at least, not like I do Grandpa Shawn. I knew him…I’d spent time around him but we had nowhere near the relationship Philip did with him. With that said, I think we’re at the point of why you wanted to see me other than sharing breakfast?"

Chloe nodded.

"I don’t know how or where to start. I guess from my own emotional point of reference would be best. With my background I never really allowed myself to react to things much - good or bad. I wanted to protect me from being hurt. Even when my adoptive parents were killed, I didn’t cry. I never did. I believed that to let myself feel anything made me vulnerable and open to letting people hurt me. What you saw when I first came to Salem with the black clothing was really me on the inside, too – dark and lifeless. And, then…"

"Philip came along."

"Yes, but before him you and Belle made me begin to think maybe I could have friends and not close myself off any more. I liked both of you. The tough part was sharing myself and what I thought….felt. I’ll always be glad I had sense enough to open up to you both."

"Thanks, Chloe, that means a lot to hear you say that. It means even more since I made that stupid bet…."

"…that’s in the past. It’s over. We all learned lessons from it. Amazingly, out of that I learned to forgive and I didn’t know I could do that. But, you’re right, Philip came along and I was afraid of the things he made me feel and the thoughts I had about him that I couldn’t control. I didn’t know where they were coming from or why I had them."

"You weren’t alone – Phil would call me at night or want to get into a little one-on-one at the court and spend the whole time telling me how much he wasn’t interested in you, which, of course, meant he was."

"Belle had to hear me spouting the same thing while we were doing homework or she dragged me shopping to Salem Place. You two should be licensed therapists by now with all the hours you put in on us."

"So, now? Where does all that bring you and Philip to on this day after his father’s assassination?

"A role of reversals, Shawn."

"I don’t understand."

"Remember I told you I didn’t cry when my adoptive parents died? Loving Philip has released emotions I thought I didn’t even have. Don’t you see? Today, you saw me. I cried for Philip’s father. I hurt, Shawn, in my heart. I cared about him. He was very good to me. He shared the most wonderful part of himself with me, his son."

Shawn leaned back in his chair with a look of revelation on his face.

"Are you telling me Philip hasn’t shown any emotion?"

Chloe stared at Shawn and slowly shook her head. "Nothing…except silence and occasional temper flares. I recognize what he’s doing. He’s me a year ago. To make it worse, he is being what he believes a son of Victor Kiriakis has to be – strong- willed, stoic and capable – all business. That doesn’t leave much time to grieve."

"But, here with you away from everyone, he can let go."

"No, he’s shut down completely. That’s why I don’t want to leave him alone for very long– so, I plan to spend the nights with him. There was a grief counselor at the hospital last night who told me what to expect. She was right. She told me to stay with him…be affectionate and not let him retreat completely because it would only make him worse. I tried but still he became angry last night for the slightest reason. I told myself ‘I know it’s not me he’s angry with’ but it didn’t keep me from retreating from him last night after he yelled at me. I knew he didn’t mean it but it still hurt to have him do something so unlike him. What it tells me is that if I hurt this badly about his father, how deep the pain and hurt must be for Philip. No wonder he can’t deal with it…not yet."

"Chloe, what…what would you like me to do? How can I help?"

"Just try to understand him over however long it takes for him to get through this and maybe tell his friends so they’ll know what to expect. The doctor didn’t know how long he might be this way. My fear is, going back to Salem, being the Kiriakis heir, will make it worse. I do feel guilty that what with seeing Belle through her father’s near death, you have more than enough demands being made on you now."

"Don’t worry. I can handle it. You have the tough part. Maybe it won’t be as bad as you think. Have you seen him today at all?"

"No, he left the hotel early this morning. I don’t know where he went."

"It could be he might be doing better today. He’s had some time to deal with the shock. If not, you can talk to me whenever you need to. I’ll leave you my cell number. There won’t be any bad time for you to call."

"You’re wonderful, Shawn. I don’t know if I can ever do as much for you."

"Sure you will. When Philip does face everything, he’ll be okay because he has you beside him. That’s all I want…that’s all any of us will want in return….Philip as himself again." Shawn placed his hand on Chloe’s and smiled at her.

Neither heard the key in the door until Philip came in and was surprised to see his best friend sitting at what appeared a breakfast with his girlfriend.

"Well, don’t we look cozy."

to be continued...

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