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"like sands through the hourglass so are the...Days of our Lives"


"The Teens" Fan Fiction Site


Spice of Life - Chapter 2


"Has all the butter slipped off your pancakes, Phil?

"What is that supposed to mean, Shawn?"

"Yeah, maybe he took one too many blows to the head during football season."

"Shut up, Jason. If I did it’s because a certain front lineman named Welles kept letting defensive tackles get to me. And, while we’re discussing your defensive shortcomings, when I was waving my arms around tonight during the game, it wasn’t to dry my Mennen speed stick, you know. I was trying to get your attention to pass me the ball when I had a good three-point shot at the basket. What is it with you, Jason?"

"Since when did this become ‘pick on Jason’ time?" Jason said as he pulled his tube socks on while he sat on the bench in the boys’ locker room after a narrow win an hour earlier over Wilson High’s excellent basketball team.

"Since you stuck you nose in where it doesn’t belong, that’s when. I don’t think I have to remind you that you did nothing but pick on Chloe from the first day she came to Salem High. Remember, I was a part of that disgusting behavior before I admitted I cared about Chloe so much that I couldn’t be that way any more. Don’t try to tell me you suddenly have any interest in my relationship with her."

Jason stood up extending his full 6’2" frame and looked down at Phillip who sat on the bench between the rows of lockers wrapped in a white towel fresh from his post-game shower. Phillip had dried his sun-streaked blond hair but beads of water were still visible on his chest and arms as he sat talking to Shawn Brady about his date at Tuscany with Chloe two nights before rather than finish dressing. Shawn, wearing only the shorts from his basketball uniform and the ever –present gold cross around his neck, was still sweaty as he sat directly opposite Phillip incredulously listening to Phillip replay the evening’s events.

"Hey, I told you, Phillip, I realized I was wrong. One day, I looked around and all the people I thought were my friends were nowhere to be found. I apologized to Chloe, who, by the way, accepted my apology. I quit having anything to do with Jan. She flirted with one guy too many in front of me. I don’t even want to know what she did with the guys behind my back. I still don’t know why I did what I did…proposing that stupid bet. All is know is I suddenly didn’t like what I saw in the mirror."

"That’s a first…you not liking what you see in the mirror, Jase. Usually, you can’t tear yourself away."

"Phil, take it easy. There was a time you would have fought him for that mirror…before Chloe came along. Am I right?"

Phillip looked at Shawn for a few moments and slowly nodded his head, remembering with some regret how true Shawn’s words were. "Yeah,….I was pretty self-absorbed. I was showing Chloe my yearbook from our sophomore class yesterday. She never got to have her photo taken because she transferred in too late. She started looking for all the pictures of me and when she’d find one, I saw how I always had to be in the center – hogging the spotlight. How did anyone put up with me?"

"Phil…money…looks…a jock…that’s how."

"You know, Jason, you have no future in diplomacy."

"Dude, I’m just learning to be honest. For a lot of kids that’s what it was that made them want to be tight with you. Whether you believe it or not, I just liked you for you…okay, and maybe the limo rides on occasion."

Phillip stared at Jason standing in his maroon silk boxers and white tube socks before being unable to stifle a grin any longer. "This new, improved Jason you’re working on is tough to take. The honesty is a little brutal but I think I could get used to it. Understand, Welles, I’m still not ready to trust you completely. Talking honesty is easier than living it…believe me, I know. At least, I’ve got Chloe to teach me the ropes and the rewards are hard to beat. I like who I am in her eyes. I’d never wanted to be this serious about a girl before…I didn’t want to make the effort. It was easy when I dated other girls. They wanted to please me and I let them. Now, being with Chloe, seeing her happy, thinking up ways to spend time together, - it’s all that I want to do. It isn’t about me any more. I don’t know what I was afraid of before."

"Phil, you weren’t with the right girl until now, that’s why. I gotta admit, I’m one of those who wasn’t exactly a charter member of your fan club but now…I think of you as one of my best friends."

"Thanks, Shawn…same here."

"Uhhh…this male bonding thing is getting pretty intense here, guys…you’re gonna have to get a room if this keeps up."

"All right, all right. Jason, maybe when you finally find the right girl, you’ll know what Shawn and I are talking about."

Turning his head toward Jason and raising his hand to cover his mouth in a broad stage gesture, Phillip loudly whispered to Jason so that Shawn could hear every word. "The fair Belle is working her charms on Salem High’s star forward, you know."

"Whoa…wait just a minute. That is NOT true. Belle and I are friends…just friends."

"For the moment."

"For a lot of moments, Phil. She and I are nowhere near to having what you and Chloe have."

"Not because Belle wouldn’t like it that way."

"Yeah, I wish she’d shake her pom poms at me during a game the way she does you, Shawn."

"Hey, leave Belle’s pom poms and everything else out of this, Jason."

"Bingo!! Struck a nerve, did I?"


"Yes," Jason and Phillip replied in perfect unison.

"What…you two respond in Dolby stereo now?"

"Quit changing the subject, Shawn. Bro, admit it…you and Belle….a meaningful relationship…soon? Come on in…the water’s fine. I am here as living proof there is life after commitment."

"How did we get on this subject, anyway. We were talking about the bet you made with Chloe. Didn’t you learn your lesson about betting? Frankly, I’m a little surprised Chloe was the one to suggest it."

"Okay, you’re off the hook…for now, Shawn. Yeah, when she first mentioned the bet I wondered if it was a test to see if I’d be tempted to take another bet involving anyone, especially Chloe. It must have shown on my face because she assured me it was just between us…no one else can bet on this."

"But, I still don’t understand what made you take her up on it."

"Shawn…think about it. Chloe was really telling me she wants us to be together for a long time to come. A whole year’s

worth of dates, man. That was the first thing I thought of. After all the tough times we’ve had learning to be honest and open with each other – we’re in a good place. I think about her all the time. I can’t wait to be with her the minute I leave her. We’ll see each other and go on other dates but these will be special."

"Why? What’s going to be different about them other than watching your budget…like the rest of us."

"Because, Jason, I suddenly realized it’s going to give me a chance to do something for Chloe that I probably couldn’t get her to do otherwise."

"What, order ala carte?"

"Jason, you’re such a dweeb."

"Phillip, as much as it gives me chills and nausea thinking about this, I agree with Jason. I don’t know what you’re getting at either."

"Please, Shawn, don’t hurt yourself being on my side…wait…you agree with me? Okay, I gotta sit down."

Jason sat down on the bench behind Shawn also facing Phillip, whom he could see over the top of Shawn’s head. He draped his towel around his neck and waited for Phillip to answer.

"It’s like this…Chloe has a lot of pride and it’s hard for her to admit when things bother her."

"Okay, so far, I’m following. What do the dates have to do with her pride?"

"It’s…this isn’t easy trying to put it into words. Chloe spent a lot of time in foster homes before and after she was adopted. She really never got to do a lot of the things we did as kids. She was too busy sheltering her emotions."

"Why do I feel like I’m on Oprah all of a sudden…"



"Shut up," Shawn and Phillip replied each wearing exasperated looks on their faces.

"Okay, now, I get the remark about the Dolby stereo, Shawn. Sorry, I didn’t realize how serious you are about this."

"Chloe still has trouble letting go and just trying things…having fun…being goofy. She spent so much time protecting her emotions, it comes naturally for her to be reserved now. I can get through to her occasionally but she’s still afraid to let go and enjoy herself. What I want to do with this bet is try to take her places, have her try things she missed out on before. That’s why I made her agree that she has to go along with whatever I come up with as a date…no matter how silly she might think it is. I knew if I challenged her, she’d be much more likely to go along with it just to win the bet…show that she’s not backing out on the bet. The truth is…I don’t care about winning the bet…"

"Sure, Phil, sure."

"No, I don’t, Jason. Don’t you see? I’ve already won because she’s agreed to go out with me for a whole year!! She made a commitment to me and she knew she was making it. How could I win anything better than that? What I want to do is give her the best time I know how to give. She gave me my self-respect…I want to give her a childhood and a sense of fun she didn’t get before. The best part is, I’ll get to live mine over again, too, only better."

"Phil, how can you live it any better than it was in the Kiriakis mansion the first time around?"

"Well, this time the servants won’t be the ones to plan everything for me the way they did before. It was lonesome with my father in the hospital and my mother always at Titan running the company for Dad. Trimming the tree with Henderson and the cook was okay, but it wasn’t what I wanted."

"I didn’t know that, Phil."

"Why do you think I spent as much time as I could at yours or Jason’s houses? I wanted to be around parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Hey, enough about me. This is about Chloe. So, if or when I need you to help me with putting a certain date into place, can I count on you for help…other than money, that is?"

"Sure, K-man. Money is probably the one thing I couldn’t help you with anyway."

"Thanks, Jason."

"You know, Phil, this is a pretty great idea you’ve got. I’m there for whatever you need."

"That’s great, Shawn."

"You got any ideas for the first date, yet."

"Yeah, it came to me this afternoon before the game. In fact, you guys, Belle and Mimi, can be a part of it, if you want. Just remember, I want Chloe all to myself for the last part of the date, okay?"

"Mimi? Not…Screaming Mimi?"

"I thought you liked her."

"That’s the whole point, Phil, he does like her."

"Do not."

"Do so. That’s why he was so distracted during the game tonight, Phil. Every time Mimi jumped up and cheered, Jason started to lose control of his bodily functions."

"Get out…I did no such thing."

"Come to think of it…he did seem to have his head turned around watching someone while he air balled passes my way. Oh, it all makes sense now. Mimi was Wilson High’s secret weapon – planted in the third row of the student body section."

"Uh-huh…and Jason had his eye on one student’s body in particular."

"You guys are sick. Why would I be interested in Mimi Lockhart?"

"She’s cute."

"She knows how to swing a hammer and nails…can’t say that about every girl."

"For the last time I’m not interested in Mimi."

"Whatever you say, Jason. Hit the shower, Brady, we’re meeting the girls at the Brady Pub for burgers."

Shawn headed for the shower as Phillip and Jason finished dressing. Before long the three were headed toward the Brady Pub to celebrate the team’s, so far, undefeated season. When they got to the front door, they looked in to see Chloe, Belle and Mimi sitting at a table chattering away.

"How convenient…there’s Chloe for me…Belle for Shawn…and…Mimi for Jason. It’s fate!"

"Yeah, a fate worse than death."



Phillip and Shawn opened the door and pushed Jason through the entry first as they said simultaneously, "Shut up."

"Don’t you guys ever get tired of saying that to me?"

They answered Jason with crossed arms and smirks.

"I know, I know. Shut up."

Jason turned back toward the trio of girls and motioned for Phillip and Shawn to follow him. They smiled at one another and eagerly anticipated spending a couple of hours with Chloe and Belle.


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