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"like sands through the hourglass so are the...Days of our Lives"


"The Teens" Fan Fiction Site


Spice of Life - Chapter 3B


Philip and Chloe crunched their way across the snow headed toward Shawn, Belle and Mimi who waited for them on a bench beside the enormous frozen pond that took up almost half of Kennedy Park. During summer the man-made pond was ideal for a children’s wading pool with its small earthen embankments formed into a large square shape. In winter it became a huge, natural, outdoor ice skating venue for everyone to enjoy. It was nearly the size of two hockey rinks set side by side. Containing a low water table it wasn’t long before the entire pond froze over in winter and became one of the major places for everyone to congregate for an afternoon of fun. There were close to a hundred skaters on the ice this day in all phases of ability – beginners to people doing scratch spins. On one side a pickup hockey game was in progress with people sitting on the sideline benches taking it all in.

"Hey, you two, about time you showed up. We were beginning to think you’d found something better to do than be with us," Shawn smiled and winked at them upon their approach.

Philip didn’t miss Shawn’s innuendo as he sheepishly grinned and held out his hand to exchange the usual special handshake he always did with his teammates.

"Not with Dr. and Mrs. Wesley being in the house, Shawn. It was bad enough I didn’t see Dr. Wesley standing there when I kissed Chloe as I came in the house."

"Just a little peck on the cheek?"

"No, next exactly. I…..uh….well."

"You were French kissing Chloe in front of Dr. Wesley? Philip, what were you thinking?" Belle asked with an attempt at shock in her voice though a huge smile escaped as she saw Philip’s face turn as red as his parka.

"I’d rather not tell you what I was thinking, if you don’t mind. Let’s just say it was one of those topics covered in the films we had to get permission slips signed by parents to see in health class a few years ago."

Chloe turned to Phillip with her mouth opened in shock as she whacked him on the sleeve with her mitten-covered hand muffling the sound.

"Phillip, I don’t think this is something we need to be discussing in a group."

"Oh, I don’t know, Chloe, I’m actually thinking this conversation could be more interesting than one of those films…kind of like hearing about the practical application….hands on…doing experiments, lab work - - you know?"


This time it was Belle’s turn to sharply thump Shawn in the arm as a reprimand.

"Hey, that hurt!"

Oblivious to the slugfest between Shawn and Belle, Philip continued, "I know he trusts me with Chloe…up to a point. But, sometimes I get this vibe he knows exactly what’s on my mind about what I’d like to be doing with Chloe and it’s kinda spooky. I look around and there he is…just standing… watching."

"Sort of X-file-ish, you mean?" Mimi offered.

"Oh, honestly, Mimi, for you everything is an X-File waiting to happen, I swear."

"Belle, Philip is the one who said Dr. Wesley acts spooky, not me. Maybe he’s got a psychic connection or something."

"I don’t think so, Mimi. The closest to a psychic connection Craig has is a few old Dionne Warwick albums he keeps in the record cabinet. He’s really not into dialing 976 numbers," Chloe said in a joking way.

"And besides, I’ve seen my dad behave the same way when Shawn comes over to pick me up before we go out. It’s just the ‘do anything remotely like what you’re thinking of doing to my little girl and I’ll kill you’ protective father thingy."

"’Protective father thingy’? Belle, is that one of those psychiatric terms your mother uses in her practice?" Shawn teased.

"Ha, ha, Shawn. It might not be the right terminology but you know exactly what I mean. I’ve seen you avoid my dad’s glare and rush me out the door every once in awhile before he goes into interrogation mode. He was a cop one time just like your dad and he knows how to apply the heat."

"Tell me about it. John was always cool – easy to talk to ……until we started going out. I think I almost overnight came under suspicion."

"Hey, I relate to that - - like suddenly I’m the enemy around Dr. Wesley at times. You know, it isn’t like they didn’t do or think the same things when they were our age and dating."

"That’s exactly the point, Philip. They did only now it’s THEIR daughters they worry about it being done to. I’m probably gonna be the same way if I have girls someday," Shawn contemplated as he looked at Belle. Something about his remark and the look he gave her, as if he seemed to almost be addressing it to her solely, made Belle turn shy.

"Anyway, that’s why later on, Chloe and I are going to my house. Everyone’s going to be out. Mom and Dad are going to the same hospital board members’ dinner Dr. and Mrs. Wesley are. Everyone else is gone for the weekend."

"You mean, you and Chloe will be………alone…in that big mansion?" Mimi asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"No, not completely. Henderson will be there but we’ll pretty much have it to ourselves, yeah."

"This is the first time I’m hearing about that, Philip Kiriakis," Chloe said as she crossed her arms and waited for what she thought would be further explanation.

"Hey, that’s part of the bet conditions, Chloe, ….no questions asked about what I have planned…just enjoy it, okay?"

"Gee, Philip, I think you could have chosen a better way to put it, don’t you? Guys do use that line on their dates for other purposes, if you get my drift" Mimi smirked.

"You guys! It’s not like that at all…..honest, Chloe……I wouldn’t do that to you."

"You’re right, you wouldn’t and you won’t," Chloe affirmed as she looked Philip eye to eye until he nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of drift, and weren’t we just," Shawn interjected to take the heat off Philip, "I thought we came here to enjoy the snow and do some serious skating."

"That’s right, Shawn. Why are we standing around the pond instead of being out on it?"

"Because, Mimi, I have to rent a pair of skates for Chloe. Since I didn’t know her shoe size she had to be with me before I got them. Why don’t you guys go ahead and lace up while we go to the rental booth. It shouldn’t take long."

Belle, Shawn and Mimi took their skates from underneath the bench and began preparing to put them on. Philip and Chloe went to the rental skate stand holding hands, as they did now almost anywhere they walked together. They waited behind three other customers until it was their turn. Chloe picked out a pair of white skates while Philip removed his wallet from the left back pocket of his jeans.

"That’ll be ten dollars," the clerk told him.

"Phillip…….ten dollars to rent a pair of skates? Don’t you realize you just lost the bet? Between your skates and mine that’s twenty dollars."

"I haven’t lost the bet…."

"but….that’s twenty dollars. You have so lost. If you add that to the grocery receipt tapes…"

"…No, Chloe, I haven’t. I’m only renting one pair. I have someone bringing mine and, besides, when we turn yours back in, we get five back from the deposit. I’m still under budget."

"Oh,……. well….that’s different."

"I may need your help in Calculus but I can do simple addition. Are you that anxious for me to lose?"

Chloe smiled and took his hand in hers as she placed her head against his shoulder. "No, I think it may just be I’m discovering there’s more of a competitor in me than I realized before. Where are your skates? I didn’t see them under the bench where Mimi and Belle were sitting."

"Well, the person I trusted to bring them hasn’t shown up yet. Who knows, I may have to sit and watch your guys."

"No, Philip, I’ll stay on the bench and keep you company. I’m a little afraid to be out on the ice anyway."

"Why? It’s lots of fun. That’s why I thought it would be something great to do on this first date and ice……"

"Let me guess….is free?"

They looked at one another and laughed. Philip picked up the skates from the counter and they headed back to join their trio of friends. Shawn was lacing Belle’s skates kneeling before her the way a clerk did in a shoe store. Mimi had hers on but not laced as yet.

"Sit down on the bench and I’ll help you put them on, Chloe. You need to have them on tight to support your ankles and help you skate better."

As he pulled off Chloe’s boot and held her foot in his hand, Philip noticed how slender her foot and ankle were. She wore bright blue socks with white snowflake designs in three different sizes on them. It crossed Philip’s mind as he prepared to put the boot of the skate on her foot that there was nothing about Chloe that didn’t fascinate and delight him - - down to her toes, literally. Without any apparent provocation, Chloe began to giggle

"Is there something I’m doing that amuses you?"

She giggled louder and nodded her head.

"Care to share?"

"I’m not sure I want to tell you because you’ll use what I say against me." Chloe barely finished talking when she laughed even harder.

"Okay, now you have to tell. It isn’t nice to laugh at your boyfriend in front of his friends. Wait….is my fly open….my hair sticking up in back…do I have spinach in my teeth?"

"No, no, no……it’s just that….".

Chloe, unable to contain herself, erupted into an even longer sustained giggle fit.

Belle, Shawn, Mimi and Philip looked curiously at Chloe and at one another trying to get a clue what had happened to the usually most poised member of their circle.

"If I didn’t know better I’d think Chloe was sitting on a feather," Mimi quipped.

Collecting herself and wiping the tears of laughter from her long, full lashes, Chloe took a deep breath and leaned forward until her face was only inches from Philip’s.

"I’m sorry, Philip, it isn’t anything about you. It’s just that you keep holding my foot with your fingers and I’m…….terribly….ticklish."

Phillip grinned and impulsively decided to test the truth of Chloe’s confession. He ran his index finger up the center of her foot to gauge any reaction. Chloe reflexively lifted her foot up and out clipping Philip in the chin, knocking him backwards until he sat down on the hard frozen ground, slightly stunned. Her laughter halted abruptly, Chloe’s hand shot to her mouth as though she were the one receiving the blow.

"Oh, my god, Philip, are you all right? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I couldn’t help it. Phillip? Say something."

He continued to sit facing Chloe and her offending foot while trying to remember how to form words.

"Ouch… definite pain," Philip said through clenched teeth in an emotionless tone not wanting to know just yet if his jaw was, indeed possibly broken.

Chloe grabbed a mitten full of snow and formed a small snowball that she gently applied to Philip’s offended chin.

"Here, this should help numb it and keep the swelling down. Oh, Philip, I feel so badly."

"Then that makes two of us."

Chloe looked at his jaw and could see a large red bruise already beginning to emerge.

"Try to open and close your mouth, Philip, so we can see if it’s anything more serious than just a bruise."

With a little more coaxing from Chloe, Philip began to open and close his jaw tentatively until he was convinced no other damage had been sustained. Shawn came over and assisted him to his feet while using every ounce of will power he possessed not to grin or laugh now that he knew Philip was all right. Belle and Mimi covered their mouths behind mittens carefully placed to stifle any noise Philip might recognize as a chuckle while they looked at each other with merriment in their eyes. Philip sat down on the bench and continued moving his jaw from side to side loosening the tension. Sitting in silence while Chloe applied more snow to the bruise, none of them saw the last member of their skating party approach from across the ice from where the hockey game had just ended.

"Nice display of self defense techniques, Chloe. Next time you should aim a little lower, though, it’ll do more damage. Hey, everybody!"

"Hi, Jason," Shawn and Belle greeted him in unison.

"Well, if it isn’t the abominable snow man fresh from his hockey game. Still got all your teeth, Jason?"

"Hello, Mimi. It’s always really great seeing you, too."

Jason, wearing his hockey team jersey, turned toward Chloe and in a change of voice softly said, "Hi, Chloe."

"Hello, Jason, I didn’t see you earlier. Did you just get here?"

"No, I got here before anybody so I went over and played hockey with some of the guys. It’s better than a practice session. I need to work on my wind sprints for more stamina. You look nice, Chloe."

Ever since Jason had made the decision to separate himself from Jan, he had begun to look at people through his own eyes – not hers. The cynicism had begun to slip away and the friend Shawn and Philip had known since grade school began to re-emerge. He could see how different Chloe was from other girls his best friend, Philip, had dated. She was certainly more mature than most of her predecessors who had worn the title of "Philip Kiriakis’ girlfriend". Even when he and Jan had been making life miserable for her, Jason noticed how attractive she was.

What he noticed most of all was how Philip had changed since having Chloe in his life. Philip had forgiven Jason for his behavior toward Chloe without any reprisals being part of the deal. The hotheaded, first-to-act-and-then-think way Philip displayed in the past weren’t in evidence when Jason had apologized to both of them. Philip remained cautious of Jason’s sincerity regarding his change of behavior toward Chloe but he had found no reason to regret having forgiven him to date.

Chloe had also put Jason’s past misdeeds behind her. She reasoned that somewhere beneath the fresh-scrubbed good looks and the need to be a clown was maybe hiding someone worth getting to know better. He had been Shawn and Philip’s best friend since childhood – another point in his favor. So far, they hadn’t talked for any length of time but the tension had receded making it less awkward for them to be in the same place.

"Jase? Aren’t you forgetting something?" Philip asked him.

Jason stared at his friend with a look on his face as though he were filing through his memory bank trying to pull up the correct answer file but nothing happened.

"Would you like to use one of your lifelines?" Philip kidded, smiling at his friend.


"Is that your final answer, Jason?"

Jason turned to Mimi with a look of flickering anger in his green eyes. "No one pulled the string on the Chatty Mimi doll, so shut up."

"You know, you probably wish it was winter all year round, Jason, since the sharpest thing about you are your skates."

"While with you it’s is your tongue. Tell me, Mimi, just how many guys have you verbally castrated if they were stupid enough to try to make any conversation with you let alone anything else like a date?

"Why, you son of a…."

"Hey, Hey, …..HEY!! Do I look like I’m wearing a striped shirt and carrying a whistle over here?" Philip shouted to the combative twosome. "Geez, you two, can’t you both just knock it off for once? We came here to have some fun…..not pull you guys apart for twelve rounds. If you can’t handle this being all together for the afternoon, tell me now and Shawn, Belle, Chloe and I will go our own way…no hard feelings."

"I’m fine, Philip. It’s your friend, there, who started the whole trouble by telling me to ‘shut up’."

"Me?? I started it? You liar…always trying to act innocent when you know it was you made the skates remark. Was I supposed to just stand there with my mouth hanging open and not say anything?"

"Why not, it’s what you usually do."

"Oh, okay,….that’s it." Jason began to walk up the bank from the pond to where Mimi sat on the bench. Sean grabbed his jersey as he reached out to Mimi who leaned back to avoid Jason’s clutches by mere centimeters.

"Welles, keep this up and you’ll be in the penalty box two minutes for fighting plus draw a game misconduct," Shawn said trying to lighten the situation with humor while making sure Jason understood how out of hand his temper was getting. Jason looked at Philip and Shawn’s direct gazes. He knew Mimi had successfully gotten to his temper again, which, for some unknown reason, she had a knack for doing. He breathed deeply and smiled at Shawn.

"I’m cool. I don’t want to ruin anything for Belle and Chloe by being a jerk."

"But, it’s so natur…."

"Mimi! Quiet!" Belle yelled at her friend, stunning Mimi into silence. She looked at Chloe sitting beside her on the bench and saw an expression of disapproval for her near remark as well. She leaned forward and began lacing her skates and said nothing more. After a few more moments of unnatural silence, Philip lifted his skates from over Jason’s shoulder where they were tied together by the laces.

"This is what I meant about forgetting something, Jase. You have my skates, remember?"

"Oh, right…..sorry. I didn’t remember you’d left them at my place after hockey practice last week. So, you still under budget for the date?"

"Yup, doing fine. Let me get ready so we can skate."

Philip went back to the bench and laced up his and Chloe’s skates – though this time he was careful to avoid touching the bottoms of her feet. Jason skated around in small circles on the ice the way he did before the start of a CIF league game, head bent and avoiding any further eye contact with Mimi. Shawn and Belle held hands as they made their way to the edge of the pond. Belle wasn’t the most gifted skater but with Shawn holding her up by having his arms around her from behind, who cared?

"Are you ready, Chloe, to make your debut on ice?"

"Phillip, I’m really not sure this is such a good idea. I don’t think I can keep my balance walking on these things to the edge of the pond let alone trying to skate on two little thin blades."

"Chloe, come on. Everybody feels the same way when they start but after awhile, when you get your balance, you’ll be great."

"Forget great, I’d settle for being able to stay upright."

"Chloe, look at me." Philip stood before Chloe holding his gloved hands out to her with a look of encouragement written on his face as he flashed a slow grin. "I won’t let you fall unless I go down in a heap with you. I didn’t bring you here to embarrass you. I brought you here to have fun, learn something new and have a perfect excuse for holding your hands or putting my arms around your waist for a few hours. What do you say………give it a try……for me?"

"I wasn’t sold until the hand holding and arms around my waist part of the argument…okay…..okay…those damn dimples get me every time, I swear."

"All right!! Now, give me your hands and walk toward me. I’ll lead you down to the pond. Just walk slowly and forget everyone else is here."

Chloe slipped her hands in Phillip’s and gazed into his eyes as he began to back away from her – leading her toward the pond while Belle, Shawn and Mimi took off ice skating in the same counter clock-wise direction as the others skaters.

Jason remained nearby watching Philip with his pupil and suddenly felt a pang of envy. For the first time he truly saw how close and trusting his best friend and Chloe were with each other doing the smallest of things together. Shawn and Belle were becoming more demonstrative with one another, too, he’d noticed. Maybe, seeing the four of them was what had made him feel something was missing from his life. He wanted someone to show how to skate or spend time with just talking about what mattered to him – not feeling the need to be a clown with her. The question was…… how should he go about finding her - - not just anyone, like he’d done when he began dating Jan - - but the right one, this time? Maybe one afternoon soon, when it was just the three guys, he’d wait for the right moment and ask them how they knew it was Belle and Chloe they were meant to be with.

"You’re doing great….really. Okay, now, step onto the ice with your right skate and then just take a teeny glide with it before you bring the left one onto the ice."

"Ohhhhh, Philip, don’t let go of me!"

"I won’t, I won’t."

Following Philip’s instructions to the letter, a moment later Chloe took her first glide onto the ice. Realizing where she was and what she had done, she looked into Philip’s eyes with a dazzling smile of accomplishment. Encouraged, she took three more strides and began to move with the rest of the crowd – keeping a firm grip on Philip’s right arm as he skated beside her.

"Philip! I’m skating!"

"I told you, you could do it, didn’t I? Do you want to let go of my arm and skate on your own?"

"NO!! I mean…..not really."

Philip smiled at her – secretly glad she wanted to hold on to him. "Okay, but let me know if or when you want to."

"I don’t think that will be any time today."

"Hey, Chloe, you look great out here!" Jason said as he skated around the couple in a big circle before halting near them. "I can’t believe this is your first time."

"Okay, Jason…..where’s the punch line? I know I’m pretty pathetic compared to you."

Jason, though he tried not to let on, was hurt by the automatic assumption he had some insult to hit Chloe with. It hadn’t once entered his mind. Well, he realized, he had no one to blame but himself based on his past behavior. Still, no time like the present to begin to change people’s perceptions of what the real Jason Welles was like.

"Chloe, I really meant it. You are going to be able to skate like everyone else in no time."

"Thanks, Jason," Chloe responded somewhat surprised by his sincerity.

"Hey, guys, we saw you across the other side of the pond. Are you ready to glide around a time or two?" Shawn asked as he and the two girls came up behind Jason, Chloe and Philip.

"I am. How about it, Chloe?"

"Sure!! Ummm….maybe not quite as fast as Shawn and Belle, though."

"I’ve got an idea. How about you take my left arm and hold onto Philip’s right and we’ll provide the speed while you just let us pull you around the rink?" Jason suggested.

"Well, okay. I have to admit it could take all afternoon for me to do it by myself holding onto Philip - - though that doesn’t sound so bad either."

Before long Jason and Philip were flying across the ice with Chloe holding onto them. Belle, Mimi and Shawn skated behind and around them until Jason had another idea and began to form a "Crack the Whip" line with him as the lead and Philip holding on to Chloe at the end. Mimi was in the center holding tightly to Belle’s hand on her left and Chloe’s on her right. With the centrifugal force she began to feel her right mitten loosen from her hand. Before she was able to tell Chloe the mitten left her hand with Chloe still holding it and screaming as she and Philip flew across the ice, barely missing skaters and fell headfirst into a snow bank along the pond rim.

"Oh, my God…Philip….Chloe…are you all right?" Jason yelled as he sped toward them across the ice. He reached them before the others using his hockey game-trained, breakaway speed.

Philip was already helping Chloe up from the four - foot drift and brushing off the snow from their pants when the gang arrived somewhat panicky about their safety.

"I tried to warn you, Chloe, that my glove was coming off but it happened so fast, I didn’t get to tell you. I’m so sorry," Mimi apologized.

"That’s okay, I’m fine…really." Chloe reassured them in an out-of-breath voice.

Philip, satisfied Chloe was all right, turned on Jason with a look that could kill. "What kind of a stupid stunt was that to play, Jason? Did you forget this was Chloe’s first time out on the ice? Are you trying to scare her just to show off how big and strong you are?"

"I didn’t mean to do it, honest, Phil. The last time I looked you two were zooming along with smiles on your faces and the next thing I knew, you weren’t there any more."

"Oh, like you didn’t know what you were doing. God, just when I start to think you’ve stopped being a jerk, you pull something like this…I…"

"Phil,…Phil….wait. Jason didn’t know Mimi’s mitten was coming loose. It was an accident, okay? That’s all it was."

Shawn had stepped in between just as Philip had started to grab Jason by his hockey jersey with blood in his eye.

"Philip, please, I’m okay. Jason didn’t do anything. I felt the mitten slipping off just a second before we started flying across the ice. Jason, I know you didn’t do anything. Philip’s just worried about me.

Philip began to relax his fist as Shawn continued to hold him by the shoulders until his temper came under control and he realized the truth of what Chloe had given Jason as an explanation for his temper flare.

"I’m….sorry, Jason." Philip extended his unclenched hand to Jason. Returning the handshake, Jason nodded as the sign of acceptance for Philip’s apology.

"I’m sorry, too. I realize my past reputation with all of you is something I have to work on to change. I guess this just gives me an idea of how far I have to go before you’ll trust me again…if ever," Jason said in a low, solemn tone.

Chloe gingerly walked to Jason and stood looking up at him. Jason wasn’t sure what to expect - - probably a slap, was his first thought. Chloe put her arms lightly around Jason and gave him a hug and said so everyone could hear, "I trust you, Jason."

It was one of those rare times, Jason had absolutely nothing to say. All he could think about was that of the five people standing there, the one who had the least reason to exonerate him had been the one to extend her trust to him first. He knew as she pulled back from him and he could once again see her face, they would be friends from that moment on. He had not one single doubt about it.

"How about we skate a few more times around the pond, only slower?" Belle suggested lightening the mood. Everyone agreed and they spent another hour just skating and talking before Chloe’s ankles began to tire. Changing back into their snow boots from the skates, Philip got his five-dollar deposit back and the six headed up the hill to the other side of the park with their skates over the boys’ shoulders.

"How about a game of ‘Fox and Geese’?" Mimi shrieked in excitement.

"Okay, but I don’t want to be ‘it’ for starters, anyway," Belle answered.

"What’s ‘Fox and Geese’?" Chloe whispered to Philip.

"It’s a game of tag you play in the snow. It’s a lot of fun."

Soon, Shawn led them in a line and trampled a huge circle in the snow. He crisscrossed the circle with what looked like spokes and made a hub in the center that was "home" for the geese.

"I’ll be ‘it’ to start with which means I’m the fox and all of you are the geese," Shawn said as he rubbed his gloved hands together in a maniacal fashion.

"What do we do, Philip?" Chloe asked getting into the excitement of the game.

"Well, it’s just a game of tag. Shawn’s the fox and we’re the geese. We all have to leave the center of the circle and run down the spokes so the fox can try to catch us before we get back home. You have to go around at least one part of the outside of the circle before you come back ‘home’. If Shawn tags you, you’re the fox. The thing is you can’t step outside the lines or you’re automatically the fox. It’ll show up in the snow if you do."

"I’ve got it. I’m ready!"

Shawn gave the signal and they all began running. After two tries, he tagged Chloe. She bided her time until she saw Belle run into Shawn going the wrong way and tagged her. Philip, with his track abilities, never seemed to be anywhere near to being tagged. Mimi tried to turn at one point and stepped outside the line. Jason taunted her by getting as close as he could when Mimi unexpectedly lunged and tagged him on the arm.

"Ah, HA!! You’re it, Jason."

"I didn’t feel it."


"I said, I didn’t feel it. You missed me."

"I did no such thing, Jason Welles. You cheater. You can’t even play fair in a stupid game of tag. How low is that?"

"There they go again," Shawn rolled his eyes as he looked at the others taking in the latest round of the Welles/Lockhart title bout.

"I’m cheating? Look, just because you’re too slow to catch me even when I’m standing still is no reason to accuse me of cheating. If I had felt the tag I would have gladly been the fox."

"All right, fine. Whatever…let’s just forget about it."

"Fine by me."

The game resumed and, Philip, to make Mimi feel better about having to be the fox for so long, purposely stepped out of bounds. Another half an hour went by and Mimi was once again "‘it". Jason momentarily had his back to her when she sneaked up and hit him on the back so hard the wind was nearly knocked out of him.

"OW!! Son of a….why did you hit me so hard?" Jason yelled at Mimi in a mixture of anger and pain.

"Just wanted to make sure you FELT IT this time."

"Why you….."

Jason took off after Mimi until he tackled her from behind as he’d been taught to bring down a running back in football practice. He turned her over, sat on her a while and took handfuls of snow that he rubbed into her face and hair while Mimi screamed.

"Do you think we should interfere?" Chloe asked with genuine concern.

Philip and Shawn stood with their arms crossed and shook their heads. Belle soon silently sided with the guys by shaking her head as well.

"Jason Welles, you weasel, stop it this minute."

"That’s fox to you, not weasel."

"Let me up …NOW!!"

"Only if you promise to not hit me like that again."

"Okay, I promise."

"Oh, I see your fingers crossed inside those mittens of yours that already got me into trouble once today."

Jason picked up another huge chunk of snow and prepared to apply it generously to Mimi’s neck and face.

"All right, all right. I promise!!" Mimi shrieked as she attempted to avoid any more of the cold snow being flung down her sweater front.

Jason had been leaning over Mimi’s body ready to rub the ice in her face when he stopped in mid-lob. Out of breath, they looked at one another – Mimi with anger in her eyes - - Jason with sudden shyness at his aggressive behavior toward her.

"Let me up! I said I promised."

Jason couldn’t seem to break away from Mimi’s eyes for some unknown reason. He put the snow down and lifted his body from hers. Once he was standing he extended his hand to help Mimi up. She slapped at his hand and helped herself up staring at him the entire time.

"Are you all right, Mimi?"

"Oh, like you care. Geez, you tackled me like I was Cleveland High’s wide receiver going for a long pass. Just in case it has slipped your Neanderthal IQ, I am a girl."

"You don’t hit like one," Jason said as a means of reminding her how this whole scuffle had begun.

Just for a moment he saw a flicker of guilt in Mimi’s eyes before she turned and walked back to the rest of the group with Jason following her a few paces behind.

"I think I’m going to go on home. I’m wet from the snow and it’s getting late. I don’t want to catch cold being out here too long."

"I’m getting chilled myself. Why don’t you come back to the penthouse with me, Shawn? We could have some hot chocolate? Anyone care to join us?"

"Sounds good to me, thanks Belle," Jason accepted.

"I’ve got a little something planned back home for Chloe, guys, so I think we’ll just head on to my place, if you don’t mind.

Maybe next time?"

"Sure, Phil. Care to elaborate on the ‘little something’ you have planned."

"No, Belle. I’ll let Chloe tell you about it later….maybe."

"Hear that, Chloe? Expect a phone call me from me tomorrow morning bright and early."

"Okay, I’ll remember. Thanks, everyone, for a terrific afternoon. It was so much fun."

"Yeah, it was. We’ll do it again, soon."

"I’ll hold you to it, Shawn."

"Well see you later. Let’s go, Michele Kwon."

"Funny, Philip. I don’t think I should plan on competing at the Winter Games in Salt Lake City just yet."

Philip and Chloe waved, wrapped their arms around one another, and headed to the Kiriakis house. Shawn, Jason and Belle took off in the direction toward the penthouse and Mimi began walking to her new home. After a few steps she turned around and watched Jason’s receding figure as he went the opposite direction. She had no idea why she did it and only stopped staring when she saw Jason turn to look at her.

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Kiriakis Mansion


Philip and Chloe removed their parkas, boots and mittens as they entered the foyer where Henderson waited to take the clothing articles to dry. By the time they reached the house it was completely dark outside. Philip took Chloe’s hand and led her into the comfort of the study where a blazing fire waited for them to warm themselves by. They stood with their backs to the fire and chatted about the fun they’d had during the afternoon.

"Did you really have a good time? I wasn’t sure if I could convince you to try the ice skating."

"Yes, Philip, I had a wonderful time. I wasn’t just saying that for the gang’s benefit. I’d really like to try skating again as long as you’re there to hold me."

"Not a problem. My arms always are at your service."

"Playing ‘Fox and Geese’ was fun, too, until Mimi and Jason got into it. I swear those two are so crazy about each other."

"Wait a minute….did you say ‘crazy about each other’? Chloe, they can’t stand each other. Did you see how they argue and even hit one another all the time?"

"Yes, and do you see the looks that go on between them when they think no one’s watching?"

"Chloe, look, people who really care about each other that way, don’t call each other names and hit each other."

"They don’t? I remember someone who called me names. I also recall shoving a football into a certain guy’s stomach until I knocked the wind out of him."

Philip realized who she was referring to as a surprised looked passed over his face.

"But, that was different. We had feelings for each other, I think, almost from the beginning and just wouldn’t admit it."

"Right, and I think that’s what going on with Jason and Mimi, too. The problem with them is they’ve let this go on since they were kids. Think how much harder it will be for one of them to take the first step toward admitting they just might care about each other."

"I don’t know. I think you’ve been hanging around Belle and her romantic movies too much."

"Philip, who would have thought you and I would be together?"

Philip looked into her blue eyes and remembered how they’d mesmerized him from the first time he’d seen her walk into class. He’d felt something from that first moment that had shocked and scared him. Shocked that given her style of dress and attitude she was everything he avoided in girls at school – scared because he couldn’t forget her from that moment on.

"I did."

Chloe looked into Philip’s serious face and knew he was absolutely truthful.

"I did, too." she whispered.

Philip leaned toward her and kissed her lightly on the lips before wrapping his arms around her and kissing her more deeply than he had originally intended. The warmth between them wasn’t only coming from the fireplace behind them.

Chloe broke the kiss and smiled at him before asking, "Sooooo…..where’s the rest of my surprise?"

"Rest of it?"

"Yeah, you know the – the seven dollars and odd change rest of it?"

"Oh, that. Well, I have to get from the other room. So, tell you what. Why don’t you take the sofa pillows from the couch and put them on the floor in front of the fireplace where the fur throw is. That way we can be comfortable and cozy all at one time."

"That sounds great to me. How long will you be gone?"

"Not long, ….why?"



"I’ll miss you."

She leaned toward Philip and gave him a series of small, nibbling kisses before she pulled back. He stared at her with the look only she ever saw from him – the sexy haze in his eyes as he stared at her mouth and the small grin that made his dimples their most appealing.

"I …I….ummm….I’ll be back. I’m…going to the…….kitchen. Yeah, that’s where I’m going." Philip motioned over his shoulder with his thumb as he backed away unable to take his eyes from Chloe as she stood there, swaying back and forth, like the agitator in a washing machine, never taking her eyes from him – beckoning him back even before he could leave.

"I’ll be here."

Rushing to gather his food items and utensils together, he dashed back down the hall to the door of the den before stopping and proceeding through it’s opening at a slow stroll. Chloe sat on the floor gazing at the fire until she heard him approach.

"What have you got there?"

"A little something I thought I’d whip up. It’s a favorite thing to eat by the fireplace. It’s called s’mores – ever hear of them?"

"No, why do they call them that?" She watched Philip take out the box of graham crackers, bag of marshmallows and Hershey’s bars of chocolates.

"Well, because they’re so good that once you’ve had one you want some more - - s’more."

"Oh, I get it. Very clever. How do you make them?"

"Just sit back on the pillows and let the master work."

In a while the first of the marshmallows was heated over the flame sufficiently and the smore put together. He handed it to Chloe for her first taste and was rewarded by a vigorous nod of the head after the first bite. They each had eaten two when Philip assembled another and bit into it only to discover the marshmallow was much too hot and burned his lip and tongue.

"I was going to ask you earlier if anyone ever burned themselves eating these things but I didn’t expect a demonstration.

Want me to get an ice cube from the bar?"

"Huh-uh." Philip uttered as he stuck his tongue out cool it.

"You know, I’m getting a sense of deja vous here."

"Why is that?"

"Because of this."

Chloe leaned toward Philip and kissed his upper right lip where some of the marshmallow remained from his last smore. She licked it off with her tongue the same time as she kissed his mouth, chin, jaw line and ear.

"Did I get marshmallow all the way back there?" Philip said in a low, husky tone, with eyes closed as he tilted his head to his right allowing Chloe more access to his neck and ear.

"No, I’m just on a roll. I wanted to do this the night we were at Tuscany when I took off the whipped cream but I thought the patrons might take offense," she mumbled as she continued to work her way back to his chin.

As she stared at Philip, Chloe suddenly stifled a yawn.

"Well, there’s a mood breaker."

"I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Maybe all that fresh air and exercise today or it could be the chocolate…..mixed with the warmth of the fire."

"As long as it isn’t the company."

"Not a chance," she uttered before another yawn overtook her.

She turned around and lay on her back with a soft pillow behind her while Philip closed up the bag of marshmallows and graham cracker box. Philip stretched out beside her and propped up on his right arm watched her as she fell asleep. He gently removed tendrils of hair from her face with his fingers as the streaks of firelight caressed her, too.

"How did you get so lucky, Kiriakis?" Philip whispered to himself.

He let her sleep nearly half an hour before he leaned over to kiss her unable to resist any longer. Chloe’s eyes opened dreamily and a smile spread across her face when she saw Philip looking at her. Suddenly, he sat up and turned away from her stare and looked into the firelight.

"Philip, what’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep." Worried that she’d offended him she sat up and put her hand on the forearm he hugged his knees with. He shook his head and continued to stare straight ahead of him.

"Tell me what it is. Something’s bothering you."

Philip looked at her fleetingly and returned to look at the burning log on the fire.

"I did something today I swore I’d never do again."

Chloe said nothing; just waited for him to continue.

"Remember when we went out to build the snowmen in the yard and I mentioned Michelangelo?"

She nodded uncertain where this conversation was going.

"You were surprised I knew anything about Italian art…"

"….Philip,….I didn’t mean to upset you with that remark. It was so thoughtless of me…I’m so sorry…"

"…no, you were right. I don’t know anything about Italian art. The only reason I know about Michelangelo is because I used to watch the "Ninja Turtles’ cartoon when I was a kid. When I told my mom the name of the turtles she told me they were named after famous artists. If it weren’t for the cartoon I wouldn’t know who he was now. I lied to you. Chloe. I promised I wouldn’t do that again. It’s just that…."


"Sometimes, I’m afraid I’ll lose you because I’m not smart enough for you. I don’t know opera or art or all the other things you’re into. I don’t want you to get bored with me."

"Philip, look at me, please?"

He shook his lowered head.

"You NEVER bore me. You teach me to make snowmen, ice skate, how to make s’mores. I know how to play tag and Crack the Whip - .and that’s just today. I learn how to trust and open myself up to having fun with you. I think we learn from each other, too. - - most of all how to give to someone else all that we are because it makes that person happy - - and we’re happy in return. Remember, last week - - you went to that French foreign film with me and you wound up liking it, right?"

"Best movie I ever read."

Chloe giggled and saw Philip turn his face to her smiling while he tried to remove the tears from the inside corners of his eyes.

"Philip, it’s you that I care about. We’re each bringing different interests and backgrounds to this relationship. You have a tremendous capacity to care about someone. That’s what makes you so special….among other things. I can’t say ‘I love you’ yet, because I will never say that until I’m ready to give myself to someone completely."

"But… you think that…."

"Maybe….I think we’re headed that way….we have time."

"Speaking of time….I’d better get you home, Cinderella, before Dr. Wesley turns ME into a pumpkin. Come on. I’ll help you up and get your coat before I walk you home in the moonlight."

They were soon walking hand in hand until they arrived on the Wesley’s front porch.

"I hate to have this date end."

"Me, too, but I’m already working on the February one. The first date, came in under budget."

"I’m proud of you Philip. Maybe you want to end the bet now while you’re ahead?"

"Nooooo…..I’m just getting started. Wait until you see what I’ve got in mind."

"Guess I’ll have to. I’d better go in. Good night, Philip." Chloe kissed Philip lightly on the mouth and turned to put her key in the front door. Philip tapped her lightly on the shoulder until she turned around. He grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her deeply until she thought she’d never catch her breath before he released her.

"Good night, Chloe." Philip smiled and turned away whistling "Lady in Red" as he walked down the sidewalk leaving Chloe dazed and delightfully confused before entering the house.

to be contained...


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