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"like sands through the hourglass... so are the...Days of our Lives"

Christyne's "The Teens"  
Fan Fiction Site


Chapter 33

Reveling in the sensation of Shawn kissing her, of his mouth on hers, Belle sighed against Shawn’s lips. "Nobody kisses like you do."

Shawn pulled away from her, taken aback by her statement. "What, have you been auditioning my replacement or something?"

"No," Belle giggled. "It’s just something I know. Like how I know the sun’s going to rise tomorrow. It’s just innate knowledge." Belle reached up to run her fingers through Shawn’s hair. She loved how soft it was. Shawn inclined his head towards her hand.

"You do know that the sun doesn’t actually rise, right? That the earth actually orbits the sun in this trajectory and spins around like a giant…"

"Shawn?" Belle interrupted. She knew how easy it was for Shawn to go off on a tangent.


"Shut up and kiss me."

"You’re the boss," he replied, more than happy to comply.

Neither one noticed Principal Cohen’s quick approach. He tapped Shawn’s shoulder. "Just a second," Shawn murmured, not wanting to stop kissing Belle. Principal Cohen tapped Shawn’s shoulder a little more forcefully, and cleared his throat.

"Okay, this had better be go…" Shawn trailed off mid-word as he realized who it was that was breaking up their kiss. "Oh, hello, sir."

"Ms. Black, are you able to breathe?"

"What?" Belle asked, confused. "Yes, I’m fine."

"Unless Ms. Black is in need of CPR, I would suggest keeping your mouth to yourself and desist with the public displays of affection. If I catch you again, I will send you both to detention," Principal Cohen threatened. "Am I understood?"

"Yes," Belle and Shawn mumbled, feeling more than a bit embarrassed, and thoroughly chastened.

"Now I would suggest you both getting to class before you are marked tardy." Principal Cohen continued down the hallway, seeing what other happiness he could ruin among his students.

"What do you say to ditching next period and going somewhere so that I can practice my mouth-to-mouth?" Shawn invited, wanting to be alone with Belle. He still couldn’t believe that she was his girlfriend; that they were together. He felt a need to make up for lost time.

"Forget it, Tough Guy. You have to go to biology. I don’t want you to flunk because you miss your frog mutilation."

"You know, I’ve decided I’m not really into the sciences. I’m much more of a visual person," Shawn said. Especially where Belle was concerned. Her visuals were killing him.

"Visualize yourself as the only 45 year old high school sophomore when you keep failing bio," Belle said in an exasperated tone. "Besides, I can’t miss another class."

"What class did you miss?" Shawn asked. "And why?"

"Well, it’s kind of a long story, but I was talking to Chloe. I think I can give you the Cliff Notes version on the way to the lab," she grinned, linking her arm through his.


Jan stood in the hall in front of her locker, her silver compact open as she studied her face. Jason walked up to Jan, tugging on her arm. She raised one eyebrow at him. "I think I’m coming down with something. Do I look hot to you?"

Jason’s mindset was temporarily sidetracked. "Always," he leered.

"Better feel me to make sure," Jan purred.

"Wait, I came over here to ask you something. Where were you at lunch today?" he demanded.

"I spent my lunch hour further emasculating the chess club. Why?" Jan again looked into her compact, assuring herself that she looked perfect. She blew her reflection a kiss before shutting the compact.

"You missed Philip and Ghoul Girl eating lunch together. He was fawning all over her," Jason hissed.

"What?" Jan asked, her eyebrows narrowing. "How did this happen?"

Jason shrugged. "I keep hearing some rumor about them being at a party and something about them going horseback riding and Philip saving her life."

Jan was not about to let Chloe Lane have a moment of happiness. Not if she had anything to do with it. And especially not with Philip Kiriakis.

"Go find Philip. And let’s see if you can stop being an idiot for five minutes and keep him occupied," she instructed.

"What are you going to do?" Jason asked.

"Just do as you’re told. Don’t worry about me. I know exactly how to handle this situation," Jan retorted. Jason shook his head, and set out to find Philip. He looked over his shoulder at Jan. That girl had three settings. Command, condescend and criticize.

Chloe was pulling her books out of her locker when Jan sidled up to her. "So, I hear you’re getting pretty close to Philip Kiriakis."

Chloe studied Jan’s smug expression. "Go away, Jan." Chloe slammed her locker shut and began walking towards her class with Jan trailing behind her. "I’m trying to help you here, Chloe."

Chloe stopped in her tracks, and Jan narrowly avoided smacking into her. "Help me?" Chloe laughed. "You’ve done nothing but be a miserable hag to me since the day I got here."

"I’m not the only one," Jan sneered as she placed one hand on her hip. "If you’ll remember, Philip was too."

The reminder shot an arrow of pain through Chloe’s heart. "Things change."

"Not Philip Kiriakis," Jan said. "What, did he tell you you were beautiful? Special? That’s what Philip does." Jan laughed evilly at Chloe’s expense. "You don’t mean anything to him, Chloe. You’re just the flavor of the week."

Jan would never know how much her words had hurt Chloe. Chloe’s jaw set and she turned to stare at Jan. Jan felt nervous for a moment from Chloe’s intense gaze. What if Vampira really was a witch and was going to cast some sort of spell on her? Then the proverbial light bulb went off over Chloe’s head as she realized what Jan was doing.

Chloe’s expression suddenly broke into a dazzling smile. "You know, you wouldn’t be talking to me right now unless Philip really liked me," Chloe said. "If I were nothing but his flavor of the week, you wouldn’t waste your breath. You’d enjoy watching him hurt me. You’d never warn me."

Jan started to panic. This was not going well. This wasn’t supposed to be Chloe’s reaction. "Look," she stammered. "I was just making an observation."

"Great. Into making observations now, huh? In that case, maybe we should build a dome over your head and stick a telescope in your forehead. Please get a life and stay out of mine. You’re pathetic," Chloe retorted in a loud voice, causing several people to stop and stare at them. She began walking away from Jan, as people started whispering about what had just happened. She felt a smile creeping over her face. She wasn’t sure that this day could get any better.

"I’ll get you for this," Jan whispered furiously, aware of the laughing looks people were giving her. No one made a fool of Jan Spears. She would find a way to make Chloe pay.


Philip was putting his books into his backpack when he felt Shawn’s hand clasp on his shoulder. It was the end of the day, and Philip was more than ready to get out of school. "What’s up, man?" Philip shut his locker.

"Nothing much. I mean, besides the sex ed video they made us watch in biology today," Shawn laughed, pulling a packet of gum out of his pocket.

"Oh yeah?" Philip asked, raising one eyebrow. "How was that?"

"The whole birth scene was like ‘Aliens’ but without the cool music," Shawn said as he popped a piece of gum into his mouth.

Philip shuddered. "Remind me not to get anybody pregnant."

"Well, Phil, you’d have to be having sex to get someone pregnant," Shawn laughed as they began walking towards the front of the school. Shawn threw his empty gum wrapper into a nearby trash can.

"This from the man that’s been carrying the same condom in his wallet for four years," Philip joked back. He noticed as they were walking that just about everyone in the hallway was stopping and staring at him and whispering. "Hey, what’s this about?"

"Probably the Sir Gallahad thing," Shawn replied, blowing a bubble and popping it.

"What Sir Gallahad thing?" Philip questioned.

"You know, your knight in shining armor impersonation you did yesterday when you saved Chloe’s life."

Philip grabbed Shawn’s arm and pulled him to a stop. "How did you hear about it?"

"Well, a little blonde bird told me," Shawn said. Philip looked stunned. He thought that Philip would have realized that everyone knew. "The whole school knows, man."


"Chloe told Belle and Mimi, and then they told two people, and they told two other people, and so on and so forth. Weren’t you paying attention in math when we learned about exponentials? And nothing increases as exponentially as good gossip," Shawn explained.

Philip was surprised. This information should be upsetting to him. Two weeks ago he would have been furious that the whole school knew about him and Chloe. But ever since he and Chloe started getting closer, and especially since he’d kissed her, he could care less what anybody else thought. Chloe, and being with her, mattered more to him than his reputation. In fact, he kind of liked the idea that Chloe was bragging about him. That she thought enough of the whole event to tell her girlfriends. Chloe was not the kind to just open up, and it made him happy that she had told Belle and Mimi. That was definitely cool.

"Did you kiss her?" Shawn’s question interrupted his thoughts. Apparently Chloe had left that piece of the story out.

Philip gave Shawn a withering look and began walking towards the doors. "Hey," Shawn called after him. "You can easily tell me just to mind my own damned business and…"

"Mind your own damned business," Philip interjected, cutting him off.

"So you like her," Shawn observed. He’d never seen Philip like this in all the time that he’d known him.

"There’s just something about her," Philip mused, his eyes lighting up. "She’s just…"

"Special? Unique? Aren’t those the words you’ve been using to describe her?"

"Yeah, she’s definitely those things, but when I look into those blue eyes of hers I feel like I can see into her soul. And other times it’s like they’re like small mirrors, and I can see myself in them. And not just a reflection of myself, but how she sees me."

"Phil!" Shawn laughed, nearly doubling over. "Spontaneous poetic exclamations! You must have it BAD."

"What can I say?" Philip smiled, opening the front door. "The girl makes me feel like a poet."

"Well, you may feel like a poet but you sound like a moron," Shawn teased, ducking as Philip sent a fist his direction.

"Oh, right, like you’re one to talk Mr. Isabella-Black-I-Love-You," Philip retorted, his voice taking on a falsetto quality as he imitated Shawn.

"Okay, okay," Shawn held his hands up in a truce. "Seriously though, I think it’s cool that you’re taking an interest in Chloe. I kept trying to tell you how great she was."

"So this one time you were actually right about something," Philip intoned.

"Hey, we’ll have to hook up and double date sometime," Shawn offered, as they walked down the stairs towards the parking lot.

"Sure, but I’d like to try single dating her first."

"You guys going out this weekend?" Shawn queried.

"Yeah, Friday," Philip grinned.

"So are me and Belle," Shawn said. "I have to tell you. I’m worried about Belle asking about the dance. We still have to tell them about the bet."

"What bet?" a voice behind them asked.

to be continued...

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