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"like sands through the hourglass... so are the...Days of our Lives"

Christyne's "The Teens"  
Fan Fiction Site


Chapter 5C

"Chloe? Sweetheart….John and Marlena are here to pick us up." Nancy stood on the second floor landing and waited for a response from Chloe whose door was slightly ajar.

"Already?" Chloe asked as she poked her head out with a slightly astonished look on her face.

"Well, it’s just about 6:30 and I need to get to the Penthouse Grille to make sure everything is ready to go. The nerves that go with being the co-chair for this evening are close to giving me a case of hives."

Chloe, dressed in her blue bathrobe, came out on the landing to give her mother a reassuring hug.

"Nancy, with your organizational skills, it will all go smoothly. Nothing would dare go wrong for fear of facing the wrath of Nancy Wesley."

A weak smile was the response from Nancy.

"Thanks, honey, for the vote of confidence but I still have a mind to take the calamine lotion with me just in case I break out in the next hour. Good thing I decided to wear pink so I’ll match should I have to smear myself with the stuff."

"Honey, John and Marlena are waiting. Let’s go. We still have to pick up Maureen and David before we get to the restaurant," Craig bellowed to his wife from the first floor entryway.

"I’ll be right down. I’m just talking to Chloe for a second and I’ll be right there."

"Okay, but don’t take too long."

"I swear…..Craig does this every time. All afternoon he’s been just lounging around reading medical journals and telling me we didn’t have to rush. Now, he acts as if we’re running behind schedule."

"It’s a big night for him, too, Nancy. The COS is the host for the whole event."

"I know, I know. I’m just venting. Anyway, changing the subject, I thought you’d be dressed."

"That’s the last thing I have to do. I’ve been doing my hair the past half an hour. What do you think?" Chloe turned her back to Nancy to let her see what she’d elected to do.

"I’ve never seen you wear it like that before but I like it and so will Philip."

"You think so? You don’t think it’s too plain or ordinary considering the dress?"

"Absolutely not. You know……"



"Come on…it’s not like you aren’t going to see Chloe ever again. We’ll all be at the Ball in about an hour."

"Just a second!! I was going to say…"

"…Nancy, you’d better go before Craig needs to use some of the funds raised tonight for his own recovery from a major coronary."

"Oh, I guess so. I just wanted to tell you to have a wonderful time tonight. I don’t think I’ll see you much with all the running around I’ll be doing."

"I will, Nancy. Make sure you and Craig have a few dances together. It is, after all, Valentine’s Day."

Hugging Chloe, Nancy said, "your hair looks beautiful…just like the rest of you." Nancy smiled as she withdrew from Chloe’s embrace and saw a reciprocated smile from her daughter.

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"Nancy has been ready for over an hour and now I can’t get her downstairs."

"Oh, it’s all right, Craig. I always have to wait for Marlena."

"Excuse me, …..always?"

"Yes, always. It’s weird. I leave the bedroom to go downstairs thinking Doc’s right behind me. She’s dressed, the hair is done and half an hour later, I’m thinking of getting a cup of coffee and reading a book."

"Oh, my word, how you do love to exaggerate."

"Okay, okay……..I don’t have the coffee."

"Very funny, John. Usually, I’m hunting for just the right shoes, purse and jewelry."

"Nancy goes through the same routine. It makes me happy I have just one pair of dress shoes. It takes all the guess work…."

The front doorbell sounded interrupting Craig.

"I’ve got a pretty good idea who that is." Craig headed for the door and nodded back to John and Marlena. He opened the door to see Philip smile and extend his hand to Craig.

"Good evening, Dr. Wesley."

"Good evening, Philip. I thought it was probably you when I heard the doorbell. Come in, come in."

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Black."

"Hello, Philip. My, don’t you look handsome!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Black."

"That’s a fact, Doc."

"Are Shawn and Belle with you?"

"Oh,…Shawn had his own car tonight…well, actually, his mother’s car. He came by to get Belle just before we left. I’m assuming they’ll be getting to the Ball around seven thirty. They were talking when we left."

"Speaking of leaving……..NANCY!!!!!"

"Shhhhhhhhh……for heaven’s sake, Craig. You don’t have to shout," Nancy scolded as she came down the stairs.

"Well, it’s about time. Philip just got here."

"Hello, Mrs. Wesley."

"Oh, Philip, you look like you’re going to a ball." Nancy kidded.

"Thanks. Is Chloe ready?"

"Well, almost. She hasn’t put on her dress yet. Let me go tell her you’re here."

Nancy turned to retrace her steps back up the staircase when Craig intercepted her.

"I’ll go. I don’t want you spending ten minutes doing another farewell speech."

"Fine, be that way. Oh, I forgot. While you’re up there, please grab the camera."

Craig bounded up the stairs and knocked on Chloe’s door.


"Chloe, we’re leaving."

"I thought you already had."

"Well, no…..someone else arrived and we were talking."

"Do you mean Philip?"

"Yup. You about ready?"

"Almost, I’m just putting on my dress and shoes. Tell him I’ll be down in about five minutes."

"Okay. Oh, Chloe, tell you what. We really do need to get to the Penthouse Grille. We’ll get plenty of photos of you and Philip there. I did kind of want to get one of you alone."

Chloe opened the door and stepped out from her room. Craig felt his heart melt at the sight of his stepdaughter.

"I thought you weren’t ready."

"Well, I just said that because I kind of want to make a grand entrance for Philip."

"Ahhhh, okay. Your plan’s safe with me. That is a beautiful dress, Chloe, and an even more beautiful girl wearing it."

"Thanks, Craig. It really is okay?"

"Okay doesn’t quite cover it. Spectacular and heart stopping are closer to describing you."

"Oh, Craig,…."

"I’m not exaggerating, Chloe. You’re beautiful and Philip’s going to need a drool bib when he sees you. Now, why don’t you stand at the end of the hall and let me get a couple of photos, okay?"

She nodded and posed as Craig took pictures.

"Terrific! I’d better get downstairs to Belle’s parents and Nancy. I’ve been nagging her about leaving and now she’s going to wonder what happened. I don’t want to give her any ammunition to retaliate with. I’ll wait and tell her in the car so Philip doesn’t hear about your entrance. Have a wonderful time tonight."

"Thanks, Craig. You, too."

"Are you going to try to see if Philip sent you both bouquets of flowers?"

"I don’t think so. I’m fairly certain he sent both."

"Okay, see you at the Ball." Craig gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and went to rejoin the others who waited in the foyer on the first floor.

"And what were you doing up there taking all that time?"

"I…uhhhh…..couldn’t find the extra role of film. I gave up looking for it and took a different one from the drawer. Everyone’s ready so let’s go. Philip, you and Chloe have fun and we’ll see you at the Ball."

"Thank you, we will."

Nancy gave Philip a quick hug after Craig had given him another handshake. John clapped Philip on the shoulder while Marlena gave him that approving smile mothers give to their children and friends that only they possess the ability to give. The adults exited the house leaving a chilly blast of night air as the door closed. Philip waited holding the package he had guarded all week that held Chloe’s Valentine gift. He found himself gazing at his watch, pacing and looking up the staircase routinely.

"Phillip?" came the sound of Chloe’s disembodied voice from somewhere on the landing above. His snapped his head up following the direction of her voice.


"Did everybody leave?"

"No, I’m still here."

"I know that, you nut."

"Oh, you mean all the parental units? Yeah, they just left to go pick up Mimi’s folks. Why?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering."

"Are you about ready?"


"Oh, okay."

He heard the rustle of material and turned to look at the top of the staircase. Philip had lain awake nearly every night since inviting Chloe to the Sweethearts’ Ball imagining her at this moment and what she would look like before he drifted to sleep. It had replaced the visions he usually had of scoring a winning touchdown, making a three point basket or smashing a towering home run. None of his fantasies had adequately prepared him for the vision that was Chloe as she gracefully descended the staircase toward him.

Chloe looked down to see Philip standing in his tuxedo covered by a well-cut black dress coat with a white silk scarf draped around the collar and hanging down the front of the coat. His shoes were polished to a high sheen and reflected the individual bulbs in the chandelier that hung in the entryway. Every blond hair was in place and immaculately trimmed. His smile seemed to grow wider and the dimples deeper as simply the most beautiful girl he had ever seen came ever nearer.

The top of her dress was strapless black velvet that hugged her figure and showed off her beautiful shoulders and flawless skin. The bodice ended in a "V" shape just below her waistline. The skirt of the dress was purple satin in billowing yards that rustled with her every step. She had lifted the skirt slightly to traverse the stairs. Philip saw the dainty black suede pumps and the black stockings that, for some unknown reason, were a complete turn on.

To not detract from the simplicity of the gown in all its understated elegance, Chloe had pulled her hair back from her face and done it in one long French braid with a purple ribbon of the same color as the skirt of her dress woven into it. The end of the braid cascaded over her right shoulder where a tiny purple bow was tied at the base of it. Small gold roses were the earrings she wore.

As she stepped down into the foyer Philip stood completely still – almost afraid to blink his eyes for fear that like all the other dreams he’d had of this moment over the weeks, it too, would disappear. He continued to stare – not uttering a sound.

"Philip, are you all right?" Chloe asked with concern. She reached for his hand and felt how cold it was.

He stared for what seemed an eternity until he felt the warmth of Chloe’s hand. It released him from his trance and he leaned forward to kiss her. Nothing else seemed appropriate to do at that moment. As warm as her hand was, her lips were warmer. Philip released her hand and wrapped his arms around her bare shoulders drawing her nearer and felt her help him do so as she placed her hands on the back of his coat pulling him into a closer embrace. Almost a full minute went by before Philip felt the need for oxygen though to lose a few brain cells seemed worth it if he didn’t have to release Chloe from the kiss. Chloe gazed into the Adriatic-colored pools that were Philip’s eyes and knew this was the best moment of her entire life.

"I asked you if you were about ready before and you said ‘no’", he said in almost a whisper.

" That’s true…I wasn’t ABOUT ready…I was ready."

"I stand corrected. Chloe….you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in this world."

"Phillip….." Chloe began with an air of shyness.

"You are…..I know I’ve said you were the most beautiful girl…like that night at the Last Blast but there really isn’t anything I can think of that’s more beautiful than you are."

"Thank you, Philip. You look unbelievably handsome tonight. We have a little time before we leave. Do you want to take off your coat?"

"Yeah, that would be great. It’s getting warm in here and I’m not sure if it’s just because I have my coat on," Philip joked and let out a soft chuckle. He proceeded to undo the shiny black buttons of his topcoat as Chloe walked behind him to help him remove the coat. The sleeves of it slipped down his arms as he extricated himself from them. Chloe took the coat and glided across the floor to hang it up. When she turned her eyes widened as she saw Philip opening the button of the tuxedo jacket.

"Philip…I don’t believe you. How did you know? Did Jason tell you?"

"Nope, he didn’t say anything about your dress, just that I was going to like it and you in it….I just had this feeling."

The cummerbund and bow tie he wore were the same shade of deep royal purple as the skirt of Chloe’s gown.

"You must have taken some heat from the guys about that color."

"Ehhhhhhhh….a little, but I don’t care. When we walk into the Penthouse Grille, I dare them to not say we’re the best looking, best dressed couple there. OH, wait!! There’s something I have to get from my coat." Philip sprinted to the coat rack and reached into the right front pocket to retrieve something. As he sauntered back Chloe recognized the wrapping on a box as a Valentine gift. Philip handed her the gift along with the card he had so carefully chosen earlier in the day and kissed her on the cheek.

"Happy Valentine’s Day, Chloe."

"Thank you, Philip. Wait here."

Chloe walked to the bench beneath the staircase and picked up the red and white meticulously wrapped gift she had assembled for Philip. She returned to face him and handed him the box along with a card.

"Happy Valentine’s Day, Philip." She kissed him on the cheek but as she backed away, Philip slid his free hand down her arm and kissed her lips once more.

"Thanks, Chloe."

"Would you like to sit down on the bench and open it?"

"Sure, but you go first, okay?"


"I dunno….I guess I just would like to see what you think of it."

"Okay." Their hands intertwined as they walked to the bench. Chloe carefully smoothed her skirt as she sat down to open her card first.

To Chloe - -

A heart not given to another
Is worth nothing.
I give you mine and am the wealthiest
Of mortals for having done so.

I love you, Philip - -

"Philip, that’s the most beauti…….I can’t say anything eloquently enough in return."

"You don’t have to."

"But, I should…."

"No….just letting me see your face reading the words was all I needed."


"..Shhhhh….I’m not finished. Now that you’ve read the card, it’s time to open the gift that goes with it. The words will make more sense."

Chloe lifted the small box wrapped in brilliant red foil and tied with a white curly ribbon. Philip smiled the entire time as he watched Chloe’s serious face. She lifted the lid of the box and stared at its contents. The longer she stared, the more serious Philip’s face became.

"Chloe, I thought you’d like it."

"You …..this…I….."

"It seemed so perfect when I took it from the strong box."

"The strongbox? Philip, you didn’t buy this?"

"No…….I thought about this a long time and it just seemed the right gift for you…….. to give you on Valentine’s Day."

" I’ve never seen one like it."

"It’s my birthstone….an amethyst. It belonged to my grandmother….Dad’s mother. She liked hearts and so her husband saved for years until he could afford to buy the amethyst and have it cut into the shape of a heart to hang on a pendant. Dad inherited it when she died and gave it to me when I was twelve telling me that one day I should give it to the woman I loved. It brings luck and constancy of affection to the wearer - at least that’s the legend. "

"Philip, don’t you think you should wait and be sure that you give it to…."

Philip quickly raised his fingers to her lips to still whatever the ending of her thought would be.

"I know what I’m doing, Chloe. I’ve been thinking about it since last fall. That was the first time I went to the bank and took it out to look at it. I almost gave it to you for Christmas but it just seemed more appropriate to give it to you today - - Valentine’s Day. I know you’ve told me you won’t tell someone you love them until you’re absolutely sure. Well, see…I am….now. I can wait….however long it takes…..because I know you love me. Like the card said…that heart is a purple rock….that’s all it is as long as it sits in that safety deposit box.. But, by giving it to you with the history of love it has when it is given to someone, it’s beyond appraisal. It isn’t just what it is but what it symbolizes between the giver and the wearer. Please, tell me you’ll keep it."

Tears glistening in her eyes, Chloe stared at Philip. His heart began to pound as he saw her lower the box to her lap. If she gave him back the pendant, how awkward and painful the remainder of the evening would be. He had taken a chance telling her exactly how he felt. He wouldn’t regret having told her…..just the result if Chloe felt overwhelmed by his gesture and withdrew from him.

She looked at the pendant on its filigree gold chain resting on the black velvet lining of the box. The facets of the heart displayed the deep purple quality of the gem.

"I…will accept it…."


"…on one condition, Philip."

"Oh……….and that would be?"

"That eventually, when I know for sure whether I love you the way you need for me to, I will put the heart on and never take it off again. But, if I can’t…"

"….that’s not gonna happen….."

"…if I can’t, I will return the pendant to you and not a word will be spoken about it ever again."

"Okay, I’m fine with that."

"Promise me, Philip, that if I return it you won’t try to change my mind."

Philip looked into her eyes and saw the seriousness reflected in them. He looked at the pendant and back into her face once more. He nodded his head.

"Promise me, Philip."

"Okay,…all right….I promise not to try to change your mind. But, I have a condition of my own."

"Philip…" Chloe said his name with exasperation in her tone.

"You’ll wear the pendant tonight…"

"I don’t think that’s…"

"Please, Chloe, I want to see you wear it just once……before you put it away and eventually put it back on forever."

Philip pleaded with his voice, eyes and body language as he sat not touching her but affecting her every bit as much as if he were.

"All right….I’ll wear it tonight."

"May I help you put it on."

"Please, I don’t want to break the clasp."

Philip removed the pendant from the box and undid the safety clasp as Chloe turned away from him presenting her back and lifting the French braid with her left hand. Philip brought his arms over her shoulders holding the two sides of the chain in his fingers lowering it until it rested on her chest. He felt her velvet skin beneath his fingers as he closed the safety catch and ran his hands down her bare arms upon finishing his task. Chloe turned to face him lowering her hair and looked at Philip with a question on her face.

"How does it look?"

"Like you were made to wear it and it was made to be worn by you."

Chloe stood and walked to the mirror beside the front door with Philip following her. She gazed on her reflection and the amethyst heart that glittered in the facet-captured light. Amazingly, it was an exact match to the material of her dress.

"See what I mean, Chloe? It’s perfect."

She looked at Philip in the reflection before turning to up into his gentle eyes.

"Thank you, Philip. I never have gotten a Valentine gift before and I certainly never expected one like this. You’re right….it is perfect with the dress."

"There’s one more thing that goes with the gift when it’s bestowed."

"Oh, Philip, not something more. It’s too much….the pendant alone."

"Uh…Uh….this is what goes with the pendant after it’s given."

Philip placed his hands on either side of her face and leaned in gently placing a kiss on her forehead, cheeks, eyelids, nose, chin and mouth. He drew back wearing a smile before bringing her face to his once more for a longer, deeper second kiss on her mouth.

"There, that’s the rest of your gift."

Chloe smiled and took his hands from her face holding them as she backed her way toward the bench once more. They sat down and Philip picked up the card and present Chloe had given him.

"I don’t think my gift is very much after this, Philip."

"Let me be the judge of that. Besides, anything from you is special."

"You may not think so…it’s kind of stupid now that I think of it…."

"Hey…..don’t call my girlfriend stupid."

He laughed and opened the card in the bright red envelope.

Dear Philip - -

Dreams, wishes, hopes, feelings,
All the intangible gifts life gives us
Are invisible - - until, we find someone
Who shows us they do exist by simply
Loving us.

Thank you for showing me they really are there - - Chloe

Philip noticed his hands shook as he finished reading the card a second time. He looked at Chloe and saw what he knew was love in her eyes…no one would convince him that was anything but love. He returned the card to the envelope and picked up the big square, flat box and began to remove the ribbon with the flocked hearts on it. Removing the lid, he found several layers of tissue paper covered the item.

"I wanted to be sure it didn’t break," Chloe said as if reading his mind.

He lifted up the last crumpled sheets of tissue and saw what Chloe had been uncertain as to whether he would like it or not. He picked up the triple sided picture frame. In the middle was the photo that had been taken of them at the Last Blast dance. They faced the camera smiling with arms about one another. In the hinged frame to the left was a baby picture of him he remembered seeing in the baby book his mother scrupulously kept of his first seven years of life. To the right of the center photo was the picture of another baby in a pink sleeper with white lace on the cuffs and collar. Philip stared at it until he realized it was Chloe. At the bottom of the frame in the middle a scripted message was placed – "of such humble beginnings are great things born".

"Where did you get the baby pictures?" Philip said in an emotionally choked voice.

"Nancy gave me mine on my birthday. I had no idea she even had a baby picture of me. It was the only one she ever had. I’d never seen myself as a baby. I was kind of goofy looking."

"No, you were even beautiful then."

"When I got the idea about doing this I called you mother and told her. I asked if she’d be willing to let me have a photograph. I was so surprised when she agreed and told me she loved the idea. First thing I noticed, you had dimples even then. Look at that smile. I particularly like the fuzzy blond hair. You’re wearing OshKosh…designer labels even then."

" I love this, Chloe. You couldn’t have given me anything store bought that would have meant as much."

"Soooo, you like it?"

"I love it and I’ve got a place picked out in my room to put it so I can look at it when I wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night."

Philip swiped lightly at his eyes with the sleeve of his tuxedo. Chloe wasn’t expecting the reaction Philip had but a part of her was pleased she had followed through on her idea.

"I think this has been some Valentine’s Day."

"I think you’re right."

"And," Philip looked at his watch to check the time, "it’s not over yet. Let’s get our coats and bundle up. It’s really chilly tonight. We have a Ball to attend, my lady."

He replaced the photo frame in the box and placed the tissue gently over the glass. Chloe got her small, black velvet clutch purse and handed her black fur jacket to Philip. He admired her beautiful shoulders and back as he slipped the jacket on her. Donning his dress coat, he gathered the ribbons and paper from the open gifts from the floor and placed them on the table.

"I see you got the pink roses."

"Yes, they’re beautiful."

"I remembered you liked them better than red. This is a nice bouquet. Did Craig give that to Nancy?" Philip pointed to the display of red carnations and baby’s breath.

"uhhhhh……I don’t know."

"Well, they’re nice. Come on, let’s go dine and dance the evening away with friends at the Penthouse Grille." Philip offered Chloe his arm as they headed toward the front door. Philip opened it as Chloe walked outside. As the door closed she turned to lock the deadbolt and stared at the red carnations certain Philip hadn’t sent them - - uncertain as to who had.

to be continued...

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