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"like sands through the hourglass... so are the...Days of our Lives"


"The Teens" Fan Fiction Site


Expectations – Chapter 2A

Chloe’s eyes adjusted to the darkness of Philip’s hotel room. He had failed to turn a light on when he’d entered. It was as though the room was as dark as his mood of the moment. She turned on a small desk lamp and saw the plastic room key lying on the nightstand where Philip had uncaringly thrown it in his exasperation of her refusing to leave him. Fleetingly, she wondered if she had been tossed aside just as the key had been. She quickly shoved the thought away, realizing it was only her fear of not knowing how to best deal with the young man who had suffered so much pain, betrayal and loss in the space of a few days. Like a wounded animal Philip had crawled back into a darkened place and she was left the task of coaxing him out where she could treat his hurt.

Chloe kept remembering Dr. Peltier’s words. Philip hadn’t stopped loving her. Underneath all the hostility he was there – the person she knew was loving and thoughtful. She needed a frame of reference or similar experience from the past to fully understand what Dr. Peltier meant. She hoped it would come to her as she began to cross the room.

Philip stood staring out the window at the street below and the little park they had walked through only the day before. He still wore his cutaway formal wear covered with streaks of his father’s blood on the white shirt and vest. Was it really only the day before she had told him he had the soul of a poet?

Reliving their walk it suddenly really came to her what Dr. Peltier meant. Chloe remembered how she had once thought of Philip as a heartless, insensitive bastard who lived to taunt her at every given opportunity. Though every name he called her and the smirk that accompanied it hurt, for some unexplainable reason she couldn’t completely dismiss him as she did others. There had been something that wouldn’t make her stay away from him. She admitted it to no one but she found herself watching him whenever she thought he wasn’t looking. Then, the night of Shawn’s birthday party, the meeting on the pier and their talk began to change her perception of him. She had seen a glimpse of the real Philip, the one who hid behind the personae of the big man on campus, star athlete and glib ladies’ man.

She, too, had let him see the real her - momentarily dropping her defenses and talking about her dolls, her music and her dreams of a career in the opera. She had never told anyone those deeply, personal secrets before. He had made her smile and she remembered his infectious laugh – one of her very favorite things about him even now…though she hadn’t heard it in the last few days. The other feature she loved and first felt herself drawn to that told so much of what went on inside him were his kind, soulful eyes. He never had to say a word, just look at her and she would feel emotions that had been buried until she’d nearly forgotten they were there.

Of course, later that night he had slipped back into his usual behavior telling her not to let anyone know they had met on the pier…but…..nothing was ever the same between them again. Who would have believed in less than a year’s time Philip would write a poem to her as a Christmas gift and in those few lines reach into her soul as no one had ever been allowed to do before?

That’s what Dr. Peltier meant…..the real Philip was in hiding just as he had been when she first knew him. The person she fell in love with had been there all along waiting for someone to set him free – just as he had done for her. In a strange way their roles would be reversed this time. She would need to be the more aggressive one. She would need to coax, cajole and when necessary, take a firm hand with him until she broke through the shell Philip had encased his despair and grief in. The velvet hammer she would use to shatter it with would be…

Everything suddenly fell into place. Bewildered when she’d left the hospital, Chloe hadn’t really fathomed Dr. Peltier’s advice until this moment - - not completely. A strong resolve filled her as she resumed walking toward Philip. It wasn’t going to be easy, but, Philip and what he meant to her, were going to be worth everything that lay ahead. She had a purpose and in that purpose she would find strength to tolerate whatever Philip hurled at her in his grief.

She came up behind Philip on his right and peered over his shoulder to see what the view was he steadily gazed at. People walked along the flower-lined park, their hands linked together. He didn’t acknowledge Chloe but continued his silent, solitary vigil.

"Philip, it’s really not too cold outside. How about we change clothes and go for a walk along the park like the other night."

"I don’t think so."

"We don’t have to go anywhere in particular…just meander and be together. We probably both could use the walk and stretch our legs…"

"What am I… a dog you need to put a leash on and take for a walk? I don’t want to go. You can if you want to."

"It wouldn’t be the same without you."

Philip turned to look at her over his shoulder as extra emphasis for what he said next.


He returned to his original stance and left Chloe realizing she would have to try a different angle.

"All right, since we’re staying in for the rest of the night, how about we order room service."

"Not hungry."

"But…we didn’t even eat anything at the coronation…."

"And I still DON’T want anything to eat."

"I wasn’t talking about just you."

Philip slowly looked back at Chloe and this time, for the first time, he looked into her eyes.

"I….I’m sorry…..look, if you want to order room service, go ahead," he said in a quiet, apologetic voice.

As small a victory as it was, Chloe’s heart leaped inside her. Philip was talking to her…not at her.

"Before I do," she said reaching for his hand and finding him less resistant than he had been at the hospital when he’d avoided her completely, "come away from the window and sit down."

"Chloe…" he said in a quiet, exasperated voice.

"Come on, " she gently coaxed, speaking to him in a tender voice.

He hesitated, turning his head slightly catching a glimpse of her hand in his. He wasn’t sure he wanted to follow her but he couldn’t make himself deny her request.

She led him toward one of the chairs that were a part of the small conference table set up in the corner of the room. There were four chairs surrounding an oval table. She let go of Philip’s hand as she pulled out the closest one, patted the cushion and motioned for Philip to sit.

"What are you doing?"

"Just let me take your jacket off and I’ll show you. Come on….drop your arms down and I’ll pull it off."

To her surprise and secret pleasure, Philip allowed her to pull the formal black coat from his weary frame. As Chloe took the coat and placed it over the back of one of the other chairs, she couldn’t help feeling that momentary rush she always had when she looked at his back and shoulders. The years of football, basketball and baseball had strengthened his back and the weight training room had giving his upper arms and shoulders definition.

"Sit down and lean back just a little but not all the way."

"Chloe…I thought you were going to order room service."

"I will…in a minute."

She came up behind him and began massaging his neck and shoulders. It wasn’t the first time she had done so. Several times after a football or hockey game when he’d taken a hit or two, she’d loosened up the tension in his back while they sat on the sofa in the Kiriakis den. Philip dropped his head, closing his eyes while he felt Chloe’s deft, familiar hands working their magic.

"My God, Philip, you’re all knotted up." Guiltily, Chloe loved the way he felt beneath her hands- strong, solid and masculine. "I don’t think I can possibly work all the tension out……Wait! I’ve got an idea."

Chloe looked around the room until she spotted the plastic room key. She left Philip’s side and dashed to pick up the key before heading toward the door.

"I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere. Order from room service if you want. Anything you get, just double it for me…unless it’s meat."

Philip looked around to watch her leave wondering what had prompted the sudden departure. "Chloe?"

"I said I’ll be right back. I’m taking your room key so you don’t have to worry about letting me in." With that she dashed from the room holding the voluminous material of her gown’s skirt up and leaving her heels beside the doorway where she’d disposed of them earlier when they’d entered the suite, making it easier for her to run in her bare feet.

"Chloe!!" Philip yelled at her but the door had clicked shut. He had sounded almost angry with her in his tone as he called after her. He stared at the door and in the lowest audible tone said, ………"don’t go."

Knowing, she hadn’t heard him, Philip looked about the room and tried to find the menu for room service. Once located, he read it thoroughly, cover-to-cover, a few times and saw nothing that sounded the least bit appetizing nor did he think he could keep anything down if he did eat. Twenty minutes later Philip heard the click of the door and Chloe appeared again only in a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt. She had a tote bag in her hand and after putting the hotel key back on the nightstand where Philip would easily find it, headed to the bathroom with the tote. He soon heard the taps running full force in the bathtub. He wanted to pretend not to be interested, but his feet betrayed him as he walked toward the sound of the running water. He carefully peeked around the corner of the door just enough to see Chloe on her knees beside the tub holding a purple bottle over the foot where the water rushed from the central faucet. She glanced toward the open door but Philip had drawn his head back in time for her not to see him. A few minutes passed until he heard the water shut off. Chloe returned from the bathroom and looked at Philip.

"Did you order?"

"Uhhhh….n-no, I didn’t. I really think you should order what you want. I told you, I’m not hungry."

"I can do that in a minute. Come here." She held out her hand to Philip, inviting him to follow her to the bathroom. He not only hesitated but withdrew a couple of steps. Chloe crossed the room, still barefooted. Philip couldn’t stop himself from noticing her toenails were painted an icy shade of blue. Chloe detected his reluctance and came to him, taking his hand in hers and leading him back to the bathroom.

"Hey…what? …..what are you doing, Chloe?"

"Just come with me and I’ll show you."

Steam rose in thin wisps from the surface of the tub covered in heaps of lavender-fragranced bubbles. Chloe turned to face Philip and slowly began undoing the buttons of the vest. Philip’s eyes watched what her fingers did in confused silence.

"You could help, Philip, make this go a little faster. Slip you shoes off."

"Slip my shoes off?….What the hell do you think you’re doing, Chloe?"

Philip bent down to look in her eyes for an answer but she kept her concentration on the clothing before her and not the person wearing it . Chloe had to fight to hold in a smile. He wanted to escape her as she realized he was uncomfortable in the role reversal of being the one having his buttons undone…and by HER, no less.

"I am trying to help you get your clothes off so you can get in there before all the steam is gone. A hot bath always helps me relax when nothing else works …so, I figure it should do the same for you."

"Wait…..wait…..I’m NOT getting in there."

"Yes, you are."

"Look….I prefer a shower and even if I do rarely take a bath, it doesn’t have flowery-smelling bubbles in it."

"But, the lavender is relaxing for the senses. You’ve heard about aroma therapy, I’m sure. Besides, you and I are the only two who will know you took a bubble bath. You can trust me. I won’t tell anyone."

Philip looked at the tub but made no further progress at removing his clothing. Not granting him another moment’s grace, Chloe resumed undoing the buttons of the vest and removed it. She knew Philip had calculated her embarrassment meter reading and was waiting for her to reach a certain point undressing him, when to save herself any humiliation, she would stop on her own. That had been the Chloe without a mission….not the one who stood before him now. She pulled the bloodied dress shirt up from the waist of his black dress pants until the wrinkled ends were hanging out. From the top she removed the white bow tie and placed it gently on the marble counter that ran the length of one side of the bathroom. Starting at the top she removed the studs and exposed his still, summer-tanned chest by degrees. Philip either stared at her or gazed off to see his reflection in the mirror. She pushed the sides of the shirt away from her and off Philip’s shoulders before grabbing the ends of the sleeves removing it in a matter of seconds.

Philip hadn’t expected Chloe to go as far as taking his shirt off, though, come to think of it, she had seen his naked torso often during the previous summer when they had worked in the July and August heat building Mimi’s new home.

He prided himself in having held his ground….not giving in to her stupid idea. It was now at an end…he just knew it.

Chloe stood with her hands on her hips hesitating to see if he would make the next move. She turned away from him a moment to take her glasses off and laid them beside the white bow tie on the counter. They had steamed over from the humidity in the bathroom (at least that’s what she hoped that was the reason) and would hinder her next move. Feeling she had given Philip ample time co-operate but to no avail, she gathered her nerves and reached for the top button of his pants.

"Hey…..Chloe!!…what are you….."

"You can’t get into the tub still half dressed, Philip. If you won’t take off the rest of your clothes, I’ll do it for you."

"Like hell you won’t!"

"Like hell I will……watch me."

She reached for the waistband a second time and felt Philip grab her hands.

"All right…all right,…I’ll take them off. God, what is with you?"

"And what’s on underneath them plus your socks. "

Philip displayed that disgusted looked she had seen before when she was winning an argument point with him. He’d avert his eyes to the side and breathe an audibly deep sigh. He looked at her and raised his arms lightly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Do you mind if I have a little privacy? "

"No, not as long as you keep your word and get into the tub in the next few minutes before all the heat begins to dissipate."

She walked past Philip and headed out the door. Chloe turned back in time to see Philip lowering the zipper on his pants and do a quarter turn away from her when he saw her staring back at him. She walked into the bedroom with a grin across her face.

She hunted through the drawers of the bureaus spread throughout the room until she found what she was looking for while she listened for activity in the bathroom as well. She heard the soft "kerplunk" of his feet as he placed them in the water and gave him a few more minutes to lower his body into the hot water accustoming it to the temperature as he descended. She had made it as hot as she thought he could bear and still be comfortable.

"God…Chloe…..what do you think I am, a lobster? What the hell is with making the water so damn hot?"

"That’s what you need to have it relax you and take the tension out of your muscles. You’ll get used to it in a few minutes."

"So does a lobster…but by then…he’s dinner."

Chloe looked toward the bathroom door and bit her lip while a small wave of tears swept over her eyes. Philip had actually made a joke….out of his anger at her…but it was a start.

She walked over to her tote bag and pulled three small glass votive candle holders from it and went back into the bathroom.

Philip looked up with a surprised expression and leaned forward to cover himself with billows of bubbles.


"Oh, relax….most of what’s showing I’ve seen before, Philip. The rest the bubbles are adequately protecting."

Her heart pounded the adrenaline through her system brought on by her own boldness. She turned off the bathroom light plunging the room in nearly total darkness. Only the soft light of the table lamp in the other part of the suite illuminated enough of the room to make it possible for her to see where she was going.

"Okay,……… what are you doing now? Do I have to bathe in the dark?"

She said nothing but knelt beside the tub, lighting the tiny candles in each of the three votive holders and placed two of them in the corners of the foot of the tub. The third she lit, picked up and crossing in front of Philip’s body, placed in on the back corner of the tub. She brought her face within in inches of his until she could feel his warm breath on her neck. Lingering a few months until she felt his eyes wandering over her face, she drew back looking at his softened features in the glow of the candlelight.

"I bought these in the shop next to that little chapel we went in one afternoon. I always have plenty of candles lit when I take a bath like this."

They stared unable to break the eye contact between each other. Chloe placed her hand on his left shoulder blade and gently pushed him back against the tub.

"Lie back."

For the first time Philip followed her orders without displaying hostility as a preamble to doing it.

"Just relax and close your eyes."

"I’m not sleepy."

"That’s okay….just rest your eyes….let the hot water take all the tension it can out of you."

She stood up and backed away from him.

"I’ll go order room service and leave you alone."

She found the menu Philip had tossed on the bed and called room service and put into motion the other part of her plot. She ran her hand along the top of the shelf above the clothes closet until she found a large plastic bag. Unfolding it she went to the bathroom and without looking at Philip picked up his discarded clothing to prepare it for the housekeeper to take for cleaning. The shirt and vest, she felt, were probably not going to be salvageable. The bloodstains were too large and soaked all the way through the material. She turned to check on Philip and heard deep regular breaths emanating from him….he was asleep for the first time in almost forty-eight hours.

She took the filled laundry bag, tied a knot in the top and opened the door, placing it outside for the hotel to pick up. She quietly closed the door and removed two items from her seemingly bottomless tote bag and tiptoed back into the bathroom.

Lowering herself beside the tub near the back where Philip continued to slumber, she placed her arms atop the bathtub rim and watched him sleep for ten minutes or more. Unable to resist she lifted her trembling hand and lightly touched it to the side of Philip’s face. He slept on – oblivious to the overwhelming tidal wave emotions sweeping over Chloe. She gently lifted that one notorious stray lock of hair that always fell over his forehead and smiled as she watched it defy her just as Philip had – returning to the same place it was moments before.

"Oh, Philip," she whispered as silently as possible, "I love you…..I really, really do."


to be continued....


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