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"like sands through the hourglass... so are the...Days of our Lives"

Christyne's "The Teens"  
Fan Fiction Site


Chapter 38


"So I assume the object of this game is to get the ball into the hole," Chloe commented as they stood at the first hole. Chloe looked around the course while Philip lined his ball up at the appropriate spot. It was actually sort of romantic. There were tall, leafy trees everywhere. A small bubbling stream ran throughout the course, popping up as a waterfall here, small rapids there, snaking and running through all the holes in some way. There were pink, green and blue lights along the paths that gave the course a soft, dreamy haze. Benches were placed here and there among the trees, hiding them from the casual observer. Chloe could hear the summer crickets chirping quietly, almost hypnotically. Soft music came from some loudspeakers overhead, but it didn’t conflict with the sounds of the brook or the crickets. A cool summer breeze blew consistently, ruffling Chloe’s skirt and hair. She closed her eyes and could almost smell the oncoming season. Leave it to Philip to find the most romantic miniature golf course in the world, she thought.

"Yes," Philip grinned at her. "Not only that, but see how this sign says ‘Par 3’? That means it takes the average person three strokes with their club to get the ball into the hole. Watch."

Philip squared his shoulders, held his club ready, and looked at the hole and then back to his ball as if to make sure that they were lined up. With deliberate precision he carefully lifted his club up and then swung it back down, driving the golf ball towards the hole. It stopped about four inches short of the hole. Philip walked along the green turf until he arrived at the ball. He gently tapped it into the hole. He bent over to retrieve the ball and Chloe couldn’t help but admire his backside. No doubt about it, Philip had a great butt.

Does that make me shallow? she wondered and then just as quickly thought, Do I care if it does? She was actually disappointed when he straightened back up.

"Wait," Chloe called out to him. "I thought you were supposed to hit it three times. You only hit it twice."

Philip walked back towards her with an amused smile on his face. The breeze rippled through his hair, blowing it in soft waves. Chloe had to remind herself to breathe as she again thought that Philip could have easily made his living as a model. She’d never known a more handsome or stunning man in her entire life.

"No," he corrected. "The object of this game is to use as few strokes as possible to get the ball in. The fewer, the better. Whoever has the least amount of strokes at the end wins."

"So what if you just hit it in the first time?"

"That’s what they call a ‘hole in one’. That’s not always the easiest thing to do," Philip told her. He placed his club on the ground and gestured for her to come over to the line at the entrance. He held his hand out and Chloe put her hand in his.

"No," he laughed. "Hand me the ball."

Chloe felt embarrassed and sheepishly put the golf ball in his hand. He put it on the ground and crouched to make sure it was lined up with the hole. Philip stood back up. "Come stand right here. I’ll show you how to hit the ball."

Chloe walked over and stood facing the ball the way that Philip had. She was a bit startled when Philip came up behind her, pressing the front of his body against her back. Why did her heart have to do that sudden free fall whenever he got too near? He put his arms around her so that his hands were on her wrists. His mouth was right next to her ear. "Now pull the club back…" Philip’s words were hot on her ear, and Chloe could barely hear him with all the blood that seemed to be rushing up to her temples. Philip guided Chloe’s arms back as he demonstrated what he was saying, "And then just hit the ball towards the hole." With Philip’s arms still on her, they gently tapped the ball together.

"See? Not that hard," Philip said, as he made no effort to move from where he was. He loved holding Chloe, and decided there was nothing better in the world than the feel of her against him. They both stood as if in a trance, Philip’s breaths sounding loud in Chloe’s ear. Chloe could smell him, and he smelled so masculine and…expensive. Philip had closed his eyes and was similarly reveling in Chloe’s unique scent that was enveloping him, in the strawberries that he could smell in her silken hair that caressed one of his cheeks, and on her warm skin. Philip gave into an urge that was driving him and placed one gentle kiss on her neck before releasing her. Chloe almost jumped from the shooting electricity that coursed throughout her body when he did that. Philip put his hands in his pockets and stepped back. "Your turn."

Chloe thought for a brief second that he meant it was her turn to kiss him until her brain returned to reality and she realized he meant it was her turn to hit the ball. She returned the ball back to the line. Still a bit shaky and unfocused she swung at the ball and missed it completely.

Philip let out a short chuckle. "Let’s not count that one and give you a do-over."

Concentrate! she admonished herself. She eased back again, and this time managed to make contact with the ball. She watched as the ball rolled down the path and went straight into the hole. Chloe twirled around with a wide grin on her face. "I did it! A hole in one!"

She jumped over to Philip and threw her arms around his neck, giggling. He grabbed her by the waist, picked her up and began twirling her around. Her laughter was infectious, and he was soon laughing himself. Philip set her back down, but didn’t let go of her, just as she didn’t let go of him. They stood staring at one another, the laughter quickly dying as pulses raced and their breathing quickened.

"Chloe," he murmured, wanting to kiss her. They were interrupted by the sounds of giggles behind them. They both turned at the same time to see a group of prepubescent girls in braces and pigtails hysterically giggling over the scene in front of them.

"Come on," Philip told Chloe, not wanting an audience. "Let’s go to the second hole." He grabbed both clubs as Chloe went to retrieve her ball. Philip held out his hand to her and she put the ball in it. He laughed. "No, I wanted to hold your hand this time."

"Then we’re going to have to work out a better system than you just holding your hand out," Chloe reprimanded.

Slipping her soft hand into his they began walking towards the next hole. Hearing noises behind them, Philip turned to see the girls staring after them and whispering. Philip shot them a wink, sending them into a new state of hysterics.

"Were you ever like that?" Philip asked Chloe, interlacing his fingers with hers and tightening his grip on her hand.

"No, the electroshock therapy removed all giddiness," she joked back. Chloe was fairly certain she’d never been quite like that, and while part of her was relieved, another part of her was sad that she’d never had those experiences.

That’s okay, she decided. She would make the most of what she was being given now. She’d make the most of this evening with Philip.

Philip suddenly stopped short. "Look, a wishing well." Chloe looked over and saw a quaint stone well with a wooden bucket on a wench at the top. Philip reached into his pocket and pulled out some loose change. He took two pennies out of the bunch and returned the rest to his pocket. He gave one to Chloe. "Here, let’s make a wish."

"I can’t believe you carry anything as small as a penny," Chloe teased. "I thought your smallest denomination would be a twenty-dollar bill."

"Ha-ha," Philip replied a little sarcastically. He thought for a second, made his wish, then threw the penny into the well.

Chloe held the penny to her chest and closed her eyes. I wish I could feel what those girls felt, I wish I could have fun and laugh and be happy. She opened her eyes and threw her penny into the well, hearing the soft splash when it hit the water.

"What did you wish?" Philip asked as the got back onto the path.

"Philip, I can’t tell you what I wished! Then it won’t come true," Chloe softly chided, the smile dying from her eyes as she thought of what she had wished.

Philip saw the sadness that suddenly clouded her expression and thought of the things Chloe had told him, the unhappiness and misery she’d had in her life and felt a tug on his heart. More than anything he wanted to make her happy. He wanted to see her laugh again and again. He wanted her to know for once in her life, what it was like to be a kid. Philip pulled on her hand, bringing her to a stop. His soft blue eyes gazed into hers. "I’m going to do what I can to see that all your wishes come true."

He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. "You’re off to a pretty good start," she whispered as they walked in the moonlight and soft artificial glow of the course lights to their next stop.


Where is she? Shawn frantically wondered. The water was so murky and dark, and he’d been unable to find her. He dove down again, reaching his arms out, hoping to hit Belle. Running out of time, he thought, terrified that something might happen to Belle. He was forced to surface again, and this time heard frenetic splashing and Belle weakly call out, "Shawn!" before she sunk below the water’s surface. He saw where she was and quickly swam over to her. He dove down, reaching, and this time made contact with Belle’s wrist. He pulled her back to the top of the water. "Belle?" he practically shouted at her, but her eyes were closed and she wasn’t responding. Calling on his lifeguard training, he cupped her chin with his hand and began swimming back to the dock. He began yelling for help and sensed people behind him responding. He could hear people running off of boats and onto the dock. Someone retrieved a flashlight and shone it on him so that people could see where they were.

All sorts of thoughts of how this couldn’t be happening, that this had to be some sort of nightmare began running through Shawn’s head. He reached the dock in a matter of seconds and handed Belle up to some waiting hands. He quickly pulled himself up and came over to where she’d been laid out. Shawn put his head to Belle’s chest. She’s not breathing, she’s not breathing, he thought over and over again as he cocked her head back opening her mouth. He plugged her nose and sent short bursts of air into her mouth. He straightened back up and interlacing his hands, pushed on her chest three times. I can’t lose you Belle, he thought, a sob catching in his chest. Please come back to me.

He once again put his mouth on hers and as he started to breathe, Belle was suddenly coughing. Shawn helped her sit up and she started to throw-up water. Belle started to cry, and looked at him. "Shawn?" she said weakly.

Shawn’s own tears were flowing as he grabbed her head and held it to his chest. He began rocking her. "I thought I’d lost you, I thought I’d lost you…" he repeated in a shaky voice over and over, unable to believe that Belle was okay.

She gripped him just as tightly and they just held onto one another. Shawn finally released her, holding her head with his hands, making her look at him. "Don’t you ever leave me," he whispered fiercely to her.

"I’ll never leave you, Shawn. Ever," she whispered back, slipping into his embrace again. Someone came up behind them and put wool blankets around them. Shawn was oblivious to the cold, to the fact that he was soaked, and was only cognizant of the fact that he was holding Belle and she was okay.

Two EMT’s made their way through the crowd that had gathered. They tried to pull at Belle, but Shawn was unwilling to let her go. "You need to let us examine her," one of them said, and Shawn finally understood what was happening and relinquished his hold on Belle.

"Don’t let go of me," Belle protested, and Shawn grabbed onto her hand. "I won’t let you go," he told her. Shawn looked up and saw the large crowd of people that had gathered, and the flashing lights of the ambulance that somebody must have called.

"We need to take you to the hospital," one of the EMT’s told Belle. She shook her head. "I don’t want to. I just want to go home," she objected.

"It’s procedural, miss. We need to have a doctor check you out." They helped Belle get to her feet with Shawn following. They assisted her into the back of the ambulance, instructing her to lie down on the gurney. They then wrapped her in heated blankets and handed Shawn a blanket to put around himself. One technician stayed in the back while the other returned to the front to drive them to the hospital. As the ambulance lurched forward, Belle’s hand crept out from underneath the blankets to find Shawn’s. He grabbed her hand and kissed it gently, then held it against his cheek.

"You now, when I asked you in school the other day to help me practice my mouth-to-mouth, this wasn’t what I had in mind," Shawn gently teased.

Belle’s eyes began to dance, and some color returned to her cheeks. "The lengths I have to go to to get you to kiss me," she sighed playfully.

Shawn let out a short laugh, and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. "Please don’t ever scare me like that again."

"I’ll do my best," Belle replied. "I don’t particularly plan on making a habit of this."

"Good," Shawn asserted, brushing some damp hair away from her face. "I may not always be around to save you, you know."

He grazed his knuckles across her cheek where he had kissed her. "Don’t ever forget that I love you, Belle."

"And I love you, Shawn," she murmured, sinking into the warmth of the blankets surrounding her, and the warmth of Shawn’s touch and his love.


"I knew it!" Mimi called out, lifting the board up. "You ARE cheating! Look at all this money you’ve got hidden under the board!"

Marlena and John were laughing hard at Brady’s innocent expression and Mimi’s mock outrage. It was just one of many incidents that night that had struck all of them as hysterically funny. Mimi couldn’t ever remember laughing that much, or seeing Brady smile and laugh as much as he had. There was this pure energy and lightheartedness in the room, surrounding all of them. One of the ongoing jokes was that Brady had been consistently cheating, and was still losing. Badly.

"I knew it. I knew you would cheat at Monopoly," Mimi said, shaking her finger at Brady, recalling that first night she had gone to his room.

From the change in Brady’s expression she could tell he remembered it too. "Like I said, it wouldn’t be any fun if I played fair, would it?"

John looked over at Marlena, oblivious to the interaction between his son and Mimi, and raised one eyebrow at Marlena suggestively. "What say you and I go to bed early?"

Marlena flushed slightly and said breathily, "Sounds like a good idea to me." They stood up from the table and without even saying good night to Brady and Mimi, fairly raced one another up the stairs and to their room.

Both Mimi and Brady just sat there, watching them go. "I’m sorry you had to see that," Brady finally managed. "I’m sorry I had to see that."

"I think it’s great that they’re so in love," Mimi shrugged, gathering up glasses to put back in the kitchen. She suddenly thought of what always seemed to go on in the kitchen and put them back down. Brady could put them away.

Brady sat in his chair and studied Mimi as she gathered up the board pieces, returning them to the box. "You could help me, you know," she told him.

"I know," he replied and made no move to assist her. He was enjoying the view far too much as Mimi strained to reach pieces that were nearly out of reach, her shirt tightening across her chest. Mimi looked over at him, at that half-lidded expression and finally decided she couldn’t take it anymore.

She walked around the table to where he was and without warning straddled him as he sat in the chair. Brady was too stunned to react for a second and suddenly Mimi’s lips were on his, as she kissed him with all the fervor she’d been feeling that entire evening, of being so close to him and not being able to touch him. Brady quickly adjusted to the changing circumstances and his head completely whirled as his arms tightened around her, pressing her against him. Mimi started pressing kisses against his neck, his face, and then moved to nibble on his ear.

Brady let out a faint groan and said, "I’ve never met anyone in my life that blows hot and cold as much as you do. It’s a wonder I haven’t caught pneumonia from the way your moods change."

Mimi’s mouth moved back to Brady’s, capturing his last word with a kiss. Brady’s hands moved all over her back, up to her head, and down to her hips, pulling her even closer against him. Mimi moved against him, grinding center to center. Brady again groaned and pulled Mimi’s head away from his.

"Let’s go upstairs to my room," he suggested, knowing he couldn’t take much more.

Mimi shook her head, running her hands over his chest. "We can’t. Belle could be home at any time."

"Or she could be home three or four hours from now. Plenty of time. John and Marlena are otherwise occupied. Let’s go," Brady entreated gently, not sure he could handle a no.

"Let’s go," Mimi finally agreed.

to be continued...

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