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"like sands through the hourglass... so are the...Days of our Lives"


"The Teens" Fan Fiction Site


Chapter 27

Shawn smiled as he moved behind Belle so that he could wrap his arms around his wife’s middle. It wasn’t until then that anyone noticed the small bulge that was now evident.

"Yes, I said babies. Yesterday, I had an ultrasound and the doctor discovered that I’m carrying twins." Marlena gasped in surprise, her hand covering her mouth. As Belle and Shawn looked around they were met with equally surprising looks by the rest of their family and friends.

"Twins?" Hope whispered her voice full of emotion. She moved forward, pulling them both until an embrace. Everyone suddenly seemed to start talking at once.

"Are they identical?" Chloe asked. 

Belle nodded. "We think so."

"Shawn, my man," Philip said patting Shawn on the back. "I never thought I’d be saying this to you, but you’re a stud." Shawn smiled at Philip, appreciatively.

"Izzy," John exclaimed as he moved forward and kissed his daughter on her cheek. "Congratulations, sweetheart."

"Man, you two are so lucky," Mimi pouted. "I’ve always wanted to be the one to have twins. I swear for you guys getting married at such a young age, everything sure does seem to be going your way." Jason nudged her, telling her to be quiet. Mimi ignored him though as she continued to pout. Bo moved forward and shook his son’s hand.

 After everyone calmed down, Belle continued. "I think we were just as shocked as you all were. Shawn must have made Dr. Bader point out each baby three times before he believed her." Everyone laughed.

"Mom, are you okay?" Belle asked, noticing her mother’s far away look in her eyes. Marlena had been standing back, taking everything in. To her, Belle still looked like a little girl in her capri pants and over-sized pink top.

"Oh my sweet little girl," Marlena said, her tears evident in her voice. She moved forward wrapping both Shawn and Belle in a hug. "You’ve seemed to have grown up right before my very eyes." Belles nodded also feeling tears begin to pool.

"Hey, isn’t this supposed to be a happy occasion?" John’s voice boomed through the yard. The others around them laughed as Hope and Marlena wiped the remaining tears from their eyes.

"It is," Hope said her voice still thick with tears. Slowly the crowd began to disburse, moving back to what they had all been doing before the big announcement was made. In the mean time, Belle had retrieved the ultrasound picture from her purse and was now showing it to her mother and Hope – before she knew it, Sami, Chloe, and several others gathered around so that they too could get a better view of the picture also. Finally, everyone had seen the ultrasound picture and Belle was able to return to Shawn and his willing embrace.

"Shawn, do you think that Mimi’s right? I mean, look at us. For us being young and married, things are going pretty good for us. We have a nice place to live, with plenty of room for us and the babies; we have enough money in the bank for us both to concentrate on school and not have to worry about work…"

"Belle, Belle, calm down. All Mimi was doing is being her usual jealous self. Even though she’s with Jason now, I think she still has a hard time with us being together. Come on honey, don’t let her get to you, we’re just extremely lucky that’s all."

"I hope your right Shawn, because I don’t want anything to ever jeopardize what we have. I love you too much to lose you." For some reason, Shawn felt a shiver run up his spine, almost as though Belle was unconsciously predicting something. He tried to block it from his mind, knowing that he would never allow anyone or anything come between the two of them or their children.

"I promise Belle, you’re never going to lose me. Never."

Little did they know that across town, a plan was being set in motion to do exactly that…


Chapter 28


A few days later, Stefano began to put his plan in motion. He had invited his daughter, Lexi, to lunch as a way of gathering the final pieces of information he needed for his plan to be complete. Just as in the past, he knew that he would have to put a lot of thought into what would take place and that it would be close to a year before the entire ramifications would be felt. But he still was looking forward to what he had planned for the Brady clan now.

"So Lexi," Stefano as he laid his menu on the table in front of him. Lexi looked up from the menu that she also had been studying. "Do you know what you are going to order?"

"I think so…" Stefano waved the waiter over and both gave him their order. Once they were finished, he turned to his daughter once again. "I hear that the Brady clan is expanding again." 


Lexi nodded absently, thinking that her father was just trying to make small talk. "Yeah, Bo and Hope’s son, Shawn and Marlena and John’s daughter, Belle are having twins. You knew they got married last May, didn’t you?"

"Yes, I saw the announcement in the paper," Stefano replied, his accent ever present. "I’m surprised though that John let his precious little Isabella marry so young, I mean she can’t be anymore than 18 years old and to Hope’s firstborn no less. Isn’t that a little awkward knowing that she and John share a child together?" 


Lexi looked up, startled. It still surprised her when someone referred to JT as being John’s son. She knew that after the truth had come out several months earlier, it was common knowledge to all. Although she wasn’t as close to Hope as she once was, she knew that both families were still, in some ways, reeling from the news that John was JT’s biological father. After all the initial fighting though, the families were able to come to an agreement and in the end, which Lexi felt brought the two families closer together. And as far as she knew, her father had taken care of everything to cover up the baby switch. She knew that her little Isaac was actually John and Hope’s son, but she could never give him up. So when after finding out what he had did, she had begged her father to do whatever it took to make sure that no one would ever know Isaac’s true paternity. The only thing she lost in the end was her friendship with Hope – months earlier she had begun to distance herself from Bo and Hope, thinking that it would help in hiding her secret. There were times that she wondered if it was all worth it, but then she would hold Isaac in her arms and she knew that it was.

"Alexandra, what were you about to say…"

"Oh, sorry father." Lexi said shaking her head, as if doing so would erase all of the haunting thoughts from her mind. "Actually Belle won’t be 18 until around Halloween. And I know from talking to Hope that she and John agreed long ago that they wouldn’t try to hold Belle and Shawn apart because of JT. They felt like in the end it would only make everything that much harder on them. Ever since those two were infants Marlena and Hope had said that they would end up together; I guess they were right," Lexi said.

 Stefano nodded as he moved away from the table, allowing the waiter to place his meal in front of him. The two began to eat in silence and Stefano used the time to begin to pick through the details of his plan in his mind. It seemed to him that no matter what he ever tried to do to the Brady’s, it always seemed to strengthen their bond instead of breaking it. He had thought for sure that the revelation that JT was John’s son would surely have some effect on not only the lives of John’s family but Hope’s as well. Through Lexi though, he knew that although things were tense for awhile, it was beginning to look as though everything was fine again and he wouldn’t have that.

"So…when are the babies due?" Stefano asked, hoping that it still appeared as though he was just curious.

"Christmas Eve, I think…why? … Wait a minute…Father, please don’t tell me that you’re cooking up another one of your plans to destroy the Bradys." Stefano let out a laugh and shook his head at his daughter.

"Lexi, sweetheart…I’m just trying to have a conversation that’s all. If it worries you so much, let’s talk about something else." 

Lexi nodded and began talking about something Isaac had done earlier that day. Stefano’s mind though was not on his grandson’s antics, but the plan he had already laid out in his mind. He knew that he had put the Bradys through hell and he planned on continuing to do so until he came out on top - once and for all. He had to prove, not only to himself, but everyone else as well, that he could tear apart the Brady clan, no matter what it took.


Chapter 29 ~ September…

Belle felt herself begin to awake. Instinctively, she reached out for Shawn but was surprised to find him not lying beside her. Just as she raised her head to look around for him, he emerged from the bathroom, naked, except for the towel he had draped around his neck. Belle watch as he walked across the room to the dresser, his wet hair dripping onto the towel in the process.

"Now that’s a sight I could get used to seeing every morning," Belle purred from where she lay in the bed. Shawn smiled as he grabbed a pair of boxes out of the drawer and pulled them on. He walked over, sitting down on the bed next to where Belle was laying. He leaned down and kissed her gently.

"Morning to you too." Shawn placed one of his hands over Belle’s ever-growing belly. "Boy, they’re really active this morning."

"You don’t have to tell me," Belle giggled. "They’ve been moving around like that for a couple hours now, keeping me awake most of the night. I must have drifted off to sleep just before you got up to get in the shower."

"You should have woke me," Shawn said, lying down next to Belle, his arms wrapped around her. "I wouldn’t have minded, you know that." 

Belle nodded as she sighed. "I know, but today’s a big day for you Shawn, you needed your sleep."

"You know it could be a big day for you too, all you need to do is come with me." Today was Shawn’s first day at Salem University, along with the rest of the gang. When Belle learned that she was going to have twins, she had decided that it would be best if she only tried to go to school part-time, for this semester at least. Having a full class load would have been to hard on her, especially with her lack of sleep lately, she realized as she continued to lie there. Looking at her face, Shawn could tell what she was thinking.

"Belle, I know it would be hard on you and the babies if you took a full class load. I’m just saying that you should come with me. I only have a few classes today and I’m sure one of the gang will be free to keep you company when I’m in class." Belle smiled.

"No, I’ll be okay," Belle answered as she snuggled closer to him. "Anyway, your Mom offered to go shopping with me to look for stuff for the nursery."

"Oh really. You got any ideas?"

"A few…I want to see what’s out there though. I’m sure your mom will be great help since it wasn’t so long ago that she decorated JT’s room." The two continued to lie there for what seemed to be forever. Shawn glanced over at the clock and sighed.

"I guess I better get moving. I don’t want to be late on the first day." Belle smiled and reached up and pulled Shawn close, kissing him passionately.

"What was that for?" Shawn asked as they pulled away.

"No reason. I just don’t want you to see any hot girls on campus and forget that you have me to come home to…"

"Belle, honey, how can you even say that. You’re it for me you know that. If any girls were to pay attention to me, I think that they’re pick up that I’m not available when they see this on my finger," Shawn said as he held up his finger, showing his platinum wedding band. "Besides, the girls will be more anxious to meet the new star of the football team before they want to meet me." Belle laughed knowing that he was referring to Philip.

"For some reason, I don’t see anyone catching his eye any to soon. I think Chloe’s it for him too." Shawn grabbed his clothes and began to dress while Belle made her way out of bed.

"I’ll see you later," Shawn said as he stuck his head into the bathroom where Belle stood in front of the mirror, brushing her hair. "Have fun with my Mom. Maybe if your still shopping when I get done I can come and meet you." Belle nodded and kissed Shawn.

"See you later. Have fun today." Shawn nodded as he walked out into the foyer and grabbed his bag from a chair that was near the door. Sadly, he looked back in the direction of the shower, where he now heard water running. He couldn’t believe that he was starting his first day of college without Belle at his side.

"I love you," he shouted hoping that she could hear him over the water and walked out the door.

Shawn stood in the school’s main lobby surrounded by Philip, Chloe, Mimi and Jason. They had been discussing their schedules and the astronomical amounts that they had spent on books when an attractive girl approached the group. She ignored everyone else and stepped in front of where Shawn was standing. She leaned in seductively towards him, her eyes looking into his.

"Hi there." She reached up and began to trail her finger down Shawn’s chest while he looked at the others uncomfortably. "My name’s Sheila. You must be new on campus otherwise I know I would have noticed you before now." Shawn nodded, instantly wishing he had Belle standing next to him. He looked over to Philip for help.

"Ah, yeah I’m new here," Shawn replied as he clearly cleared his voiced pointedly at his friends. Philip stepped forward and took Shawn’s arm.

"Excuse us, but Shawn, didn’t you just say that you wanted to call and check in on Belle." The girl looked over to Philip as though she was first noticing his presence.

"You have a girlfriend?" she asked obviously displaying her disappointment. Shawn nodded, glad that Philip had finally come to his rescue.

"Actually, she’s my wife. Nice to meet you." Shawn walked away fast, hoping that she got the point and would leave him alone. Seconds later, Mimi, Chloe and Jason joined him and Philip, who were now standing outside.

"Can you believe her?" Mimi exclaimed as she approached the group. "Talk about coming on strong. I think if you would have let her Shawn, she would have jumped on you right there!" Shawn shrugged uncomfortably. Although he knew he did nothing wrong, he still felt guilty for some reason. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and proceeded to call Belle.

"As I was telling you guys earlier…that was just one more example of how things are going to be different now that we’re out of high school." Jason said as he placed his arm around Mimi. "Welcome to the real world everybody."


Chapter 30 ~ rated R

"Belle…are you home?" Shawn called as he entered the apartment.

"I’m in here." 

Shawn placed his bookbag on the floor and walked into their bedroom. There he found Belle, sitting on their bed, with samples of wallpaper spread out in front of her.

"Hey there," Belle said looking up as Shawn entered the room. "How was your first day?"

"Okay, I guess." Shawn eased himself down on the bed. He picked up a wallpaper sample that was next to him.

"This all for the nursery?" Shawn asked. Belle nodded.

"I thought that we could pick out what we wanted together." Belle watched as Shawn seemed to stare off in space. The troubled look on his face told her that something was bothering him. "Shawn? Is something wrong?" Shawn hesitated before he nodded.

"Well, this girl kinda hit on me today."

"Kinda hit on you? What do you mean?" Belle asked looking up at him nervously.

"Belle, honey don’t worry. I made it clear to her that I’m married. I just felt that I should tell you." Belle nodded again as she leaned over and laid her head on Shawn’s shoulder.

"Was she pretty?"

"Yeah, I guess." Belle sat up and looked into his eyes. His heart felt as though it was going to break when he saw her tears beginning to form. He reached over and began to stroke her cheek.

"I didn’t mean that the way it sounded Belle. Yes, she was attractive. But that doesn’t mean that I was attracted to her."

"Even though your wife growing less and less pretty each day? I mean look at me Shawn – I’m only six months along and I’m huge!" Belle asked looking down and placing her hands on top of her stomach. A warning bell went off in Shawn’s head. His father had told him that the further along a woman got in her pregnancy the more emotional they got, especially when it came to the amount of weight that they had gained. He only hoped he could handle this the right way.

"Belle, you gaining weight because you’re carrying our twins in there. Besides you’ve only gained 20 pounds anyway. And as far as attractive, I think that you’re growing more and more beautiful each day." Belle tried to look away but Shawn caught her face with his hand and guided it back so that he was looking at her. 

"Belle, I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, pregnant or not." Then without letting her answer, he kissed her. Belle was eager to respond, laying back on the bed and pulling Shawn on top of her. He slowly began to leave a trail of kisses to her neck. Belle felt her desire for him grow.

"Show me Shawn…show me how much you love me," she whispered as his hands made their way under her shirt. Shawn could tell how important it was to her so he began to work his magic on her, doing things to her that he knew would make her squirm. After stripping her clothes away, Shawn began to work his way down her body with his tongue until he came to his intended destination. Belle moaned with pleasure, unable to control the sounds that were escaping from her lips. Within minutes she was begging to feel him inside her. Shawn responded, surprised at his own desire for her as well.

After they were finished, Shawn held Belle close. "Was it me or was that amazing?" Belles asked. Shawn leaned down and kissed her shoulder.

"It was. But you told me to show you how much I love you; I was just doing what you told me." Belle laughed as she snuggled closer to Shawn.

"I’ll remember that for next time. I don’t know about you, but after that performance, I think I’m going to have to take a nap." Shawn agreed as he kissed Belle’s cheek and settled into a peaceful slumber.


to be continued....


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